Library of Rain

A New Day

Rain’s head hit her desk for the third time as she tried to read ‘The Mercy and Miracles of Agro.’ She had thought that reading about the teachings of the Lord of Lies and Deceit would be more interesting, but honestly, she just wanted to be done with it.


“Why did you abandon me, Ms. Hope?”


The studying had gone so well until Ms. Hope went to see Mr. Orm and never returned. Rain couldn’t be mad at Ms. Hope. She had looked so happy when she’d been asked to check on Mr. Orm, but the studying went so much better with Ms. Hope here to help. 


Rain just needed to grit her teeth and do this!




Rain woke with her face buried in the same book she had been trying to read. A quick glance out the windows told her she had been here for a while; the sun had already set. She was annoyed with herself for falling asleep, but at the same time, this had been one of her rare dreamless sleeps, so she decided not to be too upset.


Closing the book, she decided to head home. She might have to rethink this plan. If she needed to learn the ins and outs of Agro’s teachings to pull this off, she might be better off trying a different approach. 


A thought later, and she was in the dark servant's room next to her own. 


She wouldn’t be falling asleep tonight, not after her nap. So, instead, Rain decided to watch the moons through her window. Something about how they hid behind the clouds, only to peek out and throw pale beams of light over the city, mesmerized Rain.


A knock at the door broke her out of her reverie. 


No one ever came to her rooms.




“It's me.”


It was Lucus! If he was knocking on her door, then he wasn’t avoiding her! Rain could feel a weight lift from her shoulders that she hadn’t known was there.




Rain raced to the door and let Lucus in.




Lucus looked a little - what was the word - hesitant, maybe? He was speaking quieter than he used to and staring at her less. Had her aura grown stronger? She didn’t think it had.


“So you know how you said I couldn’t do anything to help unless I knew of a place we could hide slaves?”


Rain blinked; when had she… oh right.


“Well, I have an idea. We could hide them on Estom Island.”


“How would that help?”


“Estom Island is a dead island. No ships are allowed in or out until the Gathering decides it's safe. Father says that the plague will already have killed everyone it's going to and that the only reason it's still under quarantine is because House Odom is using it as an excuse to get ahead of us.”


Rain thought through what Lucus was saying: if the island was quarantined and safe, then it really would be a good place to hide a bunch of runaway slaves. No one could ask where all these people were coming from, and no one from Tineak would go looking for them there.


“Lucus, you’re a genius!”


Rain was hopping in excitement. Figuring out what to do with the people she freed had been one of the problems she had no idea how to solve. She knew it had been a good idea to involve others.


“Thank you, brother.”


Lucus’s ears turned a bit red.


“Whatever it was, just a stray thought.”


That was a lie. Rain almost hugged him before catching herself. He may be okay with her aura right now, but if she got too close and it drove him away… She couldn’t risk it.


“It isn’t even a useful idea.” Lucus continued, “There isn’t a way to get them there anyway.”


“No, I think I have an idea of how to do it! This is perfect!”


Rain bounced on her toes as ideas of how to put everything together flooded into her head. She should go see Mr. Markson right now! 


Or maybe she should wait until he was awake and back at work. Her bouncing stopped. She would have to find something to do all night while she waited.


“Hay Lucus, do you…”


Her words were cut off by a massive yawn from Lucus.


“Sorry, what were you asking?”


“Nothing. You should probably get some sleep.”


She couldn’t ask him to play with her while he was so obviously tired.  


“Ya, I’ve been studying a lot lately. Sleeping sounds Great.”


“Night, big brother.”


“Good night, weirdo.”


Rain could have sworn she saw a smile on his face as he turned away.




Rain was waiting outside the warehouse when Mr. Markson arrived in the morning.


“Young Rain! It’s good to see you. How has life in the Crown Ring been treating you?”


“Hi, Mr. Markson. I’m doing well.”


“What brings you out so early on this fine morning?”


“Can we go inside and talk?”


“Of course, partner. Let's step into my office.”


Mr. Markson opened the warehouse doors and stepped in. Within moments of Rain following him in, she was attacked. 


A bright ball of shining yellow glomped onto Rain’s arm and refused to let go.


“Umff. Hi Ise! It’s good to see you too.”


“Mmmurph mmm mmph Mmmumm.”


“I’m doing good? I can't really understand you when you talk into my arm like that.”


Sunrise peeled her face off Rain's arm and looked at Rain with a truly impressive pout.


“Don’t leave me again.”


It took every ounce of will Rain possessed to prevent her from hugging Sunrise, as well as the fact that Rain’s left arm was currently occupied. So she contented herself with patting Sunrise on the head. The happy look on Sunrise’s face made Rain jealous but also happy. Cursed children didn’t deserve to be comforted like this, but it was nice to see someone Rain cared about smiling.


“I can't stay here forever, though. I have things I need to do.”


“Then take me with you. I hate it here!”


Rain glared at Mr. Markson.


“Have you been mean to Sunrise?”


“Not at all,” Mr. Markson said, raising his hands defensively. “I offered to take her in as my daughter, but she refused. She says she’s going to live with you.”


It took Rain a moment to process those words. Sunrise had been offered everything Rain wanted, and she had refused it? Why? Why would anyone pass a chance at having a family?


“That's right. I’m going with you, Rain.”


“But I don’t have anywhere for you to stay! I guess if you wanted to pretend to be my maid, you could, but that’s worse than living with Mr. Markson.”


Sunrise didn’t seem to hear anything past maid. Her whole face had lit up like a stage, and she was nodding vigorously, head bumping into Rain's arm, which she had yet to let go of. 


“You promise!”


Rain hadn’t promised anything, but she couldn’t bring herself to disappoint Sunrise. 


“Yes, I promise.”

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