Lookism (Fan fic)

Chapter 20: Ch 502 & 503: The Hunt for Gun (Lookism Reimagined)

Their search lead them to Sinmyeong Cheon's burned down mansion where even after a thorough examination, they found nothing other than an empty locker. 

Daniel got a call from Eugene where he admitted that he had no idea about the whereabouts of the red paper, it was even impossible for the White Tiger Job Centre to find it. Vin was their only hope now since Taejin Cheon had gone off grid ever since their raid in the Worker's First Affiliate. 

Vin suddenly put a hand on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel looked around, only to see them being surrounded by multiple people.

"An ambush?" asked Daniel calmly.

"Which moron is crazy enough to ambush me? In Cheonliang?" said Vin. 

Eugene ordered Daniel to not lose sight of them. Stating that they are there probably because he is there. 

"Don't lose sight of them? So how about we simply beat them to a pulp?" asked Vin as he slammed one of them on the ground, the others pressed on, Vin seemed confused, they weren't fighting him, that surely meant that they knew him. But why were they pressing in on Daniel? Is he their target?

But as Daniel made quick work of two more, the attackers stopped and pulled out a radio where the voice said, "Copy huh? He must be Daniel. You may pass".

"Go with these men" ordered the voice on the radio as Vin and Daniel got into their van.

They arrived at a warehouse named Crab-a-licious. 

"Do you know where we are?" asked Daniel.

"I am the King of Cheonliang yes, but that doesn't mean I will know the name of every god damn street and shop." replied Vin. He was thinking hard, hadn't he made a rule that no gangs can be formed in Cheonliang? These people definitely seemed to be a part of some gang.

"We brought them here boss." said one of the men.

"Well, well, well, long time no see Daniel" said an extremely beautiful and voluptuous women, wearing a one piece dress. 

"Do you know her?" asked Vin raising an eyebrow.

"I don't" said Daniel immediately. 

"People call me Reporter Kim, my name is Yeonu Kim." the lady introduced herself.

"I will explain everything to you. You wanted the red paper right? So just sit and listen" she said showing the red paper to them.

"You must have a lot of questions, about how I know you, how do I have this paper, I will tell you anything, for example how you are Jinyoung Park's nephew" she revealed. 

After clearing everything up, Daniel was slightly embarrassed, crossing his legs to hide the small mound which formed in his pants, trying very hard not to stare at her breasts. 

"Where are we?" he asked trying to focus.

"In a hideout. The only one for the Jinyoung gang." she answered.

"Gangs in Cheonliang aren't allowed." spoke up Vin.

"Is that so?" she asked feigning confusion.

"Cheonliang is my territory. Conquer it from me and change the rules then." said Vin slightly lowering his shades to look at her. 

"Do you think I am an idiot to wage war against Mujin Jin's only child?" she chuckled. 

"How do you know that? Do rumors really travel that fast?" said Vin Jin.

"I don't need to hear the so called rumors to know that you are Mujin's son. I have met him multiple times. I can easily see him in you." she revealed.

"You knew my father?" asked Vin.

"Knew is a strong word. No one could claim that they knew Mujin Jin. He stayed away from affiliations even though he had the potential to rival legendary fighters. I have been acquainted with him on a few occasions." she said. 

"Can you tell me more?" asked Vin. She shook her head. 

"For now, I will only reveal information to Daniel as it is more pressing. For you, well, you will need to earn the right to hear answers from me." she said.

"What do I have to do?" asked Vin Jin a very slight desperation in his voice.

"For starters, allow the Jinyoung Gang to continue in Cheonliang undisturbed." she said with a charming smile.

Vin Jin scoffed, this woman was very smart.

After talking about their plans and how they were going to act, she turned to Vin.

"I would require your help. But promise me you won't tell about this to anyone. You must not reveal to anyone that you are going to be leaving Cheonliang with me. You obey me completely and I will tell you what I know." she said slowly.

"Why?" asked Vin raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I have a strategy to get the red paper delivered to the authorities, but its not going to be easy, I would still need a very fool proof plan for it, hearing about Charles Choi from Daniel and what I know about him, I assure you that what I will do is absolutely necessary for success." she said. 

Vin Jin nodded, soon he was travelling with her in a pickup truck, she had a blue tool box, the exact same she had given to Daniel with the red paper in. Were they a decoy? 

Vin Jin suddenly realized that maybe they were being decoys while Daniel would safely take away the paper, so even if they are intercepted they will still not lose.

Suddenly the driver slammed the breaks, the truck stopped to an abrupt halt. 

Vin stepped out only to come face to face with the Shigeaki brothers, the people who had tormented him and his mother during his childhood. They were extremely surprised seeing him there.

"Wasn't he supposed to be in Cheonliang?" said Kojima in Japanese.

"Our intel was clearly wrong" replied Hiroaki in Japanese as the two took their Kudo stance.

Vin Jin glanced back at Yeonu. He didn't cared anymore about anything. He wanted to kill these men right now.

His mind flooded with painful memories of his mother being beaten by them and other horrible atrocities that they committed to him. 

"I will kill you two." he said as a tear fell from his eye in the heavy rain. 

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