Lord of the Witches

Chapter 21 - Modified bullet

After reminding Stanna, a mature and moving female sheriff, Tang Qi took Sally away from the crime scene.

After turned around, it was the Asian student who seemed ordinary.

It seems that the teenager who just calmly hinted the clues is not him.

Is just the side of Sally, under the exaggerated black frame eyes, every time he looks at Tang Qi’s eyes are bright.

For this, Tang Qi can only help but smile, the first friend may be a silly sweet.

The reason why Tang Qi would kindly help Steiner solve the case is of course not to be in the limelight, nor to be too honest and kind, but because he saw extraordinary traces at the scene of the crime.

To be precise, four extraordinary things.

Although only a quick glance in the past, but his special ability still saw something.

【Strange Object: Kraken’s Shell】

[Information Fragment: This is a shell from the Aegean Sea. It has the seal of the sea monster inside, and it is also part of the evil ritual. 】

Simple and rough information directly told Tang Qi that the murderer who committed this **** case was not an ordinary person.

Of course, the other information was known by Tang Qi from his original memory.

Although the original person was an ordinary Asian, and even not as good as other Asians in academic performance, but surprisingly, in some strange knowledge, the original body can be called a hegemony.

It is only now that those knowledges are together in Tang Qi.

But even so, it does not prevent Tang Qi from continuing to acquire more knowledge.

Unfortunately, because of this terrible murder, although the entire St. Thorns High School still keeps running, no matter whether it is a student, a teacher, or other teaching staff, there are some gods who are not attentive.

Especially the students are even more agitated.

Is at an age with strong curiosity, such a case happens around, all the students are warmly discussing.

And Tang Qi is probably a few students who are still taking classes seriously.

But even so, Tang Qi still had a little mind and heard all kinds of comments around him.

A large number of unrelated spam messages are automatically blocked by him.

But after a day, there are still a lot of useful information remembered by Tang Qi.

At the end of the last class, except for those who are still being cross-examined, the faculty and staff who live in the school, and the students who live in the same building, the rest of the students are in a hurry. Or friends share that “shocking case”.

If it is an ordinary high school, these students may get some warnings and do not allow disclosure.

Saint Thorns High School, these are impossible.

Tang Qi is almost foreseeable, and within a night, the entire city of Messer will be shocked by such a big case.

As a city in a remote large state, the city of Mercer has a very low presence in the Federation.

With this case, maybe some points will be improved.

It is just the leaders of the city of Messer, and I would not be happy to get the attention of the outside world in this way.

Unlike the excited students, there is no one in Tang Qi who can talk and share, and he doesn’t need to be.

But he did not immediately turn around his masonry building, tonight, he also has some arrangements.

Say goodbye to Sally, Tang Qi left the campus straight, took the bus, and went straight to the central avenue of Midtown.

When the neon flashes, the prosperous streets seem to be reflected in Tang Qi’s eyes again.

Although many residents of Messer City think, Central Avenue is one of the iconic beauty here.

But in Tang Qi like this, in the eyes of people who have seen too many prosperous night scenes in the previous life, it is just normal.

Of course, there are many different sides that make Tang Qi marvel.

Is a different world after all, with unique characteristics.

For example, after Tang Qi got off the bus at this time, he was different from other people who came to Central Avenue.

He did not go to sell all kinds of delicious food street, nor clothing street, but specializes in some streets selling strange things, and the purchases are of course some strange things that seem useless.

An hour later, Tang Qi entered Gun Street again, and when he left, there was an additional toolbox in his hand.

When he walked on the bus again, he carried a lot of things in his hands.

Fortunately, due to the introduction of [Chaga Fighting Technique], Tang Qi ’s physical fitness has also been increased, although it is not exaggerated to enter the extraordinary field.

But Tang Qi today is a very strong boy.

Carrying a large bag of things back into the campus, the St. Thorns High School during the day is undoubtedly ancient and sacred. The traces and details left by various churches make this high school so special.

But somehow, after entering the night, this sacred breath weakened a lot.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, perhaps because of the murder during the day. At this time, in Tang Qi’s view, the large campus seemed a little spooky.

While Tang Qi was heading towards his masonry building, a sharp sirens suddenly sounded in the night sky.

A sloshing, faint light directly passed through another street of Thorns High School, and then toward the campus, a large group of buildings went.

These lights belong to the police car.

Tang Qi glanced away, depressed some premonition in his heart, frowned and said, “I found the murderer so soon?”

“I hope nothing bad happens, hope she remembers my reminder.”

Spit out a sentence, Tang Qi turned away and walked back to the small building step by step.

The desire to participate?

One thing, but Tang Qi is very clear that he has not reached the stage where he can provoke the enemy at will.

Especially when the unknown murderer may be an extraordinary monster.

Can give that clue, and a final reminder.

Is already Tang Qi’s best effort, he is only a high school student now, but not a policeman.

A few thoughts flashed, Tang Qi had locked the door, and put the big bag on the wooden table in the small living room on the first floor.

After, Tang Qi went directly into the kitchen.

With the movement of clouds and water, when Tang came out again, there was already a plate of golden fried rice in the hands of Tang Qi that looked appetizing. They are relatively well-known ingredients, but most chefs make them into stewed rice and baked rice that nobles like.

Tang Qi came on a whim, and came directly to a plate of fried rice.

As the first fried rice entrance, Tang Qi’s eyes lit up immediately.

Then, it was like a lingering cloud, and the whole plate of fried rice was solved.

Put down the spoon and sighed: “The ingredients of this world, the dishes made will not glow, which is unreasonable.”

Talked about himself, quickly cleared the table, and made another pot of coffee.

When the rich fragrance began to diffuse, Tang Qi finally made it in front of the wooden table and opened the big bag of things.

Is in sight, except for the firearms toolbox.

Is a lot of strange and strange things.

Pearl powder, oak fruit, silver shavings, garlic essence, rouge flower seeds … Taking a check, Tang Qi turned around and picked up a few small wooden boxes, opened it and fell to the table. A lot of Huang Chengcheng’s bullets lay in front of Tang Qi.

This is what Tang Qi will do tonight.

The **** gun No.1 is the most powerful offensive that Tang Qi has today.

Following the prompts of information fragments, Tang Qi intends to continue to increase its power.

The first step is to transform the bullet.

Extraordinary firearms, need to match extraordinary bullets.

Although Tang Qi has relevant technical knowledge, this time, after all, he is involved in the extraordinary field. In this respect, he is still a rookie.

“Call ~”

When this turbid breath spit out, Tang Qi sat down quickly, and her clever hands suddenly opened the heavy firearms toolbox.

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