Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Rebirth in a Cruel World
One day, Adam opened his eyes and felt something strange. His body felt small, light, and... weak?
"Huh? Why do I feel like a child?" he thought.
He tried to remember what happened before. The last he remembered, he was sleeping in his room after a long day of gaming. Then, suddenly, he felt like he was pulled into a void and-BAM!-he was here.
He slowly got up and looked around. All he could see was a dirty narrow alley, an old brick wall, and the sound of footsteps in the distance.
"Wait... this place... isn't this Shiganshina District?!"
His eyes widened as realization hit him. This was the world of Attack on Titan-a world where humans lived inside walls, surrounded by giant Titans ready to eat them at any moment.
Adam turned to the small, dirty window nearby and saw his reflection.
A small boy with matted black hair and tattered clothes. His face was pale, his body thin.
"So... I entered the body of a seven-year-old orphan? Geez... why not just enter Levi's body to make it easy?"
Sighing, Adam leaned against the wall.
"Okay, calm down. Don't panic. I need to come up with a plan."
Adam knew one thing for sure, If he remained weak, he would die.
Maria's walls will come down in the next few years. If he doesn't do something, He'll just be an extra who dies by the Titan and He'll only know the beginning of the attack on titan story.
"Okay, I need power. But how?"
Just then, something strange happened.
His eyes flickered, and suddenly His felt... different.
It was as if his mind became sharper, understanding things faster.
He saw an old man walking down the street carrying a basket of apples. Every step, the way he balanced his weight, even the pattern of his walk-all of it felt like information was flowing into his brain instantly.
Adam gasped.
"Wait... this... I can learn something just by looking at him?"
He quickly tested his theory. He mimicked the way the old man walked-and within a few steps, his body adjusted perfectly. It was as if he had been walking like that all his life.
Adam looked down at his own hands, then smiled a little.
"Okay... now we're talking. With this, I can learn anything. I will survive... and more than that, I will become strong."
However, before becoming strong, there was a more pressing matter.
"My stomach is hungry."
He peeked into a bakery. An elderly woman shopkeeper was chatting with a customer, while some bread was placed on the table.
Adam weighed the options. If he stole, there was a chance he would be beaten or sent to the guards.
"Eh, never mind."
With quick movements, he stepped into the shop, picked up a loaf of bread, and-
The shop owner saw him!
Without thinking, Adam ran away as fast as he could. He jumped over a wooden barrel, turned down a narrow alley, and climbed over a small fence-and
it was easy.
"Crazy, I'm so small but so agile!"
After his escape, he sat under a tree and took a bite of his bread.
He smiled with satisfaction. This was the first step to survival.
From that day on, Adam began to use his abilities to learn things.
He observed the soldiers on patrol, imitating the way they walked and carried weapons. He watched the children play fighting, copying their movements until he could finally defeat them.
He learned to read, understood battle strategies, and even imitated the way adults spoke to make him look smarter.
However, there was one thing he didn't realize yet-his life was about to change even more.
Because soon, he would meet someone who would change his life.