Chapter 14

Immy was still in shock.

She was a cultivator!

After everything she had been through, she finally did it! Everything after that was simply a blur of motions, with the only relevant thing being she was now in service to a master. And that if the master ever decided she was no longer necessary, she would be disposed of.

But that could bring her down now; such was her delight. It was taking everything in her not to blow up and make a fool of herself in front of the cultivator who held her life in his hands.

And who could blame her?

After all, she felt hope for the first time in her life.

The constant ache that plagued her for so long was nowhere to be found, and her body felt light, like she could fly away with every step. The feeling was honestly quite frightening when one became used to suffering. It was odd to be suddenly released of it all.

Her face turned to her master, who was only slightly shorter than herself, and she had to physically stop herself from not trying to hug him. He looked very young, even for his youthful age, and that was fine. In fact, she quite preferred it this way. She would do whatever he wanted and more besides.

Was there something she wanted from him? Obviously, there was. Every tavern girl had a story, and she had listened to most of them. Some had an even more tragic life than hers, which was a horrifying thing to think about!

Even Stannie had a sad past; Immy was very sure of that. Otherwise, no one would be so kind as to help someone else like she had. Life in this tavern would have been tough if not for her.

Her body shivered at the memory of seeing her first dead body. She had known the person. Her name was Liza, and she was the best tavern girl around. She brought brightness to a room like nothing else. All that had been snuffed out because a scary-looking cultivator had gotten ‘too rough’ with her.

Just like that, she was gone. The cultivator only had to pay a tavern fine and was let off. That day was one of the darkest ones in her life…

But, there had been a silver lining out of the whole thing. Liza’s partner, Stannie, had taken Immy under her wing, and life had been much more tolerable since. She was even the one who had taught her how to do a good blowjob! Though she could not show much of it off.

She had been used like a toy, but she meant that in a good way. Her master was not the first cultivator who had been rough; in those instances, she had always been injured. She would have been much worse off without her unique circumstances, but little titbit was not very important for right now.

Though she would admit, the stuff from their loins was delicious, like the tastiest things she had ever had. Stannie had said it was only because cultivators taste good, and the usual stuff tasted fishy and salty.

Not that she would know, outside of sucking cultivators, she had never done anything further. She had yet to go through ascension, and she had been holding out hope that it might be relevant in the future. Well, now she was one, and her maidenhead was still intact, which was something else that was odd. Was not taking her maidenhead a part of ascension? She knew little about the cultivation world, so that could be false.

She wondered how good it would feel to have the thing in her. Stannie had always said that sex with a cultivator was one of the best things in the world, and after that experience, she was very excited. Her master was at a level so above every other cultivator she had ever tasted that it was not even fair. He tasted so good that just the thought made her mouth water.

Is this how it was for cultivators? Were they all this horny?

She did not know the answers to all that, but for the first time in her life, she wished that her master was one of the horny types. She really, really wanted to be used. Repeatedly, over and over—

“Umm… What do we do now?” said a timid, youthful, but decidedly masculine voice.

Those sudden words broke her delusions, and she realized that she was in a room and no longer in the hall. Judging by the decor, this was one of the luxurious cultivator suites.

Where? Why? How?

She shook her head to clear the fog that had come over it. As she did, her reality once more settled on her shoulders.

She needed to get her head in the game and show that she was good and deserving of a reward for herself and… her mother.

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