Li Han’s Little Farmer’s Wife from the Mountains

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Incredible

“This kid is terrible!”

Seeing that Zhang Eryong was not persuaded, Zhang Auntie left a sentence and walked away with the basket.

It was so easy to come to the city. She still had a lot of things to do, but she didn’t have the time to delay things with irrelevant people.

Shen Ruolan really wants to buy this wild sheep. She is too weak and needs nourishment. When the wild sheep has a baby, she can have goat milk to drink. Wild goat milk is far more nutritious than milk, and it must be great for her body. benefit.

Moreover, when the lambs are raised and fattened in the future, there will be delicious wild lamb to eat, which makes people drooling thinking about it!

It’s just that she only has one or two silver dollars left in her hand. Zhang Eryong said that this sheep sells for at least one or two eight dollars, and she doesn’t have enough silver on her hand!

Looking at the fat wild sheep, Shen Ruolan felt a little regretful in her heart. She knew that his wild sheep hadn’t been sold, so she would buy less things. She could buy cloth tubs and other items anytime. , But you can’t meet the wild sheep every day.

Hey, now it’s too late to say anything, let’s go buy rice first!

Shen Ruolan shook her head and turned to look for the rice seller.

Aunt Zhang said before that rice and white noodles are both three cents per catty, but when she went to buy it, she found out that the rice with three cents per catty referred to by the auntie refers to the most inferior rice in the market, and there is still some grinding in it. After that, I didn’t pick up clean shells and fine sand. The better ones would sell for five cents. Five cents of rice was much cleaner and whiter.

The best rice actually sells for six yuan per catty, which is equivalent to six yuan per catty when converted to modern prices!

Shen Ruolan smacked her tongue secretly, it was too expensive, two catties of rice was almost enough to buy one catty of meat.

However, considering that Liu Wenqian rice is almost picked out one by one, it is big, beige and white, and there is no debris in it. It saves a lot of trouble when cooking, so she bought 20 Jin Liu. One catty of white rice cost one hundred and twenty cents, five cents a catty of fine white noodles also bought 20 catties, soy beans and mung beans each bought three catties, in a blink of an eye, two hundred and thirty cents. The flowers went out like flowing water.

However, she did not regret it, nor did she feel distressed. She has lived for two lifetimes. She didn’t understand this until the day she died. Life is short and life is not easy. No one knows which tomorrow or the accident will come, so she should live smartly, what she wants to eat and what to eat. Whatever you want to buy, don’t treat yourself badly. In her last life, she spent seven or eight years frugal. She just saved a down payment. Before she could pay, she was sent here by a gangster’s pistol. The money I saved by moving my stomach turned into the waste paper in the space, so I didn’t use it.

So, she said nothing in her life to save money. Of course, if too much money can’t be spent, she can save it, but she will never save money by saving money like she did in her previous life, so I’m so sorry. !

Thinking about this, she bought some big white steamed buns and meat buns. They pretended to be placed in a basket just like rice noodles, covered with a tarpaulin and then secretly put them into the space, and finally walked back slowly.

When passing by Zhang Eryong’s stall, I saw him still squatting there with his hands on his knees and his head hanging. The sheep under his feet were still not sold.

This guy is obviously not a material for business. He would not yell when he squatted there, and he would not take the initiative to solicit customers. He would just squat there and wait like a rabbit. Whenever a pair of feet appeared in his booth, He raised his head and looked at the owner of those feet, his lips parted, but he didn’t speak, as if he was embarrassed to say soliciting customers.

And when those feet leave, there will be a trace of disappointment on his face, and then he hangs his head here and then becomes dejected.

After repeating this several times, the vendors on his left and right have made several deals, but his wild sheep still haven’t been sold.

Shen Ruolan looked at the sun to the west, and then at the declining number of people in the market, guessing that he has no hope today.

I wanted to walk away and ignore his nostalgia, but thought that if she hadn’t given her three cents in the morning, she would still be eating sweet potatoes and cabbage at the mountain village; besides, she really wanted the wild goat and thought about it. After a while, she stepped forward.

Zhang Eryong squatted on the ground, with his head buried, his hands mechanically digging the patch on his knees, suddenly a pair of rotten shoes had to be **** with straw ropes appeared in front of him.

He raised his head, and suddenly saw the owner of the shoes, the scary girl from the Shen family in the morning.

“Are you doing anything?”

The Shen family girl was already standing in front of him, she didn’t mean to leave yet, she was obviously not passing by, but came to him specifically.

Shen Ruolan smiled slightly and stretched out her hand: “Brother Zhang, I’ll pay back your three cents.”

Zhang Eryong looked at the three copper plates and took it without refusing.

He only took these three copper plates with him, which was originally intended to buy a few steamed buns to fill his hunger. After paying the fare for the Shen family, he didn’t even have the lunch money, and he is still hungry.

After paying the money, Shen Ruolan had no intention to leave. She knelt down, stroked the wild sheep on the ground, and asked, “Big Brother Zhang, is the sheep selling badly?”

Is not this nonsensical? The sheep are here, obviously they haven’t been sold, but it’s not that they are not selling smoothly!

“Well, it’s not going well.”

Zhang Eryong stared at the patch on his knee and replied in frustration.

From midday to here, there are a lot of fancy sheep, but the price is too low, or the price is too low, and it’s time to go back if you look at it. It seems that he’s here today for nothing. .

Shen Ruolan saw his frustration and tentatively said, “Big Brother Zhang, how much do you plan to sell this sheep? If the price is reasonable, I can buy it.”

Zhang Eryong was startled and looked at her with wide-eyed eyes: “What? You?”

Shen Ruolan coughed: “Yes, I, I want to buy your sheep, but I don’t have that much money on hand now, so I can only pay you 800 wen first, and wait ten days for the rest to give you. ”

In order to prove her sincerity, she took out a few pieces of silver and handed them to Zhang Eryong, “Hey, these pieces of silver add up to a total of eight dollars. They are my fixed money for you, okay?”

Seeing Zhang Eryong staring at her in a daze, without speaking or picking up money, Shen Ruolan thought he didn’t believe in herself, so she said sincerely: “If you don’t believe me, you can find a silver store to measure the money. It will never be less. It’s heavy. You can also put the sheep in your house first, and then go to your house to take it when I have enough money.”

“Uh, don’t use it.”

Zhang Eryong waved his hand again and again. The reason why he kept staring at her without answering was not because he didn’t believe her or didn’t want to sell it to her, but because he was surprised.

When she went there tomorrow morning, she was still a poor little boy who couldn’t even afford five cents in the car fare. How could she earn eight hundred cents after she worked so hard? This is incredible?

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