Lord of the World: I Became a Zombie

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Target, Lv Five Nests

“All flat?!”


Faced with this amazing news, Neva immediately became excited.

Jiang Si still looked down at the map and responded to Neva.

Then, he stretched out his stick and pointed at it, saying:

“Look at how good their layout is? If they are fully occupied, they will focus on development. It is easy to completely surround this forest. At that time, it will be used as an outpost, and it can be attacked and defended. It’s just the right time and place.”

“You said yes!”

With a slight smile, Neva nodded to Jiang Si again and again.

As expected of my grown-up, he thinks farther than me.

Not only for my revenge, but for a further strategy?

But… it’s not that simple.

“What about the strange protective cover of humans? When I was investigating, I saw that there were alien creatures trying to rush in, but it seemed that they couldn’t break through at all.”

“Don’t worry about that, it will be gone in four days.”

“Ah?! You know this?!”

Neva was stupid again.

Seeing her panicked look, Jiang Si couldn’t help but smile bitterly.


of course I know.

Because I’m a player too?

As a zombie, Kexin is human.

Otherwise, how can you be so arrogant?

In just two days, he basically established his status as the overlord of the forest?


Helplessly shaking his head, Jiang Si asked Neva to do a good job and said to her:

“It doesn’t matter how I know, but four days later, there will be a fierce battle between mutant creatures and humans. At that time, the protective shield of humans will completely disappear, and the mutant creatures in the entire forest may become different.”

When Jiang Si said this, he couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment.

Then he shook his head and said all the thoughts in his heart:

“I don’t know what you and I will become at that time. It may become irrational, or it may be controlled by some absolute existence.

However, one thing is certain. That is, the stronger my power, the easier it will be to deal with the situation four days later. ”

“So… the most important task now is to strengthen us, right?”

Neva interjected.

Jiang Si smiled and nodded to him.

Then he stretched out a branch and clicked on a spot on the map.

There, Neva painted a fork.

And the meaning of the fork represents the nest of other alien creatures.

Alien creature lair.

To put it simply, it is a place to brush monsters.

Each creature is born in a lair and then spreads out to roam the territory.

After being killed, it will be slowly replenished.

When the number reaches the specified requirements, it seems that production will no longer be continued.

Raiders of the nest is the first goal of human beings.

As long as you kill the boss who is entrenched in it, you can turn this place into a resource point for players to collect.

The location Jiang Si pointed to was one of the highest-level nests in this forest.

Venomous Swamp.

Lair level Lv5.

It is the habitat of giant frogs.

The gun-tongued giant frog encountered at the beginning of the game was refreshed from this lair.

Jiang Si’s combat power is already very strong now.

If you want to continue to create losses and expand the army, the benefits of wild hunting are already small.

Therefore, the best choice is to take the initiative to attack the nest of alien creatures.

The first target was the Venomous Swamp, which was not chosen by Jiang Si at random.

First of all, swamps are not caves, which prevents opponents from taking advantage of favorable terrain.

Secondly, zombies are naturally immune to poisons and can be immune to toxins in the swamp.

The last point is that when the swamp is attacked, the resource point turned into a Lv5 fish pond.

The fresh fish produced can not only be tried to accumulate, but also can be used as food for zombies.

This is much better than mines and logging farms.

In short, there are no craftsmen at hand, and no workshops.

Ensuring food is more important than ethereal mineral resources.

Will this idea and Neva illustrate.

She thought about it and thought it was very reasonable.

“Well, what you said is great! And the giant frog is stupid, and its movement speed is not much faster than that of zombies. They can shoot a lot of people without waiting for it to get close. The only disadvantage is that their bones are relatively soft. I There’s no way to turn them into cursed bones.”

Neva looked cute, and squatted beside Jiang Si to answer seriously.

Jiang Si laughed and said easily:

“Oh, that doesn’t matter. My current corpse evil halo has become stronger, and I can synthesize more advanced zombies… Wait, you said that you can shoot a lot of dead without waiting for you to get close?!”

Jiang Si suddenly heard the meaning of Neva’s words and asked with a frown.

Neva nodded.

“As I remember, we don’t have much long-range combat power. Before going to sleep, there were only 10 skeleton archers. Even with you… it can’t guarantee that you will kill hundreds of gun-tongued giant frogs in the distance, right?”

Jiang Si was puzzled and cautiously asked Neva for confirmation.

The smile on Neva’s face was a little colder. It seemed that she was very happy now.

The red eyes stared straight at Jiang Si, and said slightly mysteriously:

“Oh, I’ve told you. I also took a lot of advantage with humans. Since it’s cheaper, how can the bones not increase? Come, you guys, come here!”

After speaking, Neva stood up.

He clapped his hands and shouted into the distance.

Then, Jiang Si saw more than 40 skeleton archers lined up neatly and walked to Jiang Si’s side.

The slender bones are obviously from the body of Miss Ranger.

But the equipment is not uniform. It seems that Neva shot and killed the troops of different lords in exchange for it.

“I fuck…”

The corners of Jiang Si’s mouth twitched, subconsciously spewing fragrance.

Seeing her reaction, Neva seemed to be in a better mood.

He snorted lightly and said to Jiang Si:

“If it wasn’t for a loss, there would be even more now. But these are enough. As long as they are there, those sticky guys are definitely not your opponents!”


Jiang Si suddenly stood up.

Both hands firmly grasped Neva’s shoulders.

The cold touch came, and Neva couldn’t help trembling all over.

“Sir, what are you doing?!”

There was a hint of blush on the dark little face, and Neva asked Jiang Si dazedly.

Jiang Si happily grinned to the bottom of his ear, looked at Neva with horror, and said to him:

“My little baby, I love you so much!”

“Don’t, don’t! My lord… We will not have results!”

When Neva heard this, his body trembled even more.

A pretty face turned red, and her voice seemed to have become much more delicate.

The icy look on his face faded for the most part, and the girl’s feelings seemed to flood into his heart.

But Jiang Si was stunned when he saw her like this.

Blinking his eyes at Neva, he said calmly:

“What are you thinking… I mean, I love your methods and the ability to create cursed bones… You are such a good girl, how can you let me be a zombie…”

“I… ah! What a shame!”

Neva was stunned for a moment when she heard it, and found that she was thinking crookedly.

He hurriedly broke free from Jiang Si’s hands.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped behind a tombstone and covered his face with his hands, as if he wanted to get into the tomb just like that.


This girl… a bit interesting, huh?

Dressed like that, I thought you were very open.

Never thought that you **** banshee also has a girlish heart?

Hey… but I don’t have time to appreciate your shyness right now.

Time waits for no one, so make preparations as soon as possible before you leave.

Jiang Si vomited in his heart and turned to look at the cemetery.

After Neva’s three-day operation, the size of the cemetery has now expanded a lot.

Especially the hunt before bed.

The scale and individual level of the undead have risen rapidly, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com has also increased the size of the small cemetery a lot.

Small cemetery now.

It has grown from the size of half a basketball court to the size of more than half a football field.

Among them, there are many tombstones, and there is an abandoned chapel in the central part.

At this moment, a new zombie walked out of it, looking around with a dazed expression.

Then he wandered to the vicinity of Jiang Si. Lie down on the ground and nibble the bear meat he left there with the other zombies.

Originally, with the size of a small cemetery, it could only be regarded as the territory of the undead, and it could not even reach the level of a lair.

Unexpectedly, after the scale is expanded, does it actually have the effect of spawning monsters?

Not bad!

It seems that the system has admitted it, am I the boss of this cemetery?

With a laugh, Jiang Si walked around and took stock of the current combat strength:

There are 59 ordinary zombies, with an average level of 4.

Assemble 40 zombies, with an average level of 2.

There are 113 skeletons of cursed animals, with an average level of 5.

There are 17 bone shield guards, with an average level of 1.

There are 43 skeleton archers, with an average level of 1.

In addition, Jiang Si is a lord, and there is a 6th-level Dark Ranger and a 7th-level One-Eyed.

A total of 270 soldiers and two generals.

Well, if one-eyed can be considered a military commander…

This kind of combat power seems to have the strength to fight against the Lv5 lair.

Coupled with the natural advantage over Venomous Marsh, and the long-range troops sent by Neva…

This time, it seems that it is not difficult to win.

If that’s the case, then get ready to go!

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