Light Spirit Epic

: Ivory Holy Scripture (Green): Intermediate Magic Tutorial


Ivory Holy Code Green: Intermediate Magic Tutorial

[The following is the translation of the Magic Association (seventh edition), translator: 262nd generation gray robe magic master, Ryan d O'Leary]

In addition to the use of magic categories, there is an unwritten rule in the magician industry, the commonly used magic is classified as [standard magic] and [Asian magic].

Standard magic refers to the magic that consumes photons before and after surgery.

This type of magic converts energy, time and space or matter by consuming photons, and the photons in the world will decrease after surgery.

It is generally believed that all [entropy can be magic], [time and space magic], [creational magic] are included in the scope of formal magic.

The submagic is the opposite. The total amount of photons before and after their operation is almost constant. Although it takes a lot of effort, most of the sub-magic will not bring petrochemical punishment.

Sub-magic mainly includes [enchantment], [Animation] and [hypnotism]. With these three sub-magic as the mainstays, other branches can be derived, but the methods of use are basically invariable.

Due to historical reasons and ease of use, most of the sub-magic is classified by the Magicians Association as "wind magic," even though they have nothing to do with momentum magic.


001: [enchantment]

[Enchantment] mainly uses an electromagnetic force field or a biological force field to control the photon flow, and closes the photon flow in a specific shape to make an enchantment.

The use of enchantment is extensive, from the most basic shield to the most complex photon weapon's blade, which is an extension of enchantment.

Enchantment is also the only technique that can be controlled without relying on biological brain quantum waves. Modern humans have been able to create an [enchantment generator] that automatically produces enchantment.

001-x: extension and branch: [with magic]

In addition to the modern weapon's light blade is made by enchantment, strictly speaking, the use of the old generation of weapons [with magic] is also a kind of enchantment - using a constant enchantment to seal the photon into the blade of the weapon .

In fact, in addition to weapons, ancient important military bases will add [with magic] to the building materials to make the walls more durable.

[With the magic] is a decline in the art, has gradually been buried by history. In ancient times, there was also a master who used to practice [with magic]. The person who used this technique was usually a related person who made weapons, or a construction worker.


002: [Animation]

[Animation] is a magic branch produced by the use of [photon can carry information]. It is also the best example of the interpretation of [Asian Magic]: before and after the use of the Spirit, the total amount of photons in the world is almost constant.

To use the Spirit, the operator will first make a photon core and then add some of his will to the photon core.

The core of the will is placed in the golem, creature or magic, so that these objects can act according to the will of the user.

This can be used to make a magical image such as an automatic guard point, or to make a magic, or a magic ball with the ability to track the enemy. Depending on the instructions given by the surgeon, the use of the Spirit can be unlimited -

002-x: Extensions and Branches: [Reading]

Since photons carry countless information, they are a sea of ​​information, and there is also a technique of reading [hidden] from the information world of Photon.

Reading skills, such as [eagle eye] (photon vision), [super-audio] (photon hearing), [true knowledge] (photon intuition), [true vision] (the ability to see the photon flow), are The technique of reading information in the information ocean of photons.

However, whether [Reading] is counted as magic is still a huge controversy in academia. Reading is generally used by the knights as combat skills, and the magician rarely uses them.


003: [hypnotism]

[Hypnosis] is very similar to [Fuji], which can be said to be an extreme form of [Fulling].

The surgeon mixes his will evenly into the photon, and then spreads the photons in the environment (photons are invisible), and the creatures that inhale these hypnotic fogs are affected by the will of the surgeon. Act according to one of the instructions given by the operator.

The hypnotized person feels like a voice whispering in his ear. He receives this extra information from the photon world and gradually influences his subconscious mind to achieve hypnosis.

The success of hypnotism is mainly related to three elements:

The willpower of the operator. The stronger the willpower of the operator, the clearer and stronger the instructions given, and the greater the chance of success. The willpower and physique of the subject. The stronger the willpower of the subject, the more resistant to hypnosis, the worse the physique, the worse the efficiency of absorbing photons, and the more resistant to hypnosis.

Hypnosis duration. Because hypnotism uses photons to give long-term psychological cues to an individual, the longer the duration, the more photons with hypnotic information accumulate in the target, and the easier it is to hypnotize.

But the peak of duration is affected by the photon decay period of the organism. For example, a biological (human) photon with a hypnotic command is inhaled into the body, and after a week of photon decay, the photon will be expelled from the body of the creature and cannot continue to accumulate.

That is to say, for a hypnotist with a constant ability to hypnotize the same creature, if the photon decay cycle of this creature cannot be successful, it means that the hypnotist can never hypnotize the creature.

Epic-level photon organisms such as dragons will convert [free photons] into intrinsic photons. During the conversion process, free photons with hypnotic effects will fail because the sequence of photons has changed.

Therefore, hypnotizing epic creatures is very difficult and almost impossible.

003-x: Extension and Branch: [Interference]

A branch of [hypnotism]. Spiritual interference with the magician who is casting the enemy to achieve the purpose of interrupting the other's spellcasting.

If you succeed, you can not only counter the opponent's spell spells, but also allow the photons collected by the opponent to riot in the opponent's body, causing collateral damage (and even petrochemical punishment if it is serious).

Interference is very useful when the opponent uses complex and powerful magic. Therefore, experienced magicians will not easily use the big magic. The big magic started for a very long time, and the process of launching was extremely flawed, and it was not necessary to use it.

Now introduce several intermediate magics of each department: Fire system: tracking fireball enchantedfireball

Add [Animing] to the magic core of Fireball to let the fireball produce the effect of tracking the enemy.

[Combination 1]: To speed up the fireball tracking, you need to apply an [automatic orbital wind].

[Combination 2]: To maintain the volume of the fireball during the tracking process, an [automatic modeling wind] is required.

[Combination 3]: To explode a fireball after hitting a specific object, you need to apply an [Auto Range Explosive Wind].

[Combination 4]: If the operator wants to precisely control the magic, it is necessary to apply a [dance lasso wind]... Ice system: tracking ice archery enchantedicearrow

Add [Animing] to the magic core of Frostbolt to make the Frostbolt produce the effect of tracking the enemy.

[Combination 1]: To speed up the tracking of ice arrows, you need to apply an [automatic orbital wind].

[Combination 2]: To make the ice arrow explode after hitting a specific object, you need to apply an [Auto Range Explosive Wind].

[Combination 3]: If the operator wants to precisely control the magic, it is necessary to apply a [lose of the lasso wind]...Electrical system: Tracking electric ball plas’maball

Add [Animation] to the magic core of the electric ball to let the electric ball produce the effect of tracking the enemy.

[Combination 1]: To speed up the tracking of the electric ball, it is necessary to apply an [automatic orbital wind].

[Combination 2]: To maintain the volume of the ball during the tracking process, it is necessary to apply an [automatic molding wind].

[Combination 3]: To explode after hitting a specific object, you need to apply an [Auto Range Explosive Wind].

[Combination 4]: If the operator wants to precisely control the magic, it is necessary to apply a [Dream Lasso Wind]... Wind System: (Asian Magic) Photon Storage (photonstorage)

The photons are compressed into a spherical shape and used as a "fuel".

Since the magic can't collect photons from the environment after leaving the hand, most long-distance tracking magic needs to bring its own "fuel" to solve the problem of photon consumption... Wind system: automatic rail acceleration (autorailaccelerator)

An upgraded version of [orbital acceleration]. Linked to the magic core of the magic, automatically tracking a specific target. When the target moves, the acceleration direction of [orbital acceleration] is automatically corrected.

[Combination 0]: The assistance of photon storage is required to start. When the photon inventory of [photon storage] is used up, the magic will fail... Wind system: autoshapesculptor

An upgraded version of [Molding]. Set a size for the magic core, constantly consuming photons for the duration of the magic, and maintaining the magic effect (such as the fireball).

[Combination 0]: The assistance of photon storage is required to start. When the photon inventory of [photon storage] is used up, the magic will fail... Wind system: autorangeexplosion

An upgraded version of [Scope Explosion]. Set one or more explosion targets for the magic core, let the magic core explode when it touches these targets, ignoring other objects touched. You can control the magic with precise damage to prevent accidental injury to the friendly army... Wind system: (Asian magic) power lasso (telekinesisrope)

The use of ropes made of photons continues to exert a force on the towed objects. There is a very fine photon line between the user and the magic core that is emitted. Magic commands and photon assignments are provided by this line. Therefore, the use of [Animation] and [Photon Storage] can be omitted. . The price is the attention of the magician.


In fact, some complex magic often includes both standard magic and sub-magic, and the boundaries of the division are also very vague.

For example, the intermediate magic [tracking fireball] is based on the standard entropy magic [fireball], and then attached to [fussery] to achieve the effect of tracking the enemy.

A qualified magician, in addition to standard magic, is also one of the compulsory courses. At the same time, using [Standard Magic] and [Asian Magic] is a necessary process for advanced magic masters.

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