Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 25: Daily Life

Saturday morning dawned bright and clear as James awoke, contemplating the day ahead. His friends had made plans to hang out this afternoon, with his luck, if he didn't transform now, he'd likely shift randomly later while hanging out with his friends. Best to get it out of the way.

With a resigned sigh, James triggered the change as not to waste any more time, his body morphing into the familiar curves of Lilia. She then headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready.

As the water warmed up, she disrobed catching a glimpse of her nude form in the mirror. In the early days, she could barely bring herself to look at Lilia's nude figure, let alone touch it. But over time as she spent days stuck in this form, inhibition gave way to casual acceptance.

Stepping into the hot cascade, Lilia allowed the water to soothe her tense muscles. Lathering her body with an odourless wash, her hands moved smoothly over the soft skin and generous curves. Actions that once would have deeply embarrassed her were now routine parts of Lilia's daily regimen.

As she rinsed off, Lilia's thoughts drifted to a particular night driven by restless curiosity, when she had explored Lilia's body in ways that now made her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

She quickly banished the memory from her mind. What's done was done, there is no taking it back. On the other hand, today was about making the most of this time as Lilia before meeting up with her friends later. She decided she'd visit the Hero Department.

After thoroughly cleansing herself, Lilia turned off the faucet and stepped out, water droplets tracing sensual paths down her curves. She dried off and dressed in a casual tank t-shirt and jeans, comfortable attire for a low-key day.

Heading downstairs, Lilia found her mother May in the kitchen. "Well, if it isn't my lovely daughter," May said playfully. "Getting used to being a girl, are we?"

Lilia rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "Oh please, I just didn't want to randomly transform today. The last thing I need is more complications."

May laughed understandingly. "Of course, dear. Well, you look quite nice today."

"Thanks," Lilia replied, grabbing a bowl of cereal. As she ate, she glanced up to see her mother eyeing her with a concerned expression.

"Lily, do be careful out there," May cautioned. "As a young woman, you face certain dangers that you usually wouldn't as a man. I know you're stronger than most, but still—be vigilant."

Lilia paused, realizing her mother had a point. Her powers aside, this body could easily attract the wrong kind of attention.

"I'll keep my guard up, don't worry," Lilia assured her, before heading out the door.

The sunny morning lifted Lilia's spirits as she walked briskly through the neighbourhood. Few people were out and about this early on a weekend. She considered how to spend the next few hours productively.

Lilia considered how to spend the next few hours productively. Part of her thought perhaps she should find a secluded spot and practice her magic, trying to master spells from other schools than pyromancy.

Yet the notion of visiting the Hero Department held more appeal today. In particular, she intended to withdraw funds from the attached bank account registered under her hero persona. Deciding it was a good opportunity to request a debit card as well, Lilia set off for the Hero Affairs building downtown.

Lilia made her way downtown, weaving nimbly through the bustling streets. As she neared the old phone booth, she glanced around before slipping inside. Alistair kept watch outside in his feline form, ensuring no one intruded.

Inside the cramped enclosure, Lilia closed her eyes and shed her glamour. Her form transformed, skin adopting a cerulean shade as graceful horns sprouted. Upon opening her cat-like violet eyes, she examined her hands and spaded tail, ensuring the change was complete.

Stepping back outside, she straightened her outfit self-consciously. This was her first time visiting the Hero Department in demonic form. Alistair gave her an approving nod before falling in step beside her.

As they walked, Lilia noticed heads turning, eyes trailing her unusual appearance. Hushed whispers and pointed fingers followed in her wake.

"Look at her, I've never seen a super quite like that before."

"Is she one of those cosplayers?"

"What kind of superpower makes you look like that?"

"She's gorgeous, even with the horns and blue skin..."

Lilia kept her gaze forward, maintaining a relaxed yet dignified posture. She was acutely aware of the attention but did her best to act natural. A few people even pulled out their phones to snap photos, assuming she must be a new superhero making a public debut.

Upon reaching the modern glass edifice of the Hero Department, Lilia entered with Alistair in tow, now well aware that the "No pets" policy did not apply to extraordinary companions like him.

The lobby was filled with costumed supers awaiting assignments or retrieving compensation. She joined the queue, ignoring the intrigued looks cast her way.

The receptionist's eyes widened fractionally at Lilia's appearance before her professional demeanour took over. "Welcome to Superhuman Affairs Department, how can I help you today miss...?"

"Lilia," she supplied smoothly. No need to provide her civilian identity. The receptionist nodded.

"Well, Miss Lilia, what brings you in today?"

Lilia gave a polite smile. " "I'd like to make a withdrawal from my account, and also request a debit card please."

"Certainly!" the receptionist replied cheerily, her fingers dancing over the keyboard. "May I have your hero ID?"

Lilia handed over the plastic card without hesitation. "No problem."

The receptionist entered the details, then handed ID back. "How much would you like to withdraw?"

Lilia considered for a moment. "Five thousand unidollars should suffice."

The receptionist replied professionally, "Very well. If you'll just provide your unique signature here, I'll initiate the withdrawal immediately."

Lilia placed her hand on the touchscreen and traced her signature with her finger. The machine beeped in confirmation.

"Perfect. The funds will be ready as soon as the machine finishes counting." The receptionist printed out a debit card and handed it to her. "Here is your new card, as requested. Will there be anything else I can assist you with today?"

"That's all, thank you," Lilia replied, accepting the money. She turned to leave just as an alarm began blaring throughout the building.

"Attention all heroes, priority threat alert!" a voice announced over the intercom. "The villain Phantom Thief has just announced his next target. Please report immediately to dispatch for assignment."

Murmurs swept through the lobby as heroes conversed excitedly. Lilia felt a thrill run through her as well. The notorious gentleman thief was a headline regular, confounding authorities and becoming a folk hero of sorts.

The message repeated several times as the receptionist pulled up details on her monitor. "Oh dear, that thief is at it again! He's bold, I'll give him that. Never been caught either." She shook her head in dismay before noticing Lilia lingering.

"Were you interested in responding?" She asked hopefully. At Lilia's nod, her face brightened. "Wonderful! Just head right through there to receive your assignment."

Without hesitation, Lilia hastened to the dispatch desk, volunteering to assist in responding to the alert. The coordinator acknowledged her initiative, detailing the specifics of the mission. The thief was slated to strike the following night at 11:00 PM, eyeing an ancient jade tablet valued at an astounding 20 million unidollars.

A thrill coursed through Lilia. The prospect of pitting her wits against the legendary thief was exhilarating! She was well aware that capturing him would be a Herculean task—his escapades were as much performance art as they were criminal acts. Nevertheless, the chance to observe his prowess firsthand was an opportunity she couldn't pass up.

Still, there lingered a nagging thought—should she, against all odds, succeed in foiling his heist, would she be hailed as a hero? Or would she be scorned as a spoilsport for ruining the spectacle?

As they exited the building, Alistair observed Lilia with a contemplative gaze. "Mistress, what is your impression of this enigmatic rogue?"

"Honestly? I find myself more intrigued than offended by him," Lilia confessed. "He's executed heists that defy logic, always slipping away without a trace. Part of me almost desires to see him elude capture, if only to bear witness to such extraordinary skill."

She shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Though, I suppose that letting a criminal abscond with a priceless artifact wouldn't exactly be considered heroic."

The black cat emitted a knowing chuckle. "Indeed, my Lady. You must, at the very least, make a show of attempting to stop him, for appearances' sake."

Lilia laughed. "Too true, Alistair. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Whatever happens, it's sure to be a night to remember."

With eager anticipation, Lilia made her way home, thoughts filled with imagined ploys and tricks a master thief might employ. She knew capture was unlikely. But the chance to match wits with a legend and unravel his secrets? Now that would be a true prize indeed.

Having accomplished her goals at the Hero Department, Lilia ducked into the restroom to resume her human guise before leaving. With a minor exertion of will, her demonic features faded away as her skin lightened to a natural complexion.

Satisfied with the disguise, Lilia exited the stall to inspect herself in the mirror. Outwardly she now seemed no different than any other young lady visiting the Hero Department. The glamour had taken hold flawlessly.

With her demonic appearance hidden, Lilia left the restroom and departed the building. The brisk walk home passed uneventfully, with only a few curious glances at her unusually striking beauty betraying any reaction.

Upon arriving home, Lilia proceeded down to the basement. With a few hours yet before meeting her friends, she decided to seize the opportunity to practice casting spells outside pyromancy. While further developing pyromancy would make her stronger, mastering other elements would make her far more versatile.

Settling cross-legged on the floor, Lilia closed her eyes and centered herself. Reaching inward, she focused on gathering mana, visualizing light coalescing within. Glyphs forming circles as she shaped the energy into a shadowy arrow. With a whisper, she released it, and the gloomy projectile embedded itself in the wall across from her.

Bolstered by the success, Lilia progressed through the elements. Icy shards, crackling lightning, swirling gusts of wind, shimmering orbs of water - one by one she called them forth, if somewhat weakly at first. But with each casting her control strengthened, the missiles flying faster and hitting harder.

Soon she seamlessly cycled through the elements, unleashing a barrage of mystical bolts peppering the concrete walls. Her accuracy steadily improved until she could strike a bottle cap placed on the far side of the cellar.

Stopping before her mana dropped too low, Lilia rose and inspected her handiwork. The walls were pockmarked with scorch marks, embedded ice shards, and other elemental damage. Hopefully no one would look too closely, before she mastered a mending spell.

"Well done, Mistress!" Alistair praised. "You're growing quickly in skill and power."

Lilia laughed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. But, with practice, who knows what I may be capable of..."

Glancing at the clock, she saw a couple hours remained before meeting her friends. Her transformation should be ending any time soon.

As if in response to her thoughts, the sapphire hue of Lilia's skin faded to a fair complexion, her horns retracting into her brow and her pointed ears rounding out. Her figure softened, the feminine curves reverting to his masculine physique. He could feel the residual buzz of mana ebbing from his senses as the mystical insights afforded by Lilia's form grew dim. James ran a hand through his hair, scrutinizing his reflection in the cracked mirror propped against the wall.

He was himself once again, though minor details like a few silver strands of hair and his slightly less bulky frame remained. Although barely noticeable, they were still there.

Initially, he had hoped it was something temporary, a residual effect of being stuck as Lilia for so long, but it seemed the changes were more permanent in nature. He would have to hope that Ren would find some solution to this.

Leaving the basement, he gathered his wallet, keys, and phone. "I'm off to the movies with everyone, Alistair. Stay here, will you?"

"Mistress, are you certain?" Alistair questioned; a pleading look in his eyes. "I won't be able to serve you if I remain here."

"I doubt they'd let you into the cinema," James replied honestly. "No need to wait for me outside."

"Your wish is my command," the cat responded, bowing with a flourish. Despite his reluctance to be separated from Lilia, her desires were his utmost priority.

Amused by his dramatics, James quickly threw on some clothes and headed out the door. The brisk air and the prospect of exercise invigorated him. An afternoon spent with his friends was a refreshing break he looked forward to.

Who do you think is phantom thief?

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