Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Story 4. Ara’s Acropolis (4) – Chapter 5

Story 4. Ara’s Acropolis (4)

Chapter 5.

Some people were probably satisfied with the magic as an explanation for the noise and vibration. After all, we still couldn’t explain them, and suddenly, we caught and executed a mysterious foreigner. It seemed to make sense.

I wasn’t certain about anything, but it sure would have made me feel better to just blame the captive too. Besides, the Goddess’ warrior was the one who decided on the man’s death, so it seemed like everything was done properly.

Still… some questions weren’t answered, and I wasn’t the type that could let go of these things smoothly. Did that man really come here to attack us? How did he get here? If he was alone, then how could he make such a loud noise and the earthquake?

Although we were able to catch and kill him easily this time, will we be able to do the same when more of them appeared?

What if he wasn’t alone here? Will the rest of them attack us? If so, how will we stop them?

I couldn’t sleep for a long time. An intruder from Hwen? How could this happen?

The question that bothered me the most was what that man was trying to do to Prince Camille. The captive pointed at the prince; there was no question about it. In Minurd, Prince Camille was the most knowledgeable in Hwen.

What was that man trying to do to the prince? What was he trying to say in his language? It sounded like a curse… Was it going to affect Prince Camille?

Before sunrise, I decided to go out to explore. Thinking about the safety of the prince, I couldn’t wait till the morning. The cold, wet air clung to me, making me shiver, but I tightened my coat and walked towards his highness’ quarter. It seemed that the guards at the entrance went to bed.

Oh, no…

“… it can’t be…”

When I walked into his highness’ room, the prince wasn’t there. I left the place quickly when suddenly, I saw something concerning. I didn’t notice it at first when I arrived, but now that I paid more attention, I could smell the unmistakable metallic odor. I could also see the black stains.


I lit a lantern and quietly followed the trail of black-redness. To my surprise, the trail led me all the way to the bushes in the castle’s outer area. The trail stopped there as if whoever was bleeding went right through the bushes. I grabbed my coat to make sure it didn’t make any noise and walked around the outer wall of the castle.


I couldn’t find a trace of blood anymore. I was about to return when I spotted the tunnel The Innocent Ones used to patrol the area.

Could it be…

It can’t be…


I didn’t want to invade my brothers’ domain in an attempt to find the identity of the intruder, but I had no choice. I looked up at the sky and saw that the stars were still shining brightly, indicating that everyone must still be rooted in their sleep. As I listened for silence, I heard the distinct sound of water running from the direction of where the washroom was located.

It wasn’t the sound of shower running; it sounded like someone splashing water.

Perhaps to clean the evidence of murder?

Very quietly, I walked towards the noise. It seemed that my target still didn’t notice me. I was confident in sneaking up on someone. A surprise attack was one of my strengths.

I was confident that no one, not even my own brothers, could resist my attack easily. Could it really be one of The Innocent Ones betrayed the rest of us and committed murder?

When I finally reached the area, I forgot to hide. I just stood still and stared.


The area looked unusually dark. Not even the stars or the moonlight seemed to reach here. The only thing that was lighting the place was a tiny lantern set on the window frame nearby.

The light reached the ground where a young boy was naked and pouring the buckets of water on himself. He cleaned himself as if it was a religious ritual.

I had to call out his name.

I had to ask him what he was doing at a place like this.

His highness’ quarters had a private and luxurious washroom. His servants warmed the water for him every day for a bath. I have visited the place a few times, so I knew it was a much better spot to wash then here.

Why was the prince here, of all places, in the middle of the night then? What was he doing?

Suddenly, the prince stopped what he was doing and looked up. I flinched in surprise, but he wasn’t looking at my direction. He just looked in the air before touching his thighs and looking down the wet ground for a long time.

And then… I heard his quiet moan filling the air.


Just like me, he was in pain and pleasure at the same time. He was trying to satisfy his lust.

I suddenly remembered the item that was available only in The Innocent Ones’ washroom. The glass filled with a distinctive fragrance that could relax one’s body. The article that wasn’t recommended by the Goddess, but also wasn’t banned from this place.

Could it be that his highness knew of this distinctive fragrance? Was he afraid that he might be judged if he used it? Was this why he came here in the middle of the night to pleasure himself?

However, when I looked to the side, I saw that the glass jar wasn’t open. I couldn’t smell the familiar fragrance at all. I realized that I was mistaken. I felt silly and relieved at the same time.

Of course, his highness would never commit to such a lowly act. He wasn’t weak like me.

“… Juya?”

He must have sensed my movement.

“Oh… Umm… Your highness.”

I flinched and stared at him, and I became speechless. I knew what I should have asked.

What was he doing here?

I was so worried when I found his room empty. Where did he go?

Did that Hwen intruder do something to him?

Does he know anything about the intruder that I don’t?

However, I remained quiet, and I wondered if his highness also wanted to ask me questions. Even if he did, I knew I would have been deaf to them. It couldn’t be helped because right at this moment, all I could think about was how the prince was naked in front of me. I couldn’t stop staring at his body. It was the prince who was exposed, but I was the one who became red in embarrassment and shyness.

The small lantern light dimly shone on his body, and I felt a sudden resentment towards it. I have never seen his face so sad before. He supposedly resembled the now-deceased Goddess, and he looked lovely. His body was very slim with budding muscles. I thought proudly that my training must be working at least a little.

He stood up and walked towards me, and the darkness hid his lower body.

The prince said to me, “I buried him.”


The wet naked young man passed by me, finally releasing me from my stupor. By the time I turned around, he already had a large towel over him.

“Juya, I am not completely certain, but… I think the people of Hwen finds it sad when they are not buried underneath the ground after death, so I did it for that man. I buried him.”

“But he was an intruder. A spy.”

“No, he wasn’t an intruder or a spy. Please don’t ask me anything else, Iztal Juya.”

The prince looked a little nervous as he walked away into the darkness. What did he know? I followed him slowly, but I couldn’t muster the courage to confront him and ask all of my questions.

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