Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 18

<~> Chapter 18

When the door opens, the room it reeks of sex. Bitch was lying on her back with her legs spread languidly masturbating. When we stepped in and closed the door behind us, she bit her lip and looked up with a blush but didn’t stop. Instead she decided to squeeze her eyes shut and pick up the pace. The two of us just watched as she peaked in front of us and panted afterwards.

I sighed. I still felt a little bad about what we were about to do but it’s not like I want to drag around the slut I turned her into either. I dug through the former man’s bag again and pulled out the slave bikini from earlier as well as the cloak that would cover her from head to toe now that she shrunk down so much.

“Put these on Bitch. We’re taking you to the traders. It’s time to do to you what you were planning on doing to us.”

She didn’t reply, instead choosing to silently follow my orders. She put on the uncomfortable looking underwear and adjusted the ties on her new top and I handed her the cloak to cover her up the rest of the way. While she was working on that I decided to open the window a bit. Hopefully it would air out a little while we’re gone.

“Okay, we’re going to leave together now. I order you to follow me, don’t talk to anyone, don’t draw attention to yourself, and do your best to keep yourself hidden under the cloak until I tell you otherwise. Understood?”

“Yes master,” she replied simply. Her overall attitude confused me a bit. I could tell that she was already resigned to her fate but I still expected some level of resistance, some level of defiance in the face of her humiliation. I don’t know if it was how we treated her last night, masturbating for hours while we were gone or if [Karmic Hypnotism] was just that effective but she was just so passive about everything now and it threw me off a bit. I guess it doesn’t matter though, she wouldn’t be my problem for much longer.

We walked out of the inn without any problems, No one seemed to notice or care that we walked out of our room with a third person in a cloak but I’m glad I didn’t have to worry about it. Luckily Bella and I checked out the location of the slaver’s guild before trying to navigate this odd town because it probably would have been a huge pain to find this place while escorting our cloaked dog-slut.

The slaver’s guild itself is a lot more clean and pleasant than one might expect from a place like this. The lobby of the building was probably one of the nicest looking places in the entire town. It really speaks to the wealth of this dirty business. I wouldn’t be surprised if a jewelry store looked more rustic by comparison. I scanned around the lobby looking for someone to work with when I saw someone that was out of place.

Since I unlocked it, Karma Awareness has been passively informing me of the karma of any person that I focus on even a little. Most of the time I just ignore it but even without paying close attention to it, the man I was looking at now stood out like a beacon. The older man is one of the slavers here that actually has a decent amount of positive karma. It’s pretty stark actually, it’s not enough karma for me to believe this person is a paragon of justice or anything but his roughly 500 positive karma is in complete contrast to the average of negative 1500 that a lot of people in the area have.

He was a human with black hair and hazel eyes, he was wearing a fine tailored black suit and a light green collared shirt without a tie. I had a good feeling about him so I didn’t even hesitate to walk right up to him. “Hello, I was hoping you can help us with something. We’d like to sell a slave.”

He nods. “Of course ma’am,” he says glancing at the pink muzzle sticking out of the cloak. “I don’t mind evaluating your slave. Right this way please.” He lead down a corridor and into one of the side rooms. “If you’d please remove her cloak I can begin evaluating her worth immediately.”

Bella untied and pulled the cloak off of Bitch. She was now standing in nothing but the slave bikini and was staring at the ground with an embarrassed blush on her face. I’m really not sure what expression I expected here but it really wasn’t that.

“Hello, my name is Jacob and I’ll be helping you today. Should I be wary of anything before I begin?”

“Lilith, and no nothing to be wary of.” He took that as assent to get started. The slaver immediately looked excited as he began scrutinizing Bitch closely. He began poking and prodding her in all kinds of ways. He showed no shame or hesitation at all in groping her breasts, squeezing her ass, and checking her muscles. The oddest thing was that it was clear none of it was out of any kind of perversion, he was just checking the quality of the ‘product’ that was on display for him.

“This is a very fine beastkin slave. How well trained is she?”

“She seems pretty obedient but I’m not sure if you could say she’s particularly trained. She has been conditioned to react in certain ways though.”

“Such as?”

“Bitch, show yourself off to the gentleman.”

For a moment she just looked at me in shock but began to comply while blushing furiously. Unbidden she stripped off her underwear, it was already soaked with her juices from the humiliation of the order. She immediately slipped several fingers into her snatch and began to fill the room with the sound of her wet schlicking.

He quietly watched the show with us for a couple minutes before I decided to push her over the edge. “Alright Bitch, now I want you to bark like a dog while doing it.”

By this point she was already completely lost to her lust and didn’t hesitate to start barking in a parody of a dog. She was only able to let out three of those imitation barks before they gave way to moans as she came all over her fingers.

“Good, now kneel on the floor like a good doggie.” She kneeled immediately in her self made puddle of girl juices blushing in embarrassment. It seems the tweaking I did had quite the effect, rather than being angry or indignant she only looked excited despite all of her humiliation.

I turned to the slaver. “She’s been conditioned to become aroused by being humiliated, being naked in front of others, and following commands. She also now has a strong fetish for being treated like an animal or a pet, it’s to the extent that she’s unable to climax without some kind of stimulus like this. Even though she was aroused by masturbating in front of us she wouldn’t likely ever cum from it without being ordered to bark, beg, or whine like an animal. It’s pretty flexible overall, taking her from behind like an animal or walking her on a leash could do it. I’m sure her new owner would have no trouble thinking about ways to either supply or deny that kind of stimulation.”

“I see, so while she isn’t trained in any of the ways you might consider a traditional slave, she is instead trained to be a perfect pet dog instead.” At that utterance the poodle girl’s body seemed to be in conflict. Her tail was wagging at the words but her face made her look like she was about to cry in embarrassment.


“I see, though why would you go to such lengths to train a slave in that way?”

“This bitch tried to take advantage of me and I want her to pay for it.” My words completely froze the atmosphere in the room.

There was a moment of silence between us before the slaver finally decided to reply, “I see. And I assume this was how this person came to be your property.”


“And you would be willing to swear to that within a zone of truth?”

“I would.”

“Under the circumstances we will probably have to ask a few more questions in relation to that but assuming everything goes well, do you intend to sell her to us or are you just asking for an appraisal?”

“My intention is to sell her. She humiliated me so I want her in a position to be humiliated in the same way I was, over and over again, and I conditioned her to like it.”

“Very well. If you’re sure that’s what you want I’m sure that we’ll be able to find a buyer for such a unique slave quickly. The guild itself could buy her but I believe she would sell best in a private auction setting. The only downside of doing that is it would take a week to set things up and sell her before you would receive your full payment. Would that be acceptable?”

“That’s fine with me. We’re not in a hurry to leave town, so staying here for a week isn’t a problem.”

“Very good, please excuse me I need to go find an available priest to confirm your account and then we can talk about where we go from there.” I nodded to him before he left the room.

The slaver left the room and we sat quietly until he came back, the atmosphere had remained as heavy as it had been when her violation was first brought up. A second man returned with Jacob, he wore a white coat with gold trim, thick spectacles that distorted his eyes and had greasy black hair down to his shoulders. Despite his shady look he had the highest karma out of anyone else I’d seen in the building with a proud 1000 positive karma. None had been even as high as Bella was, but none have been as low as the former man turned poodle had been either.

When he walked in he began chanting something and then I felt a shiver down my spine. A notification popped up and I quickly checked it, [You are under the effects of Zone of Truth]. It was another zone spell similar to the zone of silence I had become familiar with. I decided to focus on [Zone of Truth] and information for it popped up.

[Zone of Truth - Holy Magic Spell]
Zone of Truth forces all within the field to speak only the truth. Lies are unable to be spoken aloud and misleading or deceptive statements will immediately be detected by everyone within the field. Everyone within the field will know if anyone tries to resist these effects. Effects of Zone of Truth are resisted by Will.

Wow okay, this field is way more ironclad than I expected. I thought I might have some wiggle room to withhold information without it being known but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I could just refuse to answer something but I don’t think that would be for the best in this situation.

Jacob looked at me with a serious look on his face. “Did this dogkin attempt to take advantage of you?”

“Yes, and they succeeded.” I could feel a pulse of energy and could tell my own words rang true. It was safe to assume everyone felt this pulse after each question.

“Did the dogkin use an implement of some kind to accomplish this?” Shit, question 2 and we’re already into the topic I wanted to avoid.”

“No, they only used their body.”

“I would like to remind you that this kingdom requires penetration to count as more than assault. Does this definition change your accusation?”


“How did the dogkin penetrate you?” Damn, it looks like I can’t be evasive and beat around the bush anymore.

I tap the table for a moment before I decide the best recourse is to just explain the entire situation.

“Can I ask you two to swear to secrecy in this matter? I would rather the details of this not get out.”

They paused and looked at each other before looking back. “Of course, we will keep this matter within this room.” I felt the pulse, they believed their words to be true, now I just had to hope they kept their promise on the other side. While they were honest in their response it wasn’t like it was an oath.

“She took advantage of me when she was still a man.” The familiar pulse of energy went through the room and I could see both of their eyes widen at my response. It was obvious I was telling the truth, she had once been a man.

This chapter might be a bit of a controversial one, next chapter wraps this up and gets moving to some more interesting things!

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