Let You Simulate Crime And You Imitate The Thief?

Chapter 26 Born Criminal!

after an hour.

With the cooperation of the Mexican police, the pursuit team turned the entire Hilton Hotel upside down, but they couldn't even see a shadow of Chu Chen!

Looking at the people coming and going in the hotel lobby, Zhou Yun calmed down and carefully recalled all the details just now!

Suddenly, as if he realized something, he slapped himself hard on the forehead!

"We were all deceived by him!"

After hearing what he said, the two team leaders standing next to him looked at each other with doubts on their faces. Then, one of the team leaders said, "What's wrong, captain?"

Zhou Yun narrowed his eyes, and while recalling the entire arrest process, he replied absently: "I said that we were all deceived by him. Everything I saw in the restaurant just now was carefully forged by that guy! The foreigner we sent away was actually Chu Chen. "


"No way? Isn't he a victim?"

"Haha, victim..." Zhou Yun snorted coldly and said, "Look back, did the waiter knock over a bottle of red wine when he opened the door just now?"

They have an impression about this matter.

But they really can't figure out what the internal connection is.

Of course, they are not to blame for this. The level of crime in this world is already very low.

Based on this, the professional capabilities of many ordinary crime investigators are also uneven.

To be honest, if it weren't for Chu Chen, they might never have encountered such a crime in their lives, let alone imagine that when a criminal faced arrest, not only did he not escape, but he chose to be tough and use super high acting skills to deceive. Everyone!

If you don't experience it yourself, who can believe it?

The next second, Zhou Yun suddenly asked: "Do you think it was an accident?"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, isn't it?"

The two said in confusion.

Zhou Yun shook his head and explained:

"It's definitely not an accident. The bottle of wine is actually an alarm device he set up to prevent anyone from breaking in. Just now, when I checked the room, I noticed many unusual details, such as the dining cart placed behind the door. There are spoons hanging on the back of the kitchen door.”

"These things seem to be placed randomly, but in fact they should all be alarms set by him. Of course, including the bottle of red wine."

"Before, when the waiter opened the door, he accidentally broke it. This is enough to prove that before we came, no one except Chu Chen himself had walked into this room. But if this is the case, how did the foreigner get in? of?"

"Secondly, we all overlooked one detail. This is the presidential suite. Without the intervention of the police and the help of the hotel, ordinary tourists would have no chance to approach this room. Do you think that as a visitor, he can use his reconnaissance capabilities? Can such a powerful criminal open the door easily, especially the person he just deceived..."

Having said this, Zhou Yun glanced at the two of them meaningfully: "I have to say, this guy's acting skills are really good. At that time, I really thought he broke the window and escaped..."

The reason why Chu Chen's acting skills are so good is not only due to his own criminal talent, but also due to his god-level forgery.

Otherwise, he has no absolute certainty that he can hide the truth!

After hearing Zhou Yun's explanation, the two team leaders suddenly understood!

"Oh my God!"

"This guy is so cunning! Captain, what should we do now?"

Zhou Yun let out a long sigh, shook his head, took out his cell phone and called the command room.

After a while, the call was connected.

He hesitated for a second, then said, "The target got away."

At this time!

In the command room!

Hearing Zhou Yun's words, Liu Xuemin's face was struck by lightning, and he immediately raised his voice and said: "Escaped? What happened?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yun briefly interrupted and told Liu Xuemin the whole arrest process clearly.

After listening to his story, Liu Xuemin was stunned for a while, until the other end of the phone spoke, and then he came back to his senses:

"Captain Zhou, don't worry, we will let Lin Xu track his position immediately. We will notify you immediately if there is news..."

After Liu Xuemin hung up the phone, the other four experts all came over.

Chen Zijin said: "Mr. Liu, what happened?"

At this moment, Liu Xuemin was still immersed in the shock just now!

Looking at Chen Zijin, he adjusted his tone, and then repeated to the four people word by word how Chu Chen set up the mechanism in the room and how he concealed the truth!

After listening to Liu Xuemin's retelling, Zhu Guowei immediately said: "This person is really a born criminal! His psychological quality is too strong!" Zhu Guowei himself is an expert in criminal psychology, so he has a lot to say about this matter. In the past real cases and teaching cases, he has never seen a criminal like Chu Chen who can be so calm in the face of pursuit! From a certain perspective, criminals and pursuers have a kind of aura opposition! This opposition will put criminals in an absolute disadvantage when facing pursuit. In other words, escaping is a natural attribute of every criminal. But this Chu Chen is just the opposite! Facing the pursuit team, he is not only not afraid, but directly turned the tables and became the leader of this cat and mouse game! It's a bit unfair to say that he is a born criminal! At this time, Wang Ruomei suddenly asked: "Everyone, have you ever thought about this question: Is he really just a young man who just turned 19?" "What else?" Zhu Guowei asked back. Wang Ruomei glanced at him and said, "I just don't believe that there is such a criminal genius in this world." After she finished speaking, Liu Xuemin suddenly spoke slowly: "No matter who he is, we can't waste time now. We must quickly lock his current location. At present, every second of delay will make it more difficult to capture him in the future. Lin Xu, you should track his specific location immediately." "Okay." After Lin Xu left, Liu Xuemin slowly walked to the big screen, picked up the remote control, and projected the map of the entire San Luis Potosi city on it. After doing all this, he said softly to the other three experts:

"Everyone, if you were Chu Chen, where would you go during this period?"

Chen Zijin said:

"I think that after this time, he will definitely act cautiously and will not show up easily again. This guy has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and it should be very difficult to track him."

Liu Xuemin nodded, looked at him and then said: "Do you think he will return to China?"

"I think it's unlikely. Our domestic pursuit force is much larger than that of Mexico. He only needs to deal with Zhou Yun there. If he really returns to China, he will fall into a trap. If I were Chu Chen, I would definitely not return to China at this time. Mr. Liu, what do you think?"

Liu Xuemin laughed and said nothing.

At this moment, Lin Xu suddenly got news:

"It was found! After leaving the hotel, he got on a taxi, and his destination was St. Louis International Airport! But after arriving at the airport, he did not enter the terminal, but went to the airport hotel next door..."

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