Lord of Fire

37. Yifei, the Warrior


Lao Shu Ta, a small coastal town located on the West coast of the Earth Kingdom. Home to just over 5000 people it was a relatively low key town. The port was quite busy with trade and rest stops from other major ports up and down the coast. The waters surrounding the town were particularly vulnerable to a fleet of pirate vessels that attacked mercenary and navy ships of both the Earth Kingdom Navy and the Fire Nation Navy.

A particularly interesting young woman arrived in the small town. She wore the typical attire of Green and Brown of the Earth Kingdom Army. As typical of most earth benders she too was barefooted. All she carried with her was a small sag of unknown quantities thrown over her shoulder. This was Yifei, the same young woman who was hired by Iroh to rescue his nephew. She walked with an air of confidence and purpose. Like she didn't give a damn about who would be stupid enough to attack her.

Yifei was born and raised in the earth kingdom city of Oma Shu. She had lived in the city her entire life. Her folks died when she was really young. She never really made a significant connection to anyone after that. It was why it was so easy for her to sell out her birth nation. When she joined the Army she discovered that she was a particularly good bender and fighter. She quickly discovered that showing off special abilities got you killed. Thus she hid her true abilities from her superiors. It wasn’t long until she found some work for hire in some shady encounters. She used her incredible bending to do hidden jobs from right under the Army and the nobles.

As she entered the city, she scanned around the place. From her time in the army she knew that there was a particular place where the riff raff hang out. It was after all her primary reason in coming to the town. A certain young man hired her to find a particular group of people and meet him on a certain coast.

After a few moments she saw the place, a tavern or bar. A few drunkards stumbled out while slurring which only convinced her more. With no time to waste she immediately headed for the entrance. Upon entrance she was met with an array of smells. Mostly the smell of delicious food being cooked in the back but dominated by a disgusting manly musk and the alcohol. For some reason she felt at home despite the smells. The place itself wasn’t half bad. Certainly cleaner than she expected. The inside was quite large and spacious. Even with a dozen or so tables arranged almost randomly. Not a soul paid her any attention. She enjoyed that greatly. So she easily walked through and got to the bar at the end. She found a pair of empty stools so she used their purpose. The other she placed her bag on it.

“What can I get for you?” the big buff bartender asked quite annoyingly polite.

“A bottle of your finest sake,” she answered. “You got any food?”

“I will be back with the bottle,” the bartender said before placing a menu on the counter.

He proceeded to help out another customer next to her before he disappeared into the back. While he was away she looked through the menu. It was quite unusual to have a menu especially in this small a town. Not everyone could read so most restaurants didn’t have menus. Fortunately for Yifei she could read. Soon the bartender returned with a glass and bottle of sake.

“I will take the sweat been soup with rice,” she ordered and handed him the menu.

“Sure thing,” the bartender answered. He proceeded to inform the waiter before returning to deal with another customer.

Yifei poured herself a glass of the beautiful rice wine before turning to the rest of the bar. She had quickly grown accustomed to the smell. It was like it wasn’t even there anymore. She looked around the tavern for any troublesome looking faces. Well it was a bar so ninety percent of the faces looked like they could kill you just with their looks but it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for. The people she was hired to look for always had an informant that gathered information in the city. To look for certain wealthy targets or any rivals. They usually looked unassuming and didn't appear to pose any threat. So what she was looking for wasn't actually a guy with a rough face but a snitch. With the glass halfway finished she saw him. Sitting in a particularly dark corner of the tavern with his head on a swivel. Watching every person speak, every movement around the entire restaurant. He looked so scrawny and a non threat. He was surely the one.

“Here's the food,” suddenly the bartender placed the pair of bowls next to her.

“Thanks, how much do I owe you?” she turned to him and asked.

“Two gold pieces is fine,” the bartender answered.

For a split second she flashed him a slightly seductive smile.

“How about I make it five gold pieces and you provide me with some information,” she suggested with a slightly higher than average audible voice. Out of the corner of her left eye she could see she had drawn his attention.

“If I can answer some of your questions I would happily oblige,” the bartender’s eyes lit up on seeing the five gold pieces. Once again Yifei flashed him a rather seductive smile which made him slightly nervous.

“I have heard rumours of a group of pirates hanging out around these parts by the name of the Tsui Pirates.” She began. Once again she saw that little snitch clearly heard her speak. “Any idea where I might find them?”

“Captain Tsui huh?” wondered the bartender. “I don’t know much about them but their ship is docked somewhere half a day to the north. At least that’s what I hear around here.”

“Half a day to the north huh?” Yifei recalled.

“Oh I almost forgot though,” the bartender continued. “There are rumours that Katori, the first mate of Captain Tsui, is some where in town so you might find them if you are thorough.”

“Well looks like I came to the right place,” Yifei said and handed him the gold pieces.

Just out of the corner of her eye she saw the little snitch hurry up out of the building. She could almost laugh at how easy it was. Soon she would meet the famous Captain Tsui but for now, she was hungry. With that she poured another glass of the sake and got started on her meal.


Almost two hours passed. Yifei had finished her first meal and was halfway through another dish. This time a rather large bowl of meat pieces cut into squares and cooked with a particularly hot mix of spices and other veggies. She added a side of two loafs of rather hot yet hard bread. She was also about to start on her third bottle of saké. She knew the little snitch went to do what snitches did best so she decided to wait for him to come with the cavalry. Confident in her abilities she was sure they would proof too difficult to handle.

“Excuse me?” A voice suddenly called from behind her. She continued eating without hearing them. “Excuse me ma'am!” The voice grew slightly louder.

Only then did she decide to turn. Unsurprisingly it was the same little snitch who came.

“My superior wanted to speak to you... outside,” he revealed.

Her face didn't react at all. She just eyed him from head to toe with food in her mouth. She proceeded to swallow before speaking.

“Let your superior know that I ain’t done eating,” she answered and turned back to her meal.

“Well I say you are done!” Another voice insisted.

Yifei didn't bother to turn and simply continued her meal. A few moments passed and nothing happened.

“I said you. are. done!” The voice insisted and grapped her right shoulder.

“Touch me again and there's going to be hell to pay!” She warned with an ominous voice before swiping away the hand.

The culprit, a rather handsome looking man of average height and build. He wore a dark brown shirt and black pants with black shoes. He wore a black sort of cape that hung over his shoulders. On his waist was a belt with a long sword. He was slightly pale with black flowing long hair that reached his shoulders. A few bangs covered parts of his face. This was Katori the Sword. First Mate of the Tsu Pirates and one of the best sword fighters around.

“My apologies madam but I'm afraid I have to insist that you come with me!” He said and once again grapped her shoulder.

As soon as he did, she grabbed his hand and pulled him across by swiveling in the chair that he ran into the little snitch on the other side. Katori however wasn’t no joke. He somehow halted his own momentum and turned back to Yifei at an insane level. Instinctively his right hand reached for the holster on his left. Seeing him do that Yifei pushed away the bar stool and stood on the ground with her feet implanted.

“I would rather not do this inside,” Katori insisted and pulled away his hand.

“Well you’re just going to have to wait then dont you?” She insisted and returned to her meal.

“Very well,” Katori surrendered. “I will be by the open field north west of town. Shatori here will guide you.”

Shatori was the little snitch. He was a member of the Tsu Pirates. He was especially adept at being used as a scout or spy in opponent and rival ranks. He was very fast on his feet and easily used his speed and agility to get out of tight situations. Only Tsu himself and Katori knew he was actually a bender. A pretty decent one at that.

Shatori didn't say anything and neither did Yifei. Katori simply exited the restaurant and left him standing there. Yifei on the other hand continued with her meal and drinks.

Twenty more minutes passed and Yifei finally finished her meal. She grabbed her travelling sag and got up to see Shatori barely awake from boredom.

“Let's go junior!” She gave him a hard kick on the butt to get him awake.

“Excuse me madam but was that necessary?” Shatori argued vehemently.

“Madam? Oh please kid I'm still only 22 and yes, it was necessary.” She defended. “You can’t be sleeping in a place like that.”

“Well that level of savage behaviour is unbecoming of a last,” he insisted as they exited the tavern.

“I ain't no lady kid,” she corrected. “I am a warrior, a soldier not some prancy noble.”

“Show me some manners I am three years older than you!” He revealed.

“Really?” She queried. “Well you still look like a brat to me. What you going to do about it little man?” She tapped her feet on the ground. The ground moved and brought him standing infront of her.

“uhm... er,” he got tongue tied.

“Exactly kid,” she said and walked around him. Shatori reluctantly followed her even though he was supposed to be the one leading.


Just over five minutes passed and the pair arrived on the determined location. The aformentioned was a large open farming field which only grew grass these days. Just a single building stood in the centre of the over grown field. Sitting on top and waiting was Katori.

“So you came?” He greeted. “I will get straight to the point. Why were you asking for my captain!?”

Yifei walked closer that she was only 5 meters from the building.

“I have a job to perform,” she began. “I was hired to find your captain and guide him to a certain place.”

“The captain does not do well with being.... ‘guided’.” He warned.

“I would hope so with the reputation he's garnered.” She continued. “My employer only had two objectives. Meet with Captain Tsu and get him to meet up with him up north.”

“Who is this employer?” Shatori suddenly joined the conversation from beside her.

“Who he is doesn't matter!” She answered in an annoyed tone. All you need to know is that he is wealthy, very wealthy.”

Both Shatori and Katori’s eyes lit up on her words. Yifei smiled knowing she had them halfway convinced already. All that was left was to convince Tsu himself.

[A/N: Read 20 to 40 chapters ahead on my patreon available now. 


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