Library of Rain

Test Run

Two weeks later, Rain stepped out of the handcart and approached the Theluse Brothel with her head bowed and face mostly covered by her scarf. Leading the way in front of her was Mr. Tist, the man Mr. Mirage had found to play a noble; he was a newer recruit, not one of Mr. Mirage's main people, but he was the best they could find who had the look of a proper Lord with his soft hands and well-groomed beard. 


One of the bruisers at the front door welcomed them as they approached.


“Welcome, come inside. Ave will help you find the right girl or boy to make your dreams come true.”


Like any proper Lord, Mr. Tist ignored the man as he swept into the building. 


Perfect, just like they’d practiced.  


Rain had spent most of her time in the last two weeks tutoring Mr. Tist on how to act like a proper snob. He’d quickly picked up on everything, but it had still been hard work. She’d needed to channel her inner Isster to think of what to train Mr. Tist on and had even been forced to diligently go to her studies. 


The only thing that made the mostly boring lessons bearable was that she was usually with Lucus; however, that had gotten her thrown out once when she had started goofing off with him. Rain was still bitter that she had been the one to get scolded and punished while Lucus was fine. 


Despite her wildly drifting thoughts, Rain was paying attention to her surroundings. No one seemed suspicious of them, and they were far from the only customers here tonight. Men and women in scanty clothes that made Rain cold, given the snow falling outside, were greeting men and women alike and leading them to other rooms.


Mr. Tist, of course, didn’t bother waiting in line like most people and instead cut straight to the front, to the anger of the other customers. Rain, following behind him, bowed repeatedly to the others in apology. Most, when they realized she was there, went quiet, seeming to no longer want anything to do with the pair. 


“I am lord Aker.” Mr. Tist said with all the loud snobbery of someone used to the world bending over backward to fulfill his wishes. “I had my servants send you a letter. Have you prepared everything like you were told.”


Rain wanted to applaud his arrogance. He was really good at acting.


“Ah, Lord Aker, yes, we did receive your letter. I’m afraid we can not allow you to inspect all our indentured workers as they do need to service customers. We will still gather a fine selection for you to peruse.”


“Fine.” Mr. Tist huffed as he followed the woman out of the main building and into the smallest of the three buildings in the Theluse Brothel. 


The woman had to unlock the front door to let them in before leading them through a small, barren hall and into a long, low-ceilinged barracks. The room had nothing but a row of cramped beds with tiny splintery chests at their feet. The chests had simple pictures drawn on them in charcoal. The pictures were of common things: clouds, snow, trees. Rain could appreciate wanting to add whatever beauty you could to your cell.


Rain hadn’t noticed any locks on the inside of this building, leaving the building open except for the door out. The windows were small and only led to the inner courtyard of the brothel. Rain might be able to slip through them, but she was small, even for her age. 


The occupants of the room, a half dozen women and a young man, sprang to their feet at the sight of the woman leading them.


“Stand in a line, all of you; our esteemed guest wants to look you over.”


They did so with an efficacity that would put some of the town guards to shame. Rain could recognize when people were being motivated by fear. It was just like when the keepers came to ‘teach’ the children back in the pen.


“We already have your payment for inspecting them; should you wish to buy one of them, send your servant to find me back in the main building.”


Mr. Tist only grunted; he was already busy staring at one of the girls far too closely. 


Seeing his preoccupation, the woman left without another word. 


Rain was glad she left them alone. The letter she had sent said they wanted to inspect all the slaves in private so Lord Aker could purchase one of them, but Rain had worried that the staff wouldn’t give them privacy. The amount of money that had been with the letter had probably helped. She was sure someone was watching the entrance to the building to make sure they didn’t try to steal someone, as well as to lock the building once they had left. However, that wouldn’t stop Rain. 


Tonight, though, was only a test run and a way to gain credibility. Rain hoped to free more than just seven slaves.


Most of the slaves were focused on Mr. Tist as he continued his act of being an entitled Lord looking to buy another slave. Rain had gotten the idea from the letter she had found in Mr. Ner’s office. It would be easier to create a fake lord than to try to master religion, so this had become her new plan.


Rain noticed that one of the slaves, a girl with a bruised face and blond hair, wasn’t looking at Mr. Tist like the rest. Instead, she was looking at Rain, her eyes absent of any fear. Rain looked over the others, and while some had small bruises, none were in the same bad shape as the first. They also all had looks of resignation. 


Rain's information from her past was annoyingly spotty, and she wasn’t exactly sure what went on in places like this, but she knew it was bad, and it looked like this first girl was a fighter. That was enough to decide things for Rain. 


“Master.” Rain said, hunching her shoulders and adjusting her body to look like she was afraid of being struck for speaking.




“The mistress wanted me to tell you something in private when we arrived here.”


“Ash-covered woman always trying to ruin everything! What is it?”


Rain shuffled closer and motioned for him to bring his ear down. Mr. Tist obliged. 


“Send me to go buy the woman covered in bruises, then stick to the plan.” Rain whispered into his ear.


Mr. Tist stood up with a look of disgust on his face.


“If I want to buy a new toy, I will, and she can go to Arkit for all I care. In fact, go to that beautiful goddess who led us here and inform her I’ll pay double for the bruised one. I’m looking forward to telling the crone back home that I bought something prettier than her.”


Mr. Tist’s acting skills might be too good. Now Rain was starting to want to punch him. Maybe he should be teaching her. Regardless, the plan was going well, so Rain retreated back to the main building, where she patiently waited for her turn to speak to the woman who’d led them.


“Yes?” the woman said with a raised eyebrow and none of the deference she had shown Mr. Tist.


“My master wishes to buy one of the slaves. The one with all the bruises on her face.”


“He took a liking to Wer then, huh? Tell him she will cost him ninety old. She’s still quite young.”


The woman looked like she expected Rain to return and tell Mr. Tist the price, so when Rain opened the drawstring bag out of her coat and counted out twice the asking amount, it got more than just a raised eyebrow.


“My master said to pay you double. He said he was going to pay you more, but with the poor service you gave, only giving him a few to choose from, he had to lower his price. He hopes that next time you will display all your indentured workers.”


“I understand.” the woman replied, indicating that she had gotten the not-so-subtle message. “Allow me to return with you and give permission for Wer to leave the premises.”


The rest of the night went smoothly, with the woman being even more polite when talking with Mr. Tist, and the bruised girl, Wer, looking suspicious at the whole thing. 


In short order, the three of them left the brothel and entered the handcart they had arrived in. It was only after they had been moving for several minutes that someone spoke.


“You’re the one who's actually in charge, aren't you?” Wer said, looking at Rain.


Rain was impressed. For a slave to talk like that to another servant while ignoring the lord was highly disrespectful. If she was wrong, she could be harshly punished, and if she was right, then Rain might be worse than a lord. All told, Rain was convinced she had made the right choice buying this girl first.


“Yes, my name is Tyix, and I want to offer you a deal.”

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