Let you condolences to the task force, have you solved the case?

Page 111

Su Mu shook his head again, turned around and took Lu Chenyao to the hospital, muttering in his mouth: "You are so stupid, who will you harm in the future?!"

Lu Chenyao heard it from afar, her face blushed slightly, but she pretended not to hear, and followed Su Mu to the hospital obediently.

In the hospital, Su Mu helped Lu Chenyao prescribe the medicine, and put it in the bag: "I will take this medicine three times a day, two pills per meal, I believe the cold will be cured in two days."

"Also, don't let your grandpa know. If Grandpa Duan continues to force you to drink traditional Chinese medicine, just call me and I'll cover for you and pour the traditional Chinese medicine down!"

Su Mu babbled, Lu Chenyao wrapped in a down jacket and Xiao Niaoyiren kept nodding.

Just as the two were about to leave the hospital, several ambulances roared to a stop outside the hospital gate, and soon a dozen injured patients were brought in.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" The patient was protected by the hospital doctors and nurses, and went straight to the emergency room.

Su Mu scanned the wounds of the dozen or so patients, and couldn't help frowning: "Why are they all old people? It seems that this traffic accident is not trivial!"

Lu Chenyao asked curiously: "How do you know it was a traffic accident?"

"Their wounds are all scratches or bruises. Only traffic accidents can cause such wounds. So many people were injured at once, and they were all old people. This accident is naturally not a small one!"

Elderly people are prone to injuries, and death is unavoidable in such a big accident.

Just as he was talking, several traffic policemen wearing white hats with large brims rushed in.

Su Mu saw that he knew the policeman leading the team. It was Wei Yuanxiong, the captain of the Accident Squadron of Jiangbin City Traffic Police Brigade. They had never cooperated before, but they knew each other well because of the meeting.

"Su Suo, why are you here?" Wei Yuanxiong saw Su Mu from afar, hurried over and greeted him.

"Oh, my friend has a cold, so I'll accompany her here to prescribe medicine. What's the matter, the guard? Why is this traffic accident involving elderly people? Isn't it a small accident?"

Su Mu asked.

When Wei Yuanxiong heard this, he couldn't help sighing, and frowned: "It's the old people from the Tianyuan Nursing Home who came out to play, but an accident happened. The accident has caused five deaths and more than a dozen people were injured, including several seriously injured. It's a big trouble." Already!"

Su Mu nodded. With so many people killed and injured, it was a serious traffic accident. Not only the higher authorities would be held accountable, but the work of comforting the families of the deceased would also be a headache for him.

"What caused the accident?" Su Mu turned his head and saw the doctors and nurses in the emergency room shuttling back and forth, all of them with heavy faces and hurried steps. It was obvious that the injured people were not in good condition.

"The current on-site investigation situation is that the brakes of the bus failed. The specific reason is still being investigated. I came here to appease the family members!" Wei Yuanxiong was at this time one head and two big, and his brows were locked into a line.

Su Mu sympathized with Wei Yuanxiong quite a lot. The accident work was the hardest work for family members. It involved various issues such as compensation, and the water was very deep!

Just as they were talking, the family members of the dead and injured outside kept coming in, all crying and shouting, cursing the nursing home, even the traffic police.

Seeing that Wei Yuanxiong didn't care to talk to him anymore, Su Mu dragged Lu Chenyao away from the hospital!

Chapter 191 Accident Squadron Alarm

Su Mu originally thought that this accident had nothing to do with him, so he walked around with Lu Chenyao on the street, and then sent her home.

I slept at home in the afternoon and night, and when I went to work the next day, my buttocks were still warm, and I received a call from the accident squadron, saying that someone was causing trouble in the squadron.

Although the accident squadron also has the power to enforce the law, their responsibilities are different. If you encounter this kind of trouble, you still have to call the police and call the police station. After all, it is professional.

At this time, Luo Ping was having a meeting at the city bureau, and Shen Bu had just called out to the police, so Su Mu had to go by himself.

He took all the colleagues in the office who had no cases for the time being, and drove straight to the accident squadron in two police cars.

Because the traffic police brigade and the accident squadron were both in the south of the city, not far away, Su Mu and his party arrived in less than 5 minutes.

When I got out of the car and went to the front of the accident squadron building, I saw that there were dozens of people beating and cursing a middle-aged man.

The accident police next to him were still persuading, but it didn't work at all. The dozens of people beat more and more fiercely, and their eyes were red.

Su Mu frowned, the middle-aged man would be in danger at any time if the beating continued like this.

He immediately drew his gun, pulled the trigger against the sky, and fired a warning shot.

At the same time, he shouted to everyone: "We are the police, stop!"

When the group of people heard the gunshots, they were all shocked and stopped beating involuntarily.

Su Mu immediately winked at his colleagues, and several colleagues rushed forward to pull the middle-aged man out, and protected him into the police car of the police station.

The beating people were stunned for a moment, and they all looked at Su Mu resentfully, facing the black hole of the gun, they didn't dare to step forward for a while.

Seeing that everyone gradually regained their senses, Su Mu felt relieved.

Wei Yuanxiong came over at this time, and smiled wryly with Su Mu: "Su Suo, it's fortunate that you came in time to stop the beating, otherwise it would be a big trouble!"

"Guard, what's going on? Why are so many people beating him?"

Su Mu put away his gun, pouted into the car, and asked in puzzlement.

Although the accident squadron doesn't care about fighting, it is still a police department after all, and no one would dare to make trouble so blatantly.

If I hadn't fired the warning shot in time just now, people would have died!

Wei Yuanxiong smiled wryly again, he pulled Su Mu aside, and then explained: "It was caused by the traffic accident in the Tianyuan Nursing Home yesterday, the person who was beaten was the driver of the accident vehicle, and those who beat people were the casualties of old people family."

"Is it because of compensation?" Su Mu asked.

Wei Yuanxiong nodded: "The driver's family is poor and only has one car, and the director of the nursing home suffered a cerebral thrombosis last night and was hospitalized, and he is still unconscious. Besides, the nursing home has no money to compensate, so these people are in a hurry That’s how it started.”

Su Mu glanced at the people not far away, and found that they were also discussing in whispers and pointing at this side.

"Is the brake failure the cause of the accident? No other findings?" Su Mu looked away and asked Wei Yuanxiong.

"Well, the master cylinder of the car lacked brake fluid, but the driver was stubborn, saying that he hadn't added brake fluid for a few days, and everyone was annoyed by this, and beat the driver up."

Su Mu pondered for a moment and then said: "Guard, take me to see the car and check if it is really a brake fluid problem?"

Wei Yuanxiong and the accident investigators had already checked, and it was indeed the brake fluid that caused the brake failure.

But because of Su Mu's face, he had no choice but to agree to investigate again.

The car was in the parking lot of the courtyard, and when Su Mu got into the car under the leadership of Wei Yuanxiong, he checked it, and found that the brake fluid was below the safety line.

Because the brake fluid does not meet the required standards, the brakes will inevitably fail.

"Guard, call the driver over, I'll ask." Su Mu continued to tinker with the car, and at the same time said to Wei Yuanxiong.

Although Wei Yuanxiong had never cooperated with Su Mu, he had already heard that he was a top-notch case investigator with great skills, and the leaders of the city bureau highly praised him.

So he immediately agreed, turned around and called the driver over.

After the driver got out of the car, when the group saw Wei Yuanxiong, they thought Wei Yuanxiong had taken him away, and immediately surrounded him.

"Don't be nervous, we want to ask the driver something." Wei Yuanxiong hurriedly explained to everyone.

The family members of the casualties did not continue to move forward.

After the driver was brought over by Wei Yuanxiong, Su Mu asked seriously: "Are you sure you have filled up the brake fluid? You can't lie now, or we won't be able to protect you!"

Although the driver's nose was bruised and his face was swollen from the beating just now, his mind was very clear, and he immediately said, "I swear, I swear by my family, I just put on the brake fluid the day before yesterday, and I really don't blame me for this accident."

Seeing that the driver didn't seem to be lying, Su Mu exchanged a glance with Wei Yuanxiong. The brake fluid lever was not damaged and dripped. It shouldn't have been on the day before yesterday, but it was gone yesterday? !

Is it man-made destruction?

Su Mu pondered for a while, then asked again: "Have you replaced the brake master cylinder piston in your car recently?"

The driver shook his head and said, "No."

Su Mu nodded and told the driver to leave.

After the driver boarded the police car again, Su Mu said to Wei Yuanxiong: "The brake master cylinder piston of this car has been polished, and the traces are very new, obviously it was polished recently."

When Wei Yuanxiong heard this, he couldn't help being surprised. The brake fluid was missing, and now the piston was worn out on purpose. If Su Mu's investigation is correct, this is no longer an ordinary accident. Is this clearly murder? !

"Su Suo, are you reading correctly?" Wei Yuanxiong asked subconsciously.

Su Mu nodded: "It's absolutely accurate. If you are worried, you can ask an expert to come over and check it again."

He has god-level driving skills, knows the structure and performance of any car like the palm of his hand, and can see whether the wear of the piston is caused by human beings, it's just a child's play!

Wei Yuanxiong was silent for a while, he still had doubts in his heart, he had been involved in accidents for many years, but he didn't find that the wear of the piston was man-made, so Su Mu could see it?

"Su Suo, this matter is very important, I'd better let the experts come over to take a look."

In the end, Wei Yuanxiong was still worried and decided to call in an expert.

Su Mu was not unhappy about this, he nodded and said: "You'd better hurry up, those guys are very emotional, be careful they make trouble again."

Wei Yuanxiong hurriedly agreed, turned around and went to the office to call to invite experts.

Because everyone refused to leave, Su Mu and his party had no choice but to stay and persuade.

During the process of persuasion, he found that there was a couple who looked like a husband and wife standing beside them, but once everyone was persuaded to leave, they immediately came up to disrupt the situation.

These two are the leaders.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

Su Mu immediately leaned towards the two and asked at the same time: "Your two family members are also involved in this accident?"

The couple were taken aback for a moment, and when they saw the tall Su Mu approaching, they felt timid in their hearts.

"So what?" the man said with a stern head.

Chapter 192 Someone Tricked the Car

Seeing that the man and woman were afraid of him, Su Mu immediately hit the snake with the stick and cast the emotional stimulation technique on the man and woman.

"In this accident, what's the name of your family members?" Su Mu stared at the man, then at the woman, and asked coldly.

Facing Su Mu at this time, the couple suddenly felt as if they were facing a roaring man-eating tiger, and there was a sense of horror for no reason.

The two still wanted to suppress their fear, but they didn't know that Su Mu's emotional stimulation technique was so powerful that they couldn't calm down no matter how hard they tried.

"Tie Chengping!" The man's legs and feet began to tremble involuntarily, and he blurted out the names of the family members who had the accident.

"Who are you Tie Chengping? Why are you stirring up trouble behind your back?" Su Mu continued to ask coldly.

The faces of the two of them changed drastically in shock. They didn't expect the young policeman to find out that the two of them were instigating people to make trouble behind the scenes.

"We didn't." The two shouted aggrievedly at the same time.

Although they didn't admit it, they were obviously scared, and they didn't even dare to meet Su Mu's eyes.

"Hmph, I don't care if you have done it before, but from now on, I don't want to see you making small moves behind your back, remember?"

Su Mu snorted, and suddenly shouted sharply.

This stern shout, to the two people's ears, was like a fierce tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, making them almost prostrate on the ground.

"Okay...Okay!" A man and a woman were so frightened that they immediately agreed.

"Let's go!" Seeing that the two were frightened by him, Su Mu warned them to leave.

When the man and woman heard that Su Mu let them leave, they felt relieved immediately, they couldn't care less, and they both left in a state of embarrassment.

As soon as the man and woman left, the other troublemakers were stunned. The leader left. They didn't know what to do next?

Su Mu turned to them and said loudly: "The case hasn't been clarified yet, why are you being bewitched to make trouble? How can we continue to investigate the case?"

"If you want the investigation of the case to be concluded earlier, don't hinder us. Now everyone go back, and when the case is clear, we will naturally give you an explanation!"

Originally, the crowd ran away because of the two leaders, and they were at a loss. Now that what Su Mu said made sense, they looked at each other, muttered a few words, and left one after another.

The entrance of the accident squadron, which was originally noisy and crowded, calmed down instantly.

The colleagues from the police station who came with Su Mu didn't think anything of it. Su Mu had shocked them too much, and it was just a child's play to persuade people to leave.

But the police from the accident squadron had never seen Su Mu's ability, and seeing him let everyone go away obediently with just a few words, they were all admirable at the moment.

At this moment, Wei Yuanxiong came out of the office in a hurry. Seeing that the dozens of people surrounding the door were gone and the place was empty, he couldn't help being taken aback.

"Su Suo, what's going on? Where are they?" Wei Yuanxiong was on the phone in the office just now, not knowing what happened outside.

"I was persuaded to leave!" Su Mu said lightly.

"Ah?" Wei Yuanxiong was speechless.

He was well aware of the stubbornness and fierceness of those troublemakers. His persuasive persuasion just now couldn't stop them from beating the driver and making trouble. In the end, he could only call everyone in Su Mu from the police station.

Now Su Mu made them stop with just a few words?

Wei Yuanxiong couldn't believe it, and turned his head to look at several police officers in the accident squadron.

Those police officers all nodded happily and said, "I was really persuaded by Su Suo to leave!"

Only then did Wei Yuanxiong believe that Su Mu had really persuaded the troublemaker to go away, and in admiration, he gave Su Mu a thumbs-up: "Su Suo, no wonder everyone in the bureau said that you are good at things. It's true, you are really good!"

Su Mu was not complacent because of Wei Yuanxiong's appreciation, and asked lightly: "What do the car inspection experts say?"

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