Lei Feng System

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Shi Lei and Han Zhuoyu’s brave spirit was highly praised by Teacher Zhou, and the whole class came to visit the two heroes lying in the hospital bed one after another. In addition to Sun Fangjie and others who were selling water at the time, Han Zhuoyu also received thanks from their friends. Of course, there are also those who were saved but were not grateful. 9527 made a key mark on them, prohibiting the host from interacting with them.

According to the original words of 9527-positive and negative are negative, people without positive energy must be dark in their hearts, please be vigilant!

From that day on, Han Zhuoyu obviously felt that his classmates’ attitude toward him had changed.

“Han Zhuoyu, my pen is running out of water, can you lend me one?”

The young man passed it silently.

[Ding Received 1 point of appreciation from Peng Tao! 】The cheerful system prompt sounds.

“Han Zhuoyu, how do you solve this problem?”

The teenager silently wrote down the process of solving the problem.

[Ding I received 1 point of appreciation from Sun Fangjie! 】

There are more and more requests for help like this. Although young people are not talkative, they always try their best to help those around them. Before he knew it, he was no longer a small transparent in the class, but became a more popular character than Ban Hua Sun Fangjie.

One day during a lunch break, Han Zhuoyu was preparing for the next day’s homework, when he was suddenly hit by a strong electric current. The sharp pain of the broken bones made him faint, and then woke up in pain two seconds later. He was lying on the table and shivering, buried his head in his arms, his teeth clenched.

‘9527, is that you? He asked weakly.

[It is this system. The host has accumulated 100 points of gratitude, and the system exchanges 1 attribute point for the host to increase the host’s physical strength. The ion current is stimulating the cells throughout the host. Pain is a normal response. Please hold on for another three seconds! ] Three seconds later, [Okay, it’s okay. The body strength is increased, the host’s immunity is greatly improved, and the sickness and pain will be far away from the host. The host is requested to earn gratitude points as soon as possible to increase physical fitness. Physical strength and physical stamina are complementary attributes. When both are improved at the same time, plus a certain amount of exercise, the host’s strength, five senses, speed, agility, and reaction capabilities will far surpass ordinary people and become a great revolutionary fighter like Comrade Lei Feng! ] The pain subsided, Han Zhuoyu took a deep breath and asked with a calm attitude, ‘please notify me in advance before you do it next time. ’

[Ok, host. 】

9527’s tone was a little perfunctory, but the young man with a stubborn head couldn’t hear it. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, slowly got up and walked towards the toilet, ready to wash his face.

“Why is this some money? Didn’t you say you borrowed 500 yesterday?” A familiar male voice came from the closed compartment, Shi Lei.

“That’s all for me, and I’ve given you all the New Year’s money! You didn’t repay the 400 you borrowed last time, so I borrowed 500 again this time. Your brother’s illness is a bottomless pit, and it’s useless to fill in as much money! You’d better send him in. Go there with your mother, so you don’t have to drag you down, you will have to go to college in the future!” Another male voice advised sincerely.

But Shi Lei obviously didn’t accept his love, and cursed a few words severely.

[Comrade Shi Lei seems to need help. ] 9527 rubs his hands, drooling. I just spent 100 points so heartbroken there is nothing!

Han Zhuoyu tilted his head and listened in silence for a while. There was a rustling sound of flipping things in the compartment, followed by fists and fists struggling to resist. The door opened after a few minutes, and the two teenagers walked out with gloomy expressions. Shi Lei flicked his hair irritably, and the boy’s clothes behind him were scattered, his pockets turned out, and he looked embarrassed of being robbed.

Seeing the pale and thin boy, the two were stunned.

“Do you need money?” Han Zhuoyu asked softly.

Shi Lei’s eyes brightened, and then darkened, and he sternly said, “What’s the matter with you?!”

“Yes, we need money, you lend us a little!” Another boy took the line and was elbowed severely by Shi Lei. Han Zhuoyu is different from others in that he has autism, and his mind is purer than pure water. Bullying him or taking advantage of him Shi Lei always feels that he is particularly burdened, so he tried so hard to save him last time.

“We don’t need money!” / “How much do you want to borrow?” The two teenagers said at the same time, but the meaning was completely opposite.

Holding his stomach, the boy named Jiang Yi chuckled. The two are worthy of being at the same table, and they have a tacit understanding!

Han Zhuoyu did not hear Shi Lei’s refusal, and took out the wallet in his pocket to look through it. It’s not because of 9527, or because of gratitude, but because he himself wants to help Shi Lei, this feeling is inexplicable but very strong. When everyone ignored them, only the young man in front of him was talking in his ears every day, even if there was no response, he never stopped. He is indeed autistic, but it does not mean that there is a problem with his IQ. Who is good to him and who is bad to him, he naturally has a balance in his heart.

“761 yuan and 80 cents, is that enough?” Han Zhuoyu counted and passed the money.

Shi Lei’s face flushed red, and it took a full half a minute before he took the money, and said in a vicious voice, “Enough, you can take the remaining 61 yuan and 80 yuan to eat!”

Putting the money into the boy’s pocket, the huge force made the boy sway, and Shi Lei hurried away. A robot is a robot. I even borrowed the gross ticket and didn’t keep a point. He couldn’t tell what it was like, but his eyes were hot.

“That’s interesting! You will be my friend of Jiang Yi from now on!” Jiang Yi wanted to slap Han Zhuoyu on the shoulder. After being avoided by him, he didn’t mind, and went after Shi Lei.

[Ding Received 5 points of appreciation from Shi Lei! Ding Received 2 points of appreciation from Jiang Yi! 】The system prompt sounds continuously.

[Comrade Shi Lei is a good comrade! ] 9527 highly praised.

When Han Zhuoyu returned to the classroom, Shi Lei had recovered his usual tyrant, cool and handsome appearance. He was holding Erlang’s legs, with a cigarette in his mouth, and talking with a group of boys about a very popular online game. Seeing the pale boy, he immediately put out the cigarette and quickly waved his arms to dissipate the peculiar smell in the air.

“Go, go, I’m going to bed!” When the teenager was sitting down and rubbing his eyes, he immediately drove away the people around him.

“Here, this is the IOU, you have collected it. If I didn’t pay the money on time, you can go to court to sue me!” When everyone was gone, he pushed a note to the boy and confessed it cautiously.

“You made a mistake, it is 700.” Han Zhuoyu took a glance and shook his head slightly.

“Plus the next 100.”

“Isn’t that a protection fee?”

Shi Lei was speechless, and slapped the desk fiercely, “I said 800 is 800, less long-winded! Do you still think that the money is not enough?”

Han Zhuoyu shook his head silently, carefully folded the strip of paper into small squares, and put it in his wallet.

Seeing his calm attitude and calm expression, Shi Lei’s embarrassment disappeared instantly.

“My brother has congenital heart disease, and he spends a lot of money on medicines every month. My parents divorced and remarried, and no one cares about us. I can’t help it. Don’t worry, I will work in the supermarket at night and wait until the end of the month. The salary can be paid back to you.” Shi Lei told him about his situation in an enchanting manner.

Han Zhuoyu gave Shi Lei a fixed look, nodded to indicate that he knew, and then tilted his head and slept on the desk.

Seeing that the young man didn’t ask anything, nor showed any sympathy or pity for his situation, Shi Lei sighed, his heavy heart suddenly relaxed.

[Ding I received 1 point of appreciation from Shi Lei! 】The system prompt sounded dutifully.

[Full of positive energy, good comrades! ] 9527 Happy holding heart.

However, Han Zhuoyu heard nothing, he was already asleep.

In the first class in the afternoon, teacher Zhou, the head teacher, walked into the classroom with a stack of English test papers.

“The results of the second section test have come out.” She paused, and was satisfied to see the nervous expressions of the classmates before continuing, “This time your results are good, especially for some classmates, who have made great progress. I feel Very pleased.”

She glanced at the teenager in the corner meaningfully, and then began to roll the name, with grades from low to high.

Not surprisingly, Shi Lei took the bottom of the list again. He felt very lonely when he came to the stage to receive the test papers. It was a pity that he was a little turtle at the same table and couldn’t keep pace with him in terms of English performance. Life is so lonely as snow!

One student after another received the test paper, and 9527 hummed in Han Zhuoyu’s mind, and the threat was self-evident. Han Zhuoyu pursed his lips and stared at Teacher Zhou’s mouth, his face was white and transparent.

“Han Zhuoyu, 150 points!” Teacher Zhou laughed and waved to the straight-backed teenager.

9527 grunted and expressed his satisfaction proudly.

Phoo Han Zhuoyu breathed a sigh of relief!

“This time I did a good job, I hope you can keep it up.” Teacher Zhou softly encouraged.

The boy nodded obediently, and walked back to his seat with the test paper full of beautiful squiggles. Most of his classmates cast admiring eyes at him. Of course, there are a few people who disagree, thinking that he has been abroad for so many years.

“Fuck You even write so beautiful English characters, do you want to mount it?” Shi Lei snatched his test paper and looked up, and expressed deep admiration for the extremely beautiful squiggles covered in paper. Isn’t this kid a robot? These words must be printed out by the program! Even the missionaries who are best at English calligraphy can’t reach this level.

After the English class was the chemistry class, the chemistry teacher also walked onto the stage with a stack of test papers, his stern eyes swept away, and the students curled their necks as if chilling.

“Everyone knows that the chemistry test questions this time are more difficult, so your grades are not ideal.” He picked up his own thermos cup and continued to talk. “However, some students surprised me very much. Not only did he do well on topics that exceeded the syllabus, he also did a great job. I hope you will learn from him!”

Squinting his eyes, the chemistry teacher drew out the first test paper and shouted, “Han Zhuoyu, 100 points.”

The whole class was in an uproar. Han Zhuoyu’s horrible chemistry score last time is still vivid, and now he can get full marks? The world is changing too fast! But no one doubted it. First of all, the teenager’s autism prevents him from copying others; secondly, he has the highest score. Who else can copy?

Some people thought of his attitude of learning every minute and every second for the past month, and they had to sigh for his perseverance. It is said that hard work pays off, and this is true.

“Keep working hard!” the chemistry teacher said lovingly.

Han Zhuoyu nodded slightly, and relaxed his tight nerves after returning to his seat.

[Please don’t care about the host! If you can’t continue to maintain full marks, the system will honor the last promise and let the host experience the feeling of having a child! ] 9527 Bianqian speaks.

Han Zhuoyu’s heart just let go of it hangs again, his small face is so pale that he doesn’t look like it.

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