Leveling Up in Life

4: The Daily Grind

Titus stirred, the sharp alarm slicing through his dreams. He blinked against the early morning light streaming through the window, squinting at the clock. The red numbers glowed ominously, 6:30 AM. Panic surged as he scrambled out of bed, feet hitting the cold floor.

“Damn it, I'm late” he muttered, shoving his feet into worn sneakers. His thoughts ran wild as he hurriedly went through his morning routine, the whole strange experience still working against him. Toothpaste all over the mirror because he always brushes his teeth so hard, the minty fresh flavor of colgate combining with the lingering flavor of sleep.

He ran into the kitchen and pulled a piece of bread out of the bag and threw it in the toaster. The machine just kind of hummed away, making fun of him with its slowness. He could already hear the clock ticking of his minutes wasting away.

As soon as the toaster beeped, that same beep sound came from his pocket. He pulled out his cell phone and his eyes moved to the screen..

Daily Quest: Punctuality Challenge! Arrive at work on time.

Reward: 25 Coins

“Wonderful, just what I wanted" he mumbled, and stuffed the toast in his mouth. The burden of the quest bore down on him, the possibility of reward mixing with the fear of failure.

He picked up his bag and filled it with a energy bar and a water bottle, and took off out the door. The cool morning air hit him like a splash of cold water, invigorating yet daunting. He rushed to the bus stop, heart pounding.

He got to the curb and the bus came at that moment, a victorious surge of relief flushed over him. He boarded and just made it swiping his card as the doors shutted behind him. The bus lunged and he grabbed the overhead rail and took a deep breath.

With the city flying past him, his thoughts whirled around the Lifeline System. The pressure to balance this newfound game, if he could even call it that, with the reality of his life felt overwhelming. Would he be able to keep up?

The bus came to a SKREEECHING halt and Titus climbed off and looked at the time on his cell phone. He had minutes to spare.

With determination fueling his steps, he navigated through the café's entrance just as his shift was about to begin.

Quest Complete: Punctuality Challenge!

Reward: 25 Coins.

The notification chimed in his ear, and he exhaled, relief flooding his system.

Titus moved behind the counter and the aroma of coffee wafted towards him like a comfortable blanket. He looked at the customers line, some faces he recognized others not so much, all of them looked impatient. There was a rhythm to the morning rush, a hum that pulsated throughout the café, but it was a rhythm he had yet to master.

“Hey, Titi!” A cheerful voice broke through his thoughts. It was Mrs. Lawson, a regular. She had silver hair pulled back into a bun and glasses that sat low on her nose. “I’ll have my usual, dear. Extra cream, just like you remember.”

“Sure thing Mrs. Lawson," he said, the sides of his mouth curling up. He poured the coffee and felt a twinge of confidence as he went through the familiar order.

Behind her, a man in a wrinkled suit huffed impatiently, tapping his foot. “You've got more clients waiting here. Can’t you hurry it up?” His voice dripped with irritation.

Titus looked at him, a lump in his stomach. “I’m on it, sir. Just one moment. He filled Mrs. Lawson’s cup, handing it to her with a grateful smile. She beamed back, the warmth of her presence easing his nerves.

As he faced the impatient man, he forced himself to keep his composure. “What can I get you?”

“Black coffee. Large. And make it quick. The man crossed his arms, a scowl etched across his face.

“Right away. Titus poured the coffee, his hands trembling slightly. He handed it over, careful not to spill. The man snatched the cup, barely acknowledging the gesture, and stormed off to a corner table.

Titus exhaled, shaking off the tension. He moved to the next customer, a young woman scrolling through her phone. “Can I take your order?”

“Um, a mocha I suppose," she muttered as she reluctantly made eye contact.

Be right there" He began to make the drink and noticed a guy sitting at the complete opposite end of the café. He must have been around fifty, with wrinkles, yet a handsome face, staring right at him.

“Hey kid" The man’s voice rose above the rest and got the attention of Titus. “You’re doing a good job, you know? Everyone here has their days. Things will eventually be fine, just keep your head up.”

Titus paused, the words resonating in his mind. It wasn’t the first time someone had offered him encouragement, but something about the man’s calm demeanor felt different, or maybe it was just the rush of the morning affecting him more than usual.

“Thanks,” Titus said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The man nodded, returning to his book. Titus paused for a second, and the noise of the café seemed to grow lighter as he thought of that little moment. Maybe there was something to this job after all.

Titus just wiped his forehead’ the café is buzzing. The rush had reached an all time high, and whenever it seemed like he could finally take a breath another person would walk up to the counter.

“I need a grande caramel macchiato with oat milk, extra caramel drizzle, and a sprinkle of cinnamon,” the woman requested, her tone brisk and demanding.

“Make it fast; I’m in a hurry!”

“Sure!” Titus replied, determination bubbling inside him. He noticed the familiar throb of pressure and rejected it. This was his moment to shine.

He grabbed the cup and began. He then made the espresso, the strong smell of the coffee permeating through the air while he observed the black coffee whirling into the cup. He even measured out the oat milk and made sure he frothed it to the right consistency. The hiss of the steam made a musical sort of noise that canceled out all the other noise in the café.

“Come on, Titi! You got this!” he muttered under his breath, focusing entirely on the task.

He mixed the milk with the espresso in a layer, and then he poured the caramel drizzle just at the right consistency, so it would flow down the sides of the cup ever so nicely. And a sprinkle of cinnamon to top it all off, the aroma mixing with the sugary drink.

“Here you go!” he said, presenting the drink with a flourish.

The woman took a sip, her expression shifting from impatience to delight. “Wow, this is actually pretty good” she admitted, a hint of admiration in her voice. “Thanks.”

“Glad you liked it!” Titus felt a swell of pride, warmth spreading through him.

Nearby, a coworker, Sarah, leaned over. “Well done, Titi. Good job you got that order in there, under pressure" she said, her eyes shining with approval.

“Thank you, I kind of feared that I would screw it up," he confessed, a smile spreading across his face.

He looked back up to the counter and a message popped up on his phone.

Congratulations! You have successfully crafted a complicated drink order!

Rewards: 10 XP, Miscellaneous Skill Boost: Drink Crafting +1.

His heart raced at the sudden reward. It felt tangible, a validation of his effort in both the café and the Lifeline System. He stood taller, the weight of the shift feeling a little lighter, knowing he had made progress today.

During his lunch break, Titus settled at a small table in the corner of the café. He picked at his sandwich, eyes drifting over his coworkers, who animatedly shared stories and laughter. Their easy camaraderie struck him like a foreign language, each smile and joke a reminder of the world he felt increasingly distant from.

The clinking of plates and the low hum of conversation wrapped around him, but he felt separate, like a spectator in a vibrant play. They belonged to a rhythm he couldn’t quite find, a harmony that left him on the outside looking in. The Lifeline System loomed in his mind, a tantalizing secret he held close. It made him different, set him apart in ways he couldn’t fully grasp.

As he nibbled on his sandwich, a notification flashed across his phone.

New Quest Available: The Spotlight

Description: Stand out during your shift today. Engage with coworkers in a meaningful way, and gain new insights into their lives.

Reward: 20 XP and a Special Item.

Titus hesitated, his heart racing. He could feel the decision bearing on him. Would this quest draw him further into a world he so desperately wanted to be a part of, or would it drive him even more away? He thought of the chatter around him, real, friendly and warm. His coworkers shared their dreams, their laughter ringing like music. They had lives, connections, plans for the future.

What did he have? A system that watched him every step of the way, rewarded him for doing this and that, yet left him empty amongst their happiness. He looked back at the notificaton again, "Stand out" ringing in his ears. Would he try to fit in the crowd or accept the lime light.

He could already hear the murmurs of disbelief. “What if they don't care about what I have to say? What if people think I'm a looser?" the questions whirled and his determination seemed to weaken. But the possibility of making connections beckoned him, and a spark of courage burned within him.

“Come on, Titi,” he murmured, staring at the notification. He could take a step forward, engage, and perhaps find a way to bridge the gap between him and the life he yearned for. The choice sat heavy in his hands.

He took a deep breath, as the air expanded his lungs, and made himself stand up. His heart pounded in his chest with the rhythm of anxiety and excitement as he approached his colleagues. Their chatter grew louder, each laugh a reminder of what he wanted to be a part of.

He says “Hey mind if I join?” and his voice is a lot firmer than he feels.

Sarah, the barista with the colorful hair accessories, looked up and smiled. “Of course! We were just talking about our favorite movies. What’s yours?”

Titus sat down in the circle and their smiles warmed him. “Let's see, I suppose my favorite would be. Hmmm I don't know The smurfs? Stupid, right? He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ignore the self-consciousness creeping in.

“Solid choice,” Sarah nodded. “I always loved Smurfette.”

They started talking about old movies and Titus could already feel the knots in his back loosen as the conversation continued. The jokes flowed freely, punctuated by playful banter and animated gestures. Each voice felt familiar, a thread weaving him into their fabric.

Titus chuckled, feeling the ease of their camaraderie. He found himself getting involved in the conversation, tossing back jabs and nodding in agreement as they spit out their minds.

“Alright, Titi, your turn,” Alyssa said, smirking. “What’s the one movie you can’t stand?”

Titanic” he said, the words spilling out of his mouth. “I mean, it’s a classic, but come on, just let Jack on the door!”

Laughter erupted around him, and Titus reveled in the moment. He had been so afraid of not fitting in, and here he was, laughing at a movie that had caused numerous controversies. The nervousness that had previously held him lifting away as fog before the sun.

He looked around the table and noticed how at ease everyone looked. They were just people, not the judgmental critics he had imagined. They all had stories, they all had quirks, they all had hopes, and they all had this common ground that seemed so welcoming. It started to shed the burden of solitude and started to grow a feeling of acceptance.

As the sun dipped lower, casting a warm glow across the café, Titus felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. The sound of people's lively chatter and the smell of coffee filled the air, a warm feeling of a good day. He looked at the clock, because he knew any second he would be punching out.

But then, the owner’s voice cut through the noise. “Titus, can you come into my office for a minute?”

A chill raced down his spine. The weight of dread settled in his stomach as he exchanged glances with Sarah, who raised an eyebrow in concern. He swallowed hard, forcing his feet to move toward the office, the door looming like a gate to an uncertain fate.

Inside, the room felt smaller, the walls lined with awards and photographs of past events. He saw the proprietor, Mr. Reynolds, perched behind a desk covered with receipts and coffee cups. The man looked up, his expression unreadable.

“Close the door, please, Mr. Reynolds said, gesturing for Titus to take a seat.

Titus obeyed and the noise of the door latch clicking seemed to roar like a drum in his ears. He sat on the edge of the chair with his hands clasped firmly in his lap. Thoughts raced through his mind. Was this about those days he had almost been late? Had he messed up an order?

“First, I want to say you’ve been doing a great job,” Mr. Reynolds began, leaning back in his chair. “Your barista skills have really improved, and the customers appreciate your friendly demeanor, even the difficult ones.”

Titus's heart rose a little bit, but the nervousness still gnawed away at him. What was coming next?

“I noticed you’ve been engaging more with the team,” Mr. Reynolds continued, “which is important for the café’s atmosphere. We need a cohesive crew.”

Titus nodded, feeling a mix of pride and uncertainty. Yes, he had tried out, but had he tried hard enough? The pressure of expectations pressed against him.

“But", says Mr. Reynolds, "that brings us to the subject of your timeliness.”

Titus’s stomach twisted.

“I understand you’ve been late a few times,” Mr. Reynolds continued. “This is something that we will have to work on, especially when it gets really busy.”

Titus’s palms grew clammy. In his mind he could hear the thoughts of those hectic mornings, the thoughts of when he had barely gotten there on time. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat. Would they see him as unreliable?

It grew quiet, that nervous thick suffocating kind of quiet, and he waited for the backlash.

Titus sat rigidly in the chair, every muscle tense as Mr. Reynolds continued to speak. The room felt stifling, the weight of his boss's scrutiny heavy in the air. He took a deep breath, preparing for the lashing, but the owner's eyes lost their harshness as he moved foward.

“Given your hard work and improvement, I’m happy to offer you a small salary increase” Mr. Reynolds announced, his voice steady. “I see that you have the potential here, and I hope that you will continue to develop.”

Titus blinked, the words sinking in slowly. A salary increase? He stared at Mr. Reynolds, searching for any hint of a joke. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely,” Mr. Reynolds replied, a slight smile breaking through his serious demeanor. “You’ve earned it. It’s not just a raise, but an acknowledgement of your dedication and hard work.”

A heat came over the chest of Titus, then a flush of incredulity. Relief washed over him, the anxiety that had coiled tight within him beginning to loosen. He couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride. It was almost as if this recognition was a sign, a confirmation that he was on the right path.

“Thank you,” he managed, the words tumbling out in a rush. “I appreciate it.”

“Just keep focusing on your work, and make sure to wake up earlier.” Mr. Reynolds said, nodding. “You’re part of this team now, and we want to see you succeed.”

Titus walked out of the office feeling a bit relieved, the sides of his mouth pulling upward into a smile. The café bustled with activity, but the noise faded into the background as he mulled over the news. A salary increase meant more than just a few extra bucks in his pocket; it meant recognition, progress. He had a chance to build something more stable, something he had longed for.

With each step back to the main area, a thought emerged, growing louder in his mind. Perhaps he should be searching for a new place to live now. His current place was cramped and stale, the walls closing in on him, but this change sparked a flicker of hope. He would be able to finally get started on his quests too.

An apartment with a view, a place to call home, he could almost see it now as he moved back into the rush of the café. The idea sparked a flame inside of him, a new drive, something that urged him to seek out the next phase in his life.

Quest Completed: The Spotlight

Rewards: 20 XP, Memento Coin.

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