Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 17: Darkest Hotel

Monday's afternoon sun beat down on James as he walked across the school courtyard, searching for any sign of Akari. Classes had ended for the day, and most students had already left, yet Akari was nowhere to be seen.

Just as James was about to give up, he spotted her seated beneath a large oak tree, partially obscured by its shade. She was dressed in her usual attire, her eyes closed in meditation.

Taking a deep breath, James approached her. "Akari, I have something important I need to discuss with you."

Her eyes opened slowly, regarding him with unveiled suspicion. "What do you want, demon?"

Ignoring the jab, James continued. "I have acquired an item that I believe your organization would be interested in. It's an ancient dagger—"

"Enough games!" Akari interrupted, rising swiftly to her feet. "I don't know what you're scheming, but I won't fall for your tricks."

James held up his hands placatingly. "Please, this isn't a trick. I know we have our differences, but I truly think this dagger belongs with your organization."

He could see the internal conflict brewing behind her eyes. After a tense moment, she responded coldly. "Fine. Meet me at the old train station downtown in one hour. Come alone."

Before James could reply, Akari had already strode away, melting into the dispersing crowds of students. Sighing, he straightened his backpack and headed downtown, the wrapped dagger feeling heavier than ever within.

The sun was sinking below the horizon when James arrived at the abandoned train station. Dusty beams of light filtered through cracked windows, illuminating swirling motes. The place looked devoid of life, yet James could feel eyes tracking him from the shadows.

"You actually came," Akari stated, emerging from behind a concrete pillar. Her posture was rigid with suspicion as she scrutinized him.

"I told you I just want to hand this dagger over," James said earnestly. Moving slowly, he withdrew the artifact from his bag, offering it to her on outstretched palms.

Akari hesitated, then stepped forward to take it, her eyes widening. "The Blade of Pestilence," she whispered in realization.

Her gaze snapped back to James, narrowing sharply. "Why do you have this? What is your true aim in giving it to me?"

"I assure you, I mean no harm," James insisted. "I believe this dagger is dangerous and think your organization can contain it securely." He met her gaze unflinchingly. "I only want to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands." 

Akari studied his face intently, searching for any sign of deceit. After a moment fraught with tension, she acknowledged his words with a brief nod and secured the dagger within a sealed case.

"Very well. I shall ensure this is safely locked away," she stated. Her features betrayed no emotion. "However, do not presume this alters anything between us."

With those final words, Akari disappeared into the dimness of the train station, leaving James to grapple with his turbulent thoughts. He hoped his actions had been correct, though Akari's persistent doubts weighed on him. With a heavy heart, he turned and made his way home as the encroaching dusk cast long shadows across the city.


Akari sat rocking in her chair, her mind turning over the day's events. It appeared that Lilia was indeed behind the blade's vanishing. But what reason could she have for entrusting it to her? It was possible that this was a scheme designed to win her trust.

Somehow, Lilia had convinced the higher-ups of her innocence, but Akari was not so easily swayed. She was certain that everything was a carefully orchestrated charade, a setup for betrayal at the most opportune moment.

Agent Collins stepped into the dim room, his footsteps echoing on the stone floor. "I thought I might find you here," Collins said, coming to a stop a few feet away.

Akari's gaze snapped to him, her eyes narrowing. "What do you want?"

Collins sighed, folding his arms across his chest. "We need to talk about this obsession you have with Lilia. It's getting out of control."

"There is no obsession," Akari shot back, crossing her arms defensively. "I'm the only one who sees her for what she truly is - a deceitful demon."

"Are you sure your prejudice isn't clouding your judgment?" Collins asked gently. "Perhaps it would be best if you took a break, focused your efforts elsewhere for a time."

Akari leapt to her feet, anger flashing in her eyes. "You know as well as I do she cannot be trusted! I will not rest until she is brought to justice."

Collins opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the crackle of his radio. "We have a Code Gamma downtown, requesting immediate backup."

Collins and Akari exchanged a glance, argument forgotten in the face of a new threat. With a curt nod, Akari strode past him and out of the room, a new sense of purpose in her hurried steps. The mystery of Lilia would have to wait - for now, duty called.


They pulled up to the decrepit apartment building, its crumbling façade barely illuminated by the flickering streetlights. An unnatural silence hung over the block. Akari shuddered as a feeling of wrongness washed over her.

"Is this the place?" Collins asked, his frown deepening as he eyed the derelict structure. When no response came over the radio, his brow furrowed with concern.

Akari placed a hand against the building's outer wall and immediately recoiled. "Something foul happened here," she murmured. "We should proceed with caution."

After gathering an array of equipment from the van, the two agents approached the entrance. The front doors gaped open like a gaping maw. They paused, exchanging an uneasy glance.

"There's no going back now," Collins said with resolve, stepping over the threshold. Akari steeled herself and followed closely.

Upon entering the gloom of the lobby, a wave of nausea and disorientation struck them. Collins stumbled, bracing himself against the wall. "It's like the entire building just...shifted," he gasped.

Akari glanced behind her at the entrance that had vanished. "We're cut off," she realized with a sinking heart. "The only way out is through whatever nightmare lies ahead."

"I guess we have to do it the hard way," Collins replied, his voice steady. He was no strangers to such scenarios; this wasn't the first time they had encountered an inescapable situation.

With caution, Akari and Collins traversed the pulsating halls, weapons at the ready. The whispers grew louder, forming disjointed words in alien tongues. With each step, the agents' grip on reality wavered, as if the very fabric of space and time was warping around them.

Ahead, a misshapen figure lurched into view. At first glance it appeared humanoid, but its limbs were distended, bending and cracking with a sickening chorus of snaps and pops. Its flesh flowed like melting wax, jaw unhinging impossibly wide as it unleashed an ear-piercing shriek.

Collins opened fire, bullets tearing through the creature's amorphous form. It stumbled back with an enraged gurgle before Akari lunged forward, plunging her dagger into its malformed skull. The thing convulsed violently then went still, collapsing into a pulpy heap.

"These creatures used to be human," Akari said grimly, wrenching her blade free. "This place is transforming them."

They pressed onward through the branching halls. Many of the doors hung ajar, revealing scenes of horror within. Rooms overflowed with organic growths, pulsating pods, and strange machinery fused to the very structure. More warped creatures skittered in the darkness, howling as the agents passed.

Turning a corner, they stumbled across a familiar face - Chen, one of the agents who had called for backup. But rather than a look of relief, his features twisted into an inhuman snarl, lips peeling back to reveal rows of jagged fangs.

His spine cracked as it bent and elongated, forcing him onto all fours. Muscles bulged and rippled beneath his skin, clothes tearing as his frame expanded. Claws tore through his fingers as he let loose an ear piercing roar and charged.

Collins dove aside while Akari deftly rolled clear. She sprang to her feet and flung a handful of glowing seals at the mutated Chen, the paper talismans adhering to his skin. He thrashed as spiritual energy seared his flesh, buying Collins time to grab a fallen pipe and swing it like a bat.

There was a nauseating crunch as metal struck bone. The beast crumpled with a gurgling wheeze, partially reverting to Chen's human form in death. Akari quickly completed a simple ritual to free his soul while Collins looked on grimly.

They eventually reached a winding stairwell leading up through the heart of the structure. The walls crawled with vines, feelers, and grasping tendrils. Strange symbols glowed ominously alongside disturbingly organic circuitry.

"This way," Akari said, nodding upward. "Whatever created this madness dwells at the top."

They climbed cautiously, senses strained for any sign of attack. The staircase emerged onto a floor teeming with eldritch technology fused to the crumbling architecture. Grotesque biomechanical pods lined the walls, filled with unidentifiable masses of pulsating tissue.

The surviving agents from the distressed team suddenly spilled into view, running down the hall with a writhing horror at their heels. It was a hulking abomination of twisting limbs, writhing tentacles tipped with barbs and hooks. Rows of unblinking eyes studded its amorphous head.

It shambled after the agents, who fruitlessly emptied their magazines into its bulk. Bullets sunk into its jelly-like flesh with no effect. As it reared up to strike, a dazzling fireball suddenly impacted its side, briefly illuminating the hall in brilliant orange.

Lilia strode into view, fingers dancing nimbly as she hurled another roaring orb of flame. The creature recoiled with an airy hiss as its rubbery skin charred and smoked. Behind Lilia, Alistair cheered eagerly at the display.

"Fall back!" Collins ordered the beleaguered agents, who gratefully retreated behind Akari and Collins. Taking up defensive stances, the two sides eyed each other warily.

Lilia tilted her head with a smile. "Funny, somehow I knew you'd show up."


James walked beside his friend Nathan, his attention only partially engaged as Nathan animatedly shared the tale of his recent escapade.

"You wouldn't believe it, but the old Regal Hotel is genuinely haunted," Nathan insisted, thrusting his phone toward James. "Take a look at this picture I snapped last week when I dared to sneak in."

James peered at the grainy image on the screen. It showed a shadowy, quadrupedal entity with an unnaturally elongated body and an excess of joints. Despite the photo's lack of clarity, there was something eerily familiar about the creature.

"You actually went inside the Regal?" James questioned, his voice laced with disbelief. The derelict hotel was notorious for being a perilous, decaying shell. "What on earth were you thinking?"

Nathan gave a casual shrug. "I wanted to see if the legends held any truth. Believe me, they do. This monstrous thing started pursuing me the moment I reached the second floor. I didn't waste any time getting out of there."

As James scrutinized the image once more, a sense of disquiet crept over him. The figure's dimensions and stance were all wrong for a normal creature. In fact, it bore a striking resemblance to a monster from the video game Endless Fantasy, which he knew all too well.

"So, let me understand," James began, his words measured. "You're saying you encountered a Flesh Walker in the Regal?"

Nathan's expression registered confusion. "A Flesh what? All I know is that it scared the life out of me. I'm not going back to that place, ever."

A wave of fear and urgency washed over James. The Flesh Walkers were minions of the fearsome world boss known as the Sanity Devourer. If one had manifested in real world, it was likely that the Devourer itself was nearby, distorting reality in its vicinity.

James had fought the Sanity Devourer early in his gaming career, back when the boss was infamously difficult to defeat. Its corrupting influence would spread from its lair, twisting the landscape and spawning stronger minions the longer it remained undefeated. Many new players had met their untimely end, overwhelmed by its maddening effects.

Of course, the developers eventually nerfed the Sanity Devourer, reducing its power and the speed at which its territory expanded. But if this was the original, un-nerfed version the consequences would be dire.

James walked Nathan to the nearby bus stop, the early evening air cool against their skin. As they waited for Nathan's bus to arrive, James turned to his friend.

"Hey, I just remembered my mom asked me to run an errand for her," James said casually. "I'm going to catch the next bus and get that done. I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

Nathan nodded, checking the time on his phone. "No problem, man. See you tomorrow."

With a wave, Nathan boarded his bus and was off. As soon as it was out of sight, James hurried in the direction of the condemned Regal Hotel.

When he arrived, he noticed several black vehicles parked out front. Men and women in dark suits were unloading equipment from the trunks. James' eyes widened as he recognized the insignia on their uniforms - these were agents of the NABC.

While their expertise would be useful, James doubted they truly grasped what they were up against. If the original, un-nerfed version of the Sanity Devourer had manifested, it would take someone very familiar with its abilities to defeat it. With lives at stake, James decided he had to take action, despite the risk of complicating the situation with the authorities.

Finding a crumbling section of fencing, James slipped through a gap and made his way around the perimeter of the hotel. Once secluded from view, he focused his power and transformed into Lilia, Alistair popping into his imp form at her side. The transformation was accompanied by an uncomfortable pang of hunger.

"Mistress, It's been too long since your last feeding," Alistair fussed noticing Lilia's discomfort.

Lilia grimaced, the memory of last feeding still fresh. "We'll deal with that later. Right now we've got bigger problems."

Using her superhuman agility, Lilia stealthily approached the hotel's decrepit back entrance and slipped inside. Immediately she could sense the oppressive, unnatural energy permeating the air. She had battled the Sanity Devourer countless times before, but never in the flesh. This would be a dangerous fight, yet since the creature and its minions were vulnerable to fire she believed that with some effort she could do it. Besides if the creature proved too strong she could always wait for the NABC to come and help her.

Fortunately, it seemed that the hotel had been cut off from the outside world, and the monster's territory was not spreading further. She allowed herself a small smile, at least this was the nerfed version of the vile creature, its corrupting range limited. She recalled well the days when entire zones would rapidly fall under its thrall, twisting into nightmarish landscapes. The downside was that she would be unable to leave unless she deals with the creature first.

Lilia crept through the abandoned hotel's crumbling lobby, alert for any sign of movement. The entire building seemed infused with unnatural fleshy growths that pulsed with alien life. She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell that permeated the stagnant air.

Up ahead, one of the branching corridors rippled as three misshapen Flesh Walkers dragged themselves into view. At the sight of Lilia, they let loose ear-piercing shrieks and charged, claws outstretched. With practiced ease, Lilia hurled flaming arrows at each creature in turn, reducing them to smoldering piles of ash before they could close half the distance.

"That was easy," Lilia muttered, a competitive urge rising within her.

As Lilia ventured deeper, she began experimenting with different spells and techniques. One flick of her wrist sent an arc of fire racing down the hall to ignite another walker. Her fingertips danced nimbly, weaving complex sigils that various spells. Lilia's raw talent was apparent. This was the perfect opportunity to gain much needed combat experience.

At last Lilia reached a stairwell choked with pulsating growths. The stairs themselves rippled unnaturally, segments contracting and expanding. Repressing a shudder, Lilia nimbly ascended, blasting away any obstacles with controlled bursts of fire.

She emerged onto a new floor and instantly rolled aside as a beam of crackling purple energy sizzled past, leaving a smoking furrow in the wall. Whirling around, Lilia faced the Gazer responsible for the surprise attack.

The creature was a floating orb composed entirely of eyes, each blinking independently across its surface. As Lilia prepared a spell, two more Gazers drifted into view behind the first, their multitude of eyes already charging with eldritch light.

Lilia nimbly rolled behind a dilapidated wall as another beam of energy sizzled past her head. Peeking out, she could see the three Gazers slowly drifting down the hallway, their multitude of eyes charging up to fire again.

Lilia quickly nocked three fire arrows and leaned out to take aim. The instant before she released, the Gazers fired, forcing her to duck back as more energy beams blasted chunks from the crumbling brickwork. She scowled in frustration. With their coordinated attacks, the Gazers had her effectively pinned down.

Changing tactics, Lilia began tracing an intricate sigil in the air. Just as she finished the spell, two more lances of energy shot overhead, slamming into the wall behind her. Bits of debris rained down as Lilia leapt up and thrust her palm outward.

A roaring fireball surged from her hand down the hallway, twisting through the air toward the Gazers. In response, their eyes flashed in unison, emitting a burst of crackling energy that collided with the fireball in a blinding explosion halfway between them.

Lilia cursed under her breath. The Gazers' combined power allowed them to match her spells. As she considered her options, another barrage of energy beams streaked toward her. She barely managed to spring aside as they chewed through the rapidly disintegrating wall she had taken cover behind. If only she had access to her inventory or knew how to cast more powerful spells.

With the wall destroyed, Lilia found herself exposed in the middle of the hallway. The three Gazers drifted forward to press their advantage, eyes charging up once more. Thinking quickly, Lilia flourished her fingers in intricate patterns, launching a series of smaller fire arrows to keep the creatures at bay.

The Gazers picked off her attacks effortlessly, but the constant barrage prevented them from focusing their full power. Lilia slowly gave ground, unleashing fiery missiles to cover her retreat. She just needed to buy a little time to figure out how to isolate one of the creatures.

"Mistress, allow me to assist you," Alistair declared eagerly, scurrying forward and waving his arms to draw the Gazers' attention. Two of the creatures immediately redirected their gaze upon the imp, unleashing crackling volleys of eldritch fire. Alistair yelped and scrambled frantically to avoid the searing beams.

Seizing the opening, Lilia leaned out and launched a large fireball at the distracted Gazer on the right. It impacted squarely, engulfing the creature in an explosion of flames. The Gazer let out an awful screech as it was torn apart by the blast.

Emboldened, Lilia prepared to strike at the remaining two Gazers, only to cry out in surprise as a stray beam grazed her shoulder. She dropped behind closest cover, wincing at the smoking gash left by the attack.

Lilia desperately wracked her brain for a solution. If only she could blind the Gazers or otherwise impair their vision. Then a spell came to mind, one she never tried before, only knowing the theory behind it. With deep concentration, Lilia began gathering her power.

"A little help here!" Alistair yelped as he frantically danced between the Gazers' withering barrage. Lilia gritted her teeth, trying to tune out the sounds of the continuing battle. She focused on the swirling currents of mana, shaping them into the various sigils.

Just as Alistair's luck ran out and he was pinned by the converging beams, Lilia completed the spell and thrust her palms forward. "Engulf!" She shouted.

Tendrils of inky darkness blossomed from her hands, rapidly expanding to swallow the room. The Gazers let out confused shrieks, their attacks dissipating as they were enveloped by the supernatural haze. As a demon Lilia could see in any kind of darkness making them easy targets for the picking.

Wasting no time, Lilia threw a fireball at one of the creatures. It let loose an awful wail as flames erupted to consume it. She quickly repeated the process for the final Gazer before dismissing the darkness with a wave of her hand.

Panting, Lilia leaned against the wall as the adrenaline rush subsided. The grisly remains of the Gazers smoldered on the floor nearby. Alistair gingerly extracted himself from a pile of rubble, clearing any remaining dust off his suit.

"Well done, Mistress! I knew you could handle those dreadful beasts," the imp proclaimed as he hurried to Lilia's side.

She managed a weary smile. "We're not done yet. The Devourer still awaits." Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Lilia pressed onward, ready to face the true threat looming deeper within the hotel's twisting halls.

Lilia crept through the abandoned hotel's twisting corridors, senses strained for any sign of movement. The battle with the Gazers had been more difficult than expected. She could not afford to underestimate the Sanity Devourer itself when they finally confronted the vile creature.

Rounding a corner, Lilia spied two Flesh Walkers dragging their misshapen forms down the hall. With almost casual flicks of her wrist, she engulfed the creatures in roaring flames before they could react. Their charred bodies crumpled lifeless to the floor.

Lilia paused as the sound of gunshots echoed from somewhere ahead. Breaking into a run, she followed the noise to its source. She arrived to see several agents of the NABC sprinting down a branching passage, firing frantically at the pursuing horror.

It was a Hulking Flesh, an abomination composed of writhing, serpentine limbs tipped with barbed hooks. Rows of unblinking eyes studded its amorphous head. The bullets sunk into its flesh but did nothing to slow the creature's advance.

Just as it reared up to strike the terrified agents, Lilia hurled a crackling fireball into its side. The creature recoiled with an airy hiss as flames seared its rubbery hide.

At that moment, Lilia noticed two more figures arrive from the direction the agents were running towards. It was none other than Akari and Agent Collins. Lilia tilted her head, a knowing smile touching her lips.

"Funny, somehow I knew you'd show up," she remarked, sauntering forward. She could see Akari's expression darken, suspicion smoldering in her eyes. This should be an interesting team up.

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