Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 27: Dreams of Dark

Lilia walked briskly along the deserted sidewalk, the night's encounter with the Phantom Thief still vivid in her mind. Streetlights cast pools of light on her path home as she pondered the rogue's enigmatic motives. Was it all just an elaborate game to him, or was there a deeper purpose behind his actions?

So lost in thought was she that she failed to notice the alluring woman leaning against a lamppost until she spoke. "Working late tonight, darling?"

Lilia halted, instantly recognizing the sultry tone. She turned to find Moira regarding her with an amused smirk.

"I could ask you the same," Lilia replied, her tone measured. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

Moira pushed away from the lamppost and strode closer, her hips swaying seductively. Lilia forced herself to maintain eye contact.

"Let's not stand on ceremony. I simply wanted a friendly chat with my future girlfriend," Moira purred.

Lilia remained cautious; she knew Moira likely had hidden motives for seeking her out like this.

"Oh, don't be so guarded. Look, I've even brought gifts," Moira said, producing a folded piece of paper from her cleavage with a flourish.

Lilia took the paper warily, unfolded it, and scanned the contents. It seemed to be directions to an unremarkable building downtown, with a date and time noted below.

"What is this?" Lilia inquired; her confusion clear.

"It's a tip. Word has it the Children of the Apocalypse are planning something big. It'd be a real pity if bystanders were to get tangled in their mess," Moira said, her concern feigned.

Lilia's eyes narrowed. She had never encountered this group before. What was Moira's angle?

"I'm at a disadvantage here. What exactly do these Children intend to do?" she asked.

Moira shrugged, a gesture that inadvertently accentuated her curvaceous figure. "I'm short on details, I'm afraid. But I hear it's all happening before the week is out. Plenty of time for a hero like you to step in, wouldn't you agree?"

Lilia's tail flicked thoughtfully. She still couldn't grasp why Moira would share this information with her.

"How kind of you to offer such intelligence. Yet, I wonder, what's in it for you?" Lilia probed.

Moira's laughter rang out, rich and melodic. "Always so wary! Can't a girl help her sister out?"

Lilia gave her a sceptical look.

"Alright, you've caught me," Moira conceded with a playful raise of her hands. "I'll confess, the Children have been meddling with some of my... leisure establishments. Thwarting their plans would be... beneficial."

The explanation resonated with Lilia. Moira was leveraging her to safeguard her own ventures. Nevertheless, Lilia saw no reason to dismiss the lead. Whether she would act on it was another matter entirely.

"I see. Thanks for the tip, but I can't promise you anything," Lilia replied.

Moira smiled, seemingly satisfied. She stepped closer, tracing a fingertip along Lilia's collarbone.

"You know, once this messy business with the Children is concluded, you simply must come by for some... relaxation. I'm sure you'll find my hospitality to your liking," she whispered.

Lilia gently, yet firmly, grasped Moira's wandering hand and moved it away.

"A generous offer, but I must decline. Now, if you'll excuse me, I should be going. I have much to think about," Lilia responded politely.

Moira laughed again, not at all bothered by Lilia's rejection.

"Suit yourself, darling. But take care not to ignore your needs for too long. There's no reason we can't have a bit of fun together."

With a playful wave, Moira sauntered off into the night. Lilia released a breath she'd been holding. Interacting with Moira was mentally draining.

Still, Moira had given her much to consider. Just who were these Children of the Apocalypse? A faint memory surfaced in Lilia's mind. Hadn't she and Akari faced members of a fanatical cult not long ago?

Perhaps there was a connection. She made a mental note to ask Akari about it at school the next day. The girl's knowledge of the supernatural could prove invaluable.

For now, Lilia simply looked forward to a long rest. She quickened her pace, eager to relax at home.

Beside her, Alistair seemed to read her mind. "Shall I prepare a bath when we return, Mistress? I imagine you could use some time to unwind after tonight's events."

Initially, Lilia had been hesitant to accept Alistair's constant efforts to please her, but whenever she refused and insisted on doing something herself, Alistair would walk around with such a disheartened demeanour that she couldn't bear to refuse him.

Lilia smiled down at her companion. "That sounds perfect, Alistair. Thank you."

Soon the pair arrived home. Lilia headed straight for the bath, sighing in contentment as she slipped into the steaming water. She allowed her mind to drift as she lounged, contemplating the day's events.

Between her encounter with the Phantom Thief and the unexpected tip from Moira, it seemed trouble was brewing on multiple fronts. She still didn't fully understand either situation.

The thief remained an enigma. Despite her best efforts, he had escaped with his prize. Worse, she found his personality grating. She hoped any future encounters would involve less vexing banter.

As for Moira and her talk of a looming apocalypse, Lilia wasn't sure what to make of it yet. She resolved to gather more information before deciding on a course of action. With any luck, Akari would be able to shed some light on the supposed cult.

There was a part of her that considered sticking to a normal life, waiting until Ren uncovered more about her condition. Yet, a persistent voice in the back of her mind refused to let her dismiss these events.

It was a feeling reminiscent of when she first started playing Endless Fantasy. This time, however, the sense of adventure was more palpable, more tangible. She truly yearned for a life beyond the ordinary, and now it was within her reach, waiting for her to seize it.



Moira sauntered back into her underground club; her mind preoccupied with the evening's encounter with Lilia. As she settled onto a plush couch, a smile played on her lips. She accepted a glass of blood-red wine from a scantily clad server, the liquid swirling elegantly within.

What would Lilia do with the information she had been given? Moira pondered the possibilities, her wine glass spinning slowly between her fingers.

If Lilia chose to confront the Children of the Apocalypse on her own, it would confirm Moira's suspicion that she was just playing a hero to eliminate potential threats. Perhaps Lilia even aspired to fill the power vacuum left by the cult's downfall, seizing control of the city's underworld. Moira's smile broadened; she could certainly ally with a partner of such ambition.

Alternatively, should Lilia ally with the Children, it would reveal her intentions as anything but noble. She was simply playing the long game, gaining trust before unveiling her true nature. A shiver of anticipation ran through Moira. Together, they could expedite the Children's chaotic plans.

Of course, Lilia could disregard the information altogether. That would suggest she had another, more pressing scheme in play.

Moira sighed and leaned back into the cushions. Regardless of Lilia's decision, it would undoubtedly serve her enigmatic endgame. Moira was certain her captivating sister had a masterful plan in motion. The challenge was to demonstrate her value and coax Lilia into an alliance.

For the time being, Moira would watch and offer support where possible. Lilia's objectives fascinated her, and she yearned for a front-row seat to the impending turmoil. Things had grown tiresomely predictable around here before Lilia's arrival.

Raising her glass in a silent toast, Moira revelled in the club's frenzied merriment. Whatever Lilia's ultimate scheme, it heralded a break from the tedium.


James slipped into a deep slumber, his consciousness descending into an abyss of inky blackness. After a while, a speck of light emerged in the distance. Driven by curiosity, James urged himself toward it, navigating the void.

As he approached, the light grew, transforming into a warm, inviting luminescence. James could now discern a feminine silhouette bathed in the light, her silver hair flowing down her back. With a jolt of recognition, he realized the woman was none other than Lilia.

She turned to face him, a tranquil smile gracing her features. "It's good to finally speak with you directly," she said with warmth.

James blinked in astonishment. "You... wanted to talk to me?"

Lilia nodded. "I've been attempting to reach you, but it's challenging while you're conscious." She motioned around them. "This realm, the threshold between dreams and wakefulness, is the only place we can reliably converse."

James surveyed his surroundings with a sense of unease. The pervasive darkness seemed alien, like a realm not meant for mortal minds.

Sensing his apprehension, Lilia laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Do not be alarmed. What I'm about to tell you is of grave importance." Her violet eyes bore into his with an intensity that underscored her words.

"We possess immense power, yet its fullest extent remains untapped. The blades are integral to unlocking it."

James's expression grew puzzled. "The... blades? Are you referring to the one I discovered?"

Lilia affirmed with a nod. "Correct. You have unearthed one, but there are six others dispersed throughout this world. Their swift recovery is imperative."

She paced back and forth, her footsteps leaving glowing trails on the shadowy ground.

"Long ago, I failed to unite them in time. Now, dark forces stir once again, and the window to stop them is rapidly closing." She stopped and turned to face James.

"If we bring all seven blades together, we can prevent a great calamity from befalling this world. But we must act swiftly."

James struggled to grasp the gravity of Lilia's ominous words. His mind was a whirlwind of questions.

"Wait, what are these blades exactly? What happens if we collect them? And what calamity are you referring to?"

Lilia looked at him with a sympathetic gaze. "I wish I could explain more, but you're not ready yet. For now, you must trust me. Just know that finding the blades is imperative."

James ran a hand through his hair, his frustration mounting. Lilia's enigmatic message left him more perplexed than enlightened. Sensing his distress, she placed a comforting hand on his cheek.

"I understand your confusion but trust me when I say that this is larger than both of us. When the time is right, I promise to reveal everything."

Her voice grew sombre. "But heed this warning: be wary of those who would seek the blades for their own ends. Not everyone can be trusted."

James opened his mouth to ask another question, but Lilia withdrew her hand, and the glow around her began to dim.

"Our time is short. Go and search for the blades. I will help you as best as I can."

Darkness reclaimed the space, and her final words resonated around him.

"Trust in me, James. The fate of our world hangs in the balance."

Before James could respond, Lilia and the light disappeared entirely, leaving him alone in the darkness once again. An instant later, he jolted awake in his bed, morning sunlight streaming through his window.

James sat up slowly, cradling his head as Lilia's cryptic message continued to reverberate in his mind. The dream had been so vivid, yet it left him with a host of unanswered questions.

What were the origins of the mythical blades that Lilia had mentioned? What great disaster did she believe they could avert? Why was she appearing in his dreams? And most perplexing, why did Lilia seem to know much more than she was revealing?

James shook his head in exasperation. Her urgency was palpable, but her motives remained opaque. Until she decided to disclose more, he was left with more questions than answers.

Sliding out of bed, James resigned himself to preparing for school. Dwelling on the dream would yield no further insights at the moment. He could only hope that Lilia would provide more clarity should their paths intersect again in that enigmatic, shadowy dream.

For now, he would concentrate on the only clue she had provided: finding the remaining blades. Although he lacked complete understanding, her stark warning convinced him that it was a mission he could not afford to overlook.

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