Let There Be Blessing Behind You

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Chapter 24

It felt strange to examine the part of my body that I never had any interest in before. The stranger thing was that I actually enjoyed it. Perhaps it was because of the intoxicating scent that filled the washroom.

Using my finger, I touched the opening behind my body. I needed to muster a little bit of courage to put my finger inside. I have never seen it before, so I had to use my finger to figure out what it looked like.

Therefore, I was to show this part of my body to another person… What if it was dirty? What if it looked like a wrinkly monster?

What I felt at my fingertip was… not pleasant. It felt wrinkled and creased like an old man’s skin. What if he hated it?

All I could fit in was just the tip of my finger before my hole tightened. I looked at the glass jar for a second. I used my clean finger to scoop a little bit of the material and learned that it felt a little slippery and sticky. I tried putting a little bit of it on my lips. It stung a little before it stopped very quickly. Since it smelled so sweet, I thought it would taste good as well, but I was wrong. It tasted bitter, but I’m sure it wasn’t poisonous.

I soaked my middle finger in it and began exploring it again. Inside, the opening was tight, but it felt clean and empty to my surprise. When I pulled my finger out, I saw that it had a little bit of white mucus on it, but otherwise, it didn’t smell horrible.

So it wasn’t as dirty as I thought… Thinking I should clean it better and deeper, I put two fingers at this time. When the opening became a little wider, I put an additional finger and moved around to clean my inside.

It felt strangely… erotic. Was it because of the special incense? Suddenly, I groaned a little, and I became hard.

I opened the door and walked out. The floor still felt warm, which meant Eriez must have been waiting for me until recently. I sat down where he would have been and whispered his name as I pleasured myself.

… I ended up reaching my orgasm on the floor.


I thought it would be enough, but I was dead wrong. I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself hard and burning again. What was happening to my body?

Well, having a hard-on in the middle of the night wasn’t that unusual for me, but… The more surprising thing was that I felt this unknown and unfamiliar wetness between my butt cheeks. It felt slippery.

Wondering if I had diarrhea, I used my finger to check. What coated my finger thankfully didn’t smell bad; it actually smelled musty and… very much like the distinctive fragrance from the bathroom.

I explored the area a little bit more, and when my finger touched the opening, the electrifying sensation made me flinch in shock.

Stumbling unsteadily, I stood up and didn’t bother to put on my top. Quietly, I walked towards Eriez’s room. I wasn’t sure what I wanted or planned to do, but I kept walking. All I knew is that my young friend would be able to help me find relief. I felt itchy inside, and I thought that Eriez’s hard member may be able to scratch this area deep inside of me.


Eriez was deeply asleep, and to be honest, he didn’t look that sexy. I didn’t care, however, since I didn’t have anyone else. I crawled underneath the blanket to check the area between his legs, and as I suspected, he was very hard.

Of course, he was like any healthy young man would be during most nights. I grinned like an idiot and grabbed it rightly. Hmm… Would such a big, hard rod really fit inside of me?

Eriez was still sleeping as I rolled him on his back. I got rid of the blanket, and, not wanting to dirty his pants, I unfastened the string and pulled it down to his ankles. Even in the darkness, I could see the largeness of his penis. I swallowed hard and realized precisely what I had to do.

What needed to happen.

Prince Camille said the key was ample lubricant. I was already wet inside, but his penis was huge. I figured that more lubricant wouldn’t hurt, so I looked around, hoping to find something. I didn’t want to go all the way to the bathroom for the special incense.

Hmm… When I couldn’t find anything noticeable, I decided to make do. I kneeled between Eriez’s legs and began to do what we often did. I knew all I had to do was lick his penis to wet it with my saliva, but for some reason, I wanted to do more. I put the entire thing in my mouth as if I wanted to swallow it whole. When I moved up and down, Eriez began to moan quietly. He tried to move, so before he could, I used my hands to push his legs down firmly.

I made sure every inch of his penis was completely wet with my saliva before attempting to mount him. The strange itchy feeling remained inside of me, causing me to twist my waist in frustration. I was already naked by now, so all I had to now was go for it.


Slowly and carefully, I fit myself on top of Eriez. At the unexpected and unfamiliar invasion, my opening spasmed, but I kept going. It was easier than I expected because my hole seemed to be able to accommodate his massive size. It widened slowly but surely, and, although the sensation I felt was new, it wasn’t bad enough for me to stop. Maybe it also helped that I practiced this motion with my finger earlier tonight.

I grabbed his penis and used my weight to push him into me. Half of his length seemed to slip in rather smoothly and quickly until I reached the thickest part of him. As I pushed on, the tightness began to feel much more intense. I was being stretched, and, although it was becoming uncomfortable, I wanted more of him inside of me.

I felt such an intense lust inside of me… And if I could get all of him inside… I thought I would be able to relieve myself. I wanted his penis to rub against the inside of me.

I needed it right now.

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