Lord God Investigator

v7 Chapter 1700 - Reasonable high price claim

In the audience hall of the Axe Dun imperial palace, the Emperor Motel sat on the throne in the center of the hall. The officials, nobles, and knights of the empire were scattered around the hall and stood around, and members of the delegation from the Foreign Development Agreement Standing in front of the emperor.

The previous act of placing the leader at the gate of the royal capital was undoubtedly Chi Guoguo’s flaunting force, indicating that this negotiation is destined to form an alliance under the city. Ever Emperor Motel suffered such humiliation in his life, but the situation is stronger than that of others. Being old and frail, he had no choice but to accept the negotiation request of the other party.

The head of the envoy from the time and space gate was a middle-aged man in his fifties. He was thin and had gray curly hair. His attitude was not as arrogant as the loyalists of the Axdon Empire expected. The emperor showed a friendly but professional smirk.

“Your Majesty, Sir Humphrey, the Special Envoy for Negotiations appointed by the Alliance of Aliens, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to you on behalf of the leaders of the alien alliance countries and the Queen of our empire.”

This alien from the other side of the time-space gate seemed to have some understanding of court etiquette, and he was very skillful in bowing to the Emperor Motel and obstinately.

“Oh, you are also a nobleman?” The emperor Motel asked surprisingly: “Your country is also an empire? And your emperor is a woman? But you mentioned the Confederate country just now. This is an inconsistent rhetoric. I am confused.”

“I’m very sorry, Your Majesty, I didn’t make it clear here.”

Sir Humphrey explained patiently with a smile: “There are many countries in the world on the other side of the gate of time and space. After one of the countries was invaded, they formed a national alliance, and the country I belong to is one of the alliance members.”

Emperor Motel nodded and said: “I understand, your army is like our’Alliance of Kings’, a military alliance of many nations.”

“Your Majesty is wise and wise, and his eyes are like torches. The facts are just as you said.”

Sir Humphrey’s flattering skills were first-rate, and he was skilled and politely flattered. This professional dog-licking attitude made him nervous and worried that he would suffer from a strong aggressor during negotiations. The aggressive Emperor Mottel gradually relaxed. .

In the original plot, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Dongying served as the negotiator. Now Dongying is marginalized and is not qualified to send officials to join the mission. The head of the mission is held by a person from the fallen empire. The bureaucracy served as the old fritters.

The main reason for choosing Sir Humphrey is that such a person has no bottom line, and has reached a certain level of shamelessness. There is no conscience in his heart at all, and all interests are first.

Moreover, Sir Humphrey, who was born in the empire, had a wealth of reception experience in the courtesy of the royal family, and he would never show fear when dealing with feudal emperors and nobles.

The two sides exchanged greetings, and Sir Humphrey talked about the glory of the empire that the sun had set, and once again sent the blessings from Her Majesty the Queen, successfully alleviating the atmosphere in the audience hall.

“It seems that the world on the other side of the space-time gate is also a civilized world.”

“Well, it can be seen from this very educated gentleman of the mission that their national system is similar to ours. There are queens and Senate councils.”

“But I was relieved. Before, I was very worried about the savage country built by a group of barbarians who didn’t know what the emperor and nobles were.”

The nobles of the Axe Dun empire in the hall whispered and discussed. The effect of dispatching Sir Humphrey as the head of the mission was outstanding, and it instantly drew closer the identity of the high-level Axe Dun Empire.

After the greeting was over, Sir Humphrey’s face sank, and he began to talk about official business, solemnly and solemnly asked: “For your country’s atrocities in invading our world through time and space, and all the consequences of the invasion, please also ask the emperor Your Majesty gives an explanation.”

Regarding the accusation of sending troops through the gates of time and space in an attempt to plunder another world, the Emperor Motel is indisputable. Although the result is that the Axe Dun Empire suffered countless times, the loss is the loss.

After a long silence, the emperor Motel signaled to Earl Marquez, a great minister of the Axe Dun Empire, who stood up and answered the embarrassing accountability for the emperor: “We will release the civilians kidnapped in the aggression, and it will also cause damage. Compensation for the loss, but only if your army must withdraw from our territory.”

Sir Humphrey sneered: “Very well, then let’s talk about compensation. After calculation, your invasion caused a loss of up to 200 billion U.S. dollars. The U.S. dollar is a currency unit in our world. If it is converted into expensive For national gold coins, one dollar is equivalent to the value of one gram of gold. As long as you can surrender 200,000 tons of gold, or the equivalent of 200,000 tons of gold, we will withdraw our troops!”

The nobles of the Axe Dun empire may not understand how much 200 billion U.S. dollars are, but they understand the value of 200,000 tons of gold, and they almost drop their jaws when they hear it.

We must know that the total amount of gold mined on the real side of the earth is only 170,000 tons. This is the sum accumulated by the people on the earth who have been digging gold mines and smelting gold for thousands of years. The gold in different worlds is also a rare precious metal. The Axe Dun Empire is still a low productivity. In the feudal kingdom, the technology for mining and smelting gold was far inferior to that of the modern earth, and the sky-high compensation of 200,000 tons of gold was to pack and sell the entire Axe Dun Empire.

“You are the lion’s big mouth, it’s a shameless blackmail!” Earl Marquez said angrily: “Our army destroyed at most one block after invading the gate of time and space, and was quickly beaten back. How could it have caused such a big deal? loss?”

Sir Humphrey seemed to be prepared. Hearing this, he waved to the entourage behind him and asked them to carry a few briefcases.

“The amount of compensation we want to compensate is well documented. It is calculated by a professional actuary who has made an accurate assessment. Here is the loss account provided by Dongying. If you have any questions about the accounts, you can ask someone to check it at any time. , You can also send people to our world to understand the situation.”

Pointing to the hills of accounting documents in the briefcase, Sir Humphrey said in a leisurely manner: “You may not know how valuable the block you destroyed is, but that is the Ginza district, the most prosperous commercial district in Tokyo, the capital of Tokyo! House prices there! The world’s premier, that is, the price of China’s magic capital can be higher than that of Ginza. After your invasion, the land price of that block plummeted, making countless real estate companies with Ginza properties on the verge of bankruptcy, and Dongying’s stock price also fell across the board. The financial losses are calculated at 200 billion U.S. dollars, which is already discounted for fear that you cannot afford to pay.”

When it comes to claiming compensation, the Alien Development Agreement really didn’t say anything. It just reported the original losses of the Eastern Kingdom after accounting. It was the actual losses caused by the invasion of the Axe Dun Empire. Well, it can be called a price of conscience.

There was a huge scissors gap between developed countries and feudal countries, and the wealth of modern society is not imaginable in medieval farming feudal countries like the Axe Empire.

Of course, the Alien Entente did not have any good intentions, anyway, no matter how much compensation was offered, the Axe Dun Empire would not be able to compensate it. Only in this way could it be further threatened to sign an unequal treaty and obtain the Axe Dun Empire’s territory and sovereignty in a reasonable and legal way.

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