Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 9: Alistair Wellington

New Atlantis' drinking age is 18.

James sighed and checked the watch his sister had given him. He had hoped for some clarity after meeting with her but was instead left with even more questions. What was so significant about Lilia, and why did he transform the way he did? These were questions he didn't even know how to begin tackling, let alone answer. He clung to the hope that Ren might uncover something from the blood sample he had provided her last week.

Deciding there was no point in dwelling on it any further, James turned his attention to his friends. Alex, Nathan, and Mia were strolling beside him, their school day behind them, all set for some downtime. They were skipping the usual hangouts—no bars, no arcades. They were heading to their favourite hideaway in one of the island's forests, just outside the city.

The island, home to New Atlantis, was an artificial wonder. Yet, through cutting-edge technology and the harnessing of superpowers, it had been crafted to be indistinguishable from a natural one, featuring its own forests, lakes, rivers, and even caves. As a United Nations initiative, it was designed to be a self-sufficient entity, not beholden to any country.

"Guys, what if we build our own wooden hut in the forest?" Nathan proposed with a burst of enthusiasm.

Alex regarded him with a level gaze and replied, "Nate, we don't even have the right tools. What are you going to do, chop the wood with your bare hands?"

"Right." Nathan acknowledged, then quickly brightened up again. "Hey, why don't we grab some beers and head to the cliff? It's been too long since we did that."

"Let's make it a night to remember. Like old times." Mia agreed.

Alex glanced at James and Mia, raising an eyebrow. "Remember the hassle of getting a few beers before you guys turned 18? Felt like a secret mission."

Mia laughed. "You mean when we tried to sneak into that bar on my birthday last year?"

James joined in. "We barely made it two steps inside before the bouncer booted us. I thought you'd throttle Nathan for getting us into that."

"It certainly wasn't worth the earful from my parents afterward," Mia said with a hint of regret.

Alex grinned, remembering. "Well, you're both of age now. But for the record, I was against that plan from the start."

"Yeah, yeah," Nathan called back from up front, overhearing. "No need to keep going on about it! We can't all have birthdays in February like James."

The idea was met with unanimous enthusiasm. They headed to the nearest convenience store with a sense of anticipation. Inside, James chuckled as he grabbed a six-pack. "No more undercover stunts, guys. We're legal now!"


As the sun dipped low, casting a warm orange glow, Nathan emerged from the trees with a case of beer in hand. "Alright, the party has arrived!"

They trudged up the steep cliff path until they reached the top, where a sweeping view of the forest unfolded below. Settling down, they watched the sun sink behind the trees, the sky deepening to indigo.

Nathan popped open a bottle and handed it to James. "Cheers, man!" he said with a grin, taking a swig.

James laughed and clinked bottles with him. As they chatted, Nathan fixed James with a mock suspicious look. "You know, I've been meaning to ask...there's something fishy going on with you lately."

Mia looked at James, concerned. "What do you mean?"

Nathan wagged his eyebrows dramatically at James. "I think our boy James here may be hiding a secret identity. I've noticed him randomly disappearing for hours at a time, then showing up again like nothing happened!"

Alex rolled his eyes but smiled, catching on. "Oh really? And what superpowers does he possess in this theory of yours?"

Nathan paused, then snapped his fingers dramatically. "Invisibility! That's got to be it. Right, James? Are you a caped crusader by night?" He nudged James playfully.

James laughed and shrugged, hoping the darkness hid the unease he felt. "If I am, it's news to me too!"

They kept the conversation light and lively until the sun has completely vanished. Then, packing up, they headed back to the city. Descending, they marvelled at New Atlantis's twinkling lights.

"What a view," mused Alex. "It never gets old."

Reaching the road, Nathan yawned loudly. "Well, that was great, but I'm wiped out. Walk back with me, Alex?"

"Sure, see you guys tomorrow," they said, waving goodbye to James and Mia. They lived in a suburban area that was just a half-hour's walk away.

Living farther out, Mia and James decided to wait for a bus. Thanks to a popular camping site nearby, there was a bus stop they could use, although buses only ran every other hour.

As they neared the bus stop, Mia suddenly pointed. "Hey, do you see that glow?"

James squinted into the dense trees behind them. Through the gaps between the trunks, a light shimmered, changing colours erratically, pulsing without any discernible rhythm. "Yeah, I see it. I wonder what it could be."

Mia's curiosity flared. "Let's have a quick look." She stepped toward the forest.

James's stomach clenched with unease, but he trailed after her, not wanting her to be alone. "Mia, maybe we shouldn't. It might be dangerous..."

Mia didn't stop. "Don't worry, I've picked up a trick or two since the last time," she said, her voice laced with mystery.

James gave Mia a questioning look. But Mia just offered a smile and kept walking toward the odd luminescence. As they drew nearer, James began to discern the silhouettes of figures gathered around the light.

Treading more carefully now, James saw it was a group of campers huddled around a portable television, the source of the glow. The screen displayed an intense moment from a game show.

"Let's not bug them," James whispered to Mia.

"Agreed," Mia replied, looking away with a small, self-conscious smile at the realization that their curiosity had been sparked by something as mundane as a TV.

They made it to the bus stop, and James let out a sigh, unaware he'd been holding his breath. It seemed to be a typical night after all, free of surprises. They passed the time with easy chatter, and before long, a bus rolled up.

James and Mia got on the bus and headed to the back seats. The bus was nearly empty at this hour. They chatted softly about the weekend as the bus travelled down the dimly lit road.

Soon, the bus stopped at Mia's destination. "This is my stop," she said, packing up her things.

"I'll walk you home since it's so late," James offered.

"Thanks James," Mia smiled mischievously, "you're my hero."

They disembarked together into the chilly night and walked the short distance to Mia's home. James occasionally stealing glances at her, her smile bright against the glow of the streetlights. Before they knew it, they were at her doorstep.

"Thanks for walking me. See you tomorrow?" said Mia.

"Yeah, have a good night," replied James. He watched as she disappeared into her house before turning to head home himself.


As he walked home, a crackling noise caught his attention. Puzzled, he followed it and found himself staring at a house on fire. The front door was engulfed in flames, the intense heat making it impossible to enter. James took a step back for a clearer view of the situation and, peering through the windows, he could just make out the silhouette of someone on the second floor.

"Call 911!" he shouted at one of the neighbours who had already gathered around the scene.

James felt conflicted. He wasn't immune to fire, yet there were people inside needing rescue, and the fire brigade might still be several minutes away. But before he could make up his mind, fate intervened. That familiar tingling sensation crept in—a sign that his transformation into Lilia was approaching.

Slipping away from the growing crowd, he ducked into a hidden spot and allowed the change to take over. Since his first transformation, he'd learned to exert some control over it. He could stall the shift for up to thirty minutes, but the longer he waited, the more it sapped his concentration. Alternatively, he could embrace it at the first signs of its arrival.

Transformed, Lilia changed into her human form and dashed toward the burning house. In this human glamour. At the moment there were no drawbacks to this form as she hadn't learned to translate the powers and spells from the game into the real world yet. But if the rules remained the same, casting a spell or using an ability would force her back to demonic form.

With a strength that belied her stature, Lilia burst through the front door. A wall of heat enveloped her, yet her demonic resilience to fire rendered the inferno no more discomforting than a sweltering summer day.

Inside, Lilia scanned the room as flames danced along the walls and smoke surged upward. She crouched down to the clearer air, crawling to move through the dense smoke that obscured her sight.

She shouted for anyone who might be alive, but her voice was swallowed by the fire's roar. Undeterred, she made her way to the staircase, which miraculously remained untouched by the blaze. Using the stairs as her only available route, she ascended swiftly.

Reaching the second-floor landing, Lilia found the smoke less dense, granting her a clearer view of the hallway. Movement caught her attention—a small child was crying beside a still figure.

Without hesitation, Lilia rushed over and quickly assessed them. The woman was unconscious but still breathing; the child, though panicked, seemed physically unharmed. The fire's growl from below was intensifying, signalling that the top floor might collapse at any moment. Her decision was clear: she had to get them out.

Lifting the woman with ease, thanks to her formidable strength, Lilia cradled her while scooping up the child with her other arm. With the exit in sight, she charged toward the window at the end of the corridor.

The glass exploded outward as she burst through, shards glittering in the night sky. She landed solidly on the lawn, keeping the woman and child safe in her arms. Onlookers nearby, who had been watching the scene unfold helplessly, gasped in awe at the bold rescue Lilia had just performed.

As the wailing of sirens grew louder in the distance, signalling help was near, Lilia gazed down at the woman and child in her arms, grateful they seemed no worse for wear after their harrowing ordeal. In that moment, a weird sense of contentment struck her.

Perhaps her unique gift wasn't that bad as she first thought. As the fire crews and ambulances swarmed the area, she made a silent vow – since she couldn't stop these transformations, she would at least seek to master powers offered by this body.

Gently laying the unconscious woman and now-sleeping child on a stretcher as medics rushed over, Lilia took that as her cue to depart unseen. She slipped away quietly into the night while onlookers remained preoccupied by the chaos of the firefighting efforts.


She was likely to be late getting home, but it didn't bother her. She had already warned her parents she might be back late, so there were no worries on that front. As she strolled away, a familiar figure caught her eye in the sky.

It was an imp, eerily similar to companion she'd acquired in the game's cash shop. It didn't serve any real purpose in game as it was more like a pet that just tagged along and commented on her exploits, but she was charmed by its design. Dressed in a swanky suit, shirt, and tie, it resembled a butler more than an actual demon.

"Mistress! I've been searching for you everywhere in this odd land," the imp exclaimed as he noticed Lilia.

"Wait, you're Alistair Wellington?" Lilia asked cautiously as the imp approached, chuckling internally at the name she had given him, due to his funny design.

"At your service, Mistress," the imp landed and replied with an exaggerated bow. It seemed far more animated and interactive than it had ever been in the game.

Lilia considered the imp with surprise and curiosity. "How did you appear here? What happened?"

The imp straightened his already immaculate tie. "I'm afraid my memory is a bit fuzzy, mistress. All I remember are bits of our wicked adventures and that I exist solely to serve your nefarious whims." He flashed a wide, toothy grin.

"Are you saying you'll do whatever I ask?" She questioned the imp, uncertain of his intentions.

"Absolutely! Serving mistress fills me with joy," Alistair declared with enthusiasm. "Though I must admit, this place could use more sulphur and flames. It's not exactly exciting, to be honest."

Lilia stifled a laugh. Now that he was real, his playful banter was more playful than ever, no longer just the same lines on repeat. But then her expression turned grave, burdened with concern. What if he found out she wasn't really Lilia but James, who sometimes took her shape?

"The issue is, I'm not really Lilia. I'm..." She started explaining her situation to him.

Alistair raised a hand, unfazed. "Say no more, mistress! It's all part of your cunning plan, right? To deceive these mortals until they unwittingly fall into your trap."

Lilia hesitated. It seemed he'd concoct his own reasons regardless of what she said. Deciding it was easier to go with his assumption, she confirmed, "Yes, precisely. I'm... undercover."

His smirk took on a wicked edge. "Brilliant! Just let me know when it's time for the fire and brimstone to rain down. Until then, how can your faithful servant assist?"

Lilia's smile was sincere. Alistair's loyalty, though based on a misunderstanding, was touching. Having him as an ally might not be so bad after all. "For now, just stay close and keep out of sight."

"Consider it done, mistress!" With a flourish, Alistair transformed into a sleek black cat, settling on her shoulder."

"And could you not call me 'mistress'?" she requested, feeling awkward about the term considering her true identity.

"Understood, mistress. I shall refrain in the presence of others, much to my regret," he responded, now in feline form.

Lilia wished he would abandon the title completely, but he seemed to have misunderstood. Yet his emphasis on 'regret' was so heartfelt, she couldn't bring herself to correct him.

With Alistair by her side, Lilia saw her unusual situation as a chance; he might help her master her in-game abilities. Besides, he wasn't truly evil—his character description did say he was a mischievous butler with a penchant for theatrics and a golden heart hidden beneath the act.

Now Lila's got a small magical creature that is connected to her transformations that is tagging along with her. It sure does sound familiar.

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