Lei Feng System

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

[Shao Yichen, male, 34 years old, former president of Shengfeng Investment Company, declared bankruptcy due to involvement in illegal financing in W state. No bad record, good credit record before bankruptcy, keen on charity… The personal quality test result is A, which can be rescued. [9527] After getting the result, he truthfully reports, and never dare to force the host. Once bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the ropes, and he felt it.

Han Zhuoyu nodded silently, took the payment slip in Shao Yichen’s hand, and walked to the toll window.

Knowing his friend’s stubborn character, Shi Lei hurriedly took the medicine from Xiaoduanzi to keep up, not forgetting to give a stern look at the dazed man.

Hand in the list, pay the bill, and get the medicine. When the invoice and medicine were handed over to Shao Yichen, he realized that this was not a dream.

“I, you…” His eyes were red, and his eloquence was useless. How could there be such a person in this world? People who have never known each other can also lend a helping hand without hesitation. Struggling for two months in coldness and despair, at this moment, he feels his chest is warm, full of courage to live.

“What’s your name? Where do you live? How can I pay you back?” After choking for a long time, he barely asked in a calm tone.

“Telephone number.” The boy’s voice was very flat, without ups and downs, no ups and downs, but it was cold and very special, with a calming magic.

“139…” Shao Yichen hurriedly reported a series of numbers.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded, [ding received Shao Yichen’s 200 points of gratitude! ] [Again, it broke the single-player history record again! Today is also a super happy day! ] 9527 Touched tears filled my eyes.

Han Zhuoyu nodded and left straight away. Shao Yichen wanted to catch up and ask questions, remembering that the daughter who was lying on the hospital bed hesitated again, and finally ran quickly towards the isolation room.

“Why are you still so stupid? Everyone believes it! Your mother left you a golden mountain and it’s not enough to splurge…” Shi Lei muttered behind the boy. For this bear boy, my heart is broken.

[Big brother, help me! A cry of horror sounded in his mind, and Han Zhuoyu paused for a moment before rushing upstairs suddenly.

“Hey wait for me!” Shi Lei hurriedly pursued.

In the ward, Xiao Tuanzi was struggling, his throat roared rough, two nurses and the detective who were left to look after him pressed his hands and feet; a doctor squeezed out the air in the needle and tried to inject him with tranquilizers. I don’t know how much the child has suffered. Once a stranger approaches, he will spread his teeth and claws like an out of control beast.

[Don’t pierce me! Don’t pierce me…] Xiao Tuanzi is crying in his heart, but with a fierce and defensive expression on his face. This bluffing appearance caused Han Zhuoyu who opened the door to frown.

[Because of being repeatedly injected with unknown drugs, he is likely to suffer from a phobia of sharp objects. 】9527 professional analysis, 【Host quickly calm him down, otherwise his throat will be completely gone. ] Han Zhuoyu pushed the doctor away, covered the eyes of the small dumpling staring at the needle with one hand, and held his swaying little head with the other, pressed it down hard, and spit out a word coldly, “Goodbye!”

The weak electric current rushes into the child’s scalp through the palm of the teenager, and reaches the nervous center that is tight to the limit. It is carefully combed over and over again, and the fear that is strangling the child’s mind will be defeated. After five or six minutes, the child miraculously quieted down.

Han Zhuoyu furrowed his brows tighter, he felt a dampness in his palm, it was the little dumpling crying silently. Such a small, soft and lovely life, who on earth has the heart to cause such great harm to him? Where are his parents now?

[Ding received 100 points of gratitude from the recipient! 】

This time, 9527 didn’t feel the slightest happiness. He felt extremely uncomfortable watching the child shrink into a shivering look!

If the child is too young, it is best to not be injected with tranquilizers. The doctor put down the needle and gestured with his eyes to leave, so as not to cause irritation to the child.

Everyone was gone, leaving Shi Lei standing outside the door, peeking out half of his head, and then Han Zhuoyu slowly withdrew his hand. Xiao Tuanzi blinked, big drops of tears poured out of his eyes, but there was no expression on his face, just mechanically tore off the blanket and wrapped his whole body. This time he didn’t even show his eyes, just like a chubby ball of hair.

[Host, ask his name, I can find his parents through the Internet. Han Zhuoyu nodded, and poked Xiao Maoqi with his hand. The little fur ball shook like a cat with exploded fur.

“Name.” His tone was cold, but his slender fingertips poked the little hairy ball. Xiao Maoqi flicked, flicked and flicked, very rhythmic. It looks so funny.

This bear kid is still playing! The green veins on Shi Lei’s forehead jumped, pushed open the door and walked in, glaring at his friend with condemnation.

[Host, stop playing. ] 9527 A rare sympathy broke out.

Han Zhuoyu retracted his hand expressionlessly and asked again, “Name.”

The small hair ball stopped shaking, rolled around slowly and lay flat, pretending to be dead.

Shi Lei and 9527 speechless⊙﹏⊙b

[No need to ask, I just hacked into the police station’s intranet. His background information is encrypted. I won’t crack it if you don’t check it with us. The police have made contact with his guardian. ] After a few minutes of silence, 9527 said briskly, [Also, I have sent the host’s bank card number to Shao Yichen, and he replied that he will return the money to us next week. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t pay, I will hack into his account directly, swallow all his money, hum ] Han Zhuoyu is noncommittal, picking up his mobile phone to play the game. Shi Lei also found a stool to sit down and took out his mobile phone.

9527 Tsundere’s hum Inferior human beings, without a computer, they can only spend their time on their mobile phones. Unlike themselves, they can invade the network anytime and anywhere to stir up the wind and rain, oh no, it’s a smashing situation! Well, there is a new plot in World of Warcraft, it looks very interesting, let’s go for it!

The two of them were very busy at the same time. After half an hour, the beeping system prompt sounded.

Han Zhuoyu pressed the pause button and tilted his head to look at the dumplings lying on the bed. 9527 immediately quit the game world and asked nervously, “What’s wrong with him? After looking at it for a long time, Han Zhuoyu leaned down and pulled off the blanket covering the whole body of the dumpling, and found that his small face was flushed.

[Ding Received 10 points of gratitude from the recipient! 】

‘Hypoxia. Han Zhuoyu pressed the head of Tuanzi expressionlessly and was about to sit back to his original position, but the Tuanzi grabbed his fingertips. There was no longer a stupid and horrified expression on his face, his eyes were round and round, and he stared hot at the young white palms, turning over and looking at him, wishing to see a flower.

[He didn’t completely lose consciousness after falling into a mania just now. He must have discovered what I had discharged. What to do with the host? Do you want to kill? ] 9527 asked nervously.

‘You play a lot of violent games. Han Zhuoyu’s facial paralyzed face is a bit cracked.

[I am the host of joking! ]9527 immediately changed into a flattering tone, [He is so young, even if he speaks out, no one will believe it, haha ] Han Zhuoyu withdrew his hand and picked up the phone to play the game again. The little dumpling covered half of his face with a blanket and stared at him unblinkingly. The child’s eyes are big and dark, but the surface seems to be covered with a haze, and there is no innocent look that a child should have. Shi Lei felt panic in his heart, so he secretly moved his chair out to stay away from his friend.

I stared for a few hours, seeing the sky dimmed and the fire clouds spreading one after another.

“It’s getting late, you can go back.” The detective pushed open the door, and saw the little dumpling bounced up in horror, with a sound of ‘hoho’ in his throat, and he hurriedly quit again with a very helpless expression.

“Look at him like this, he will have to make troubles as soon as we leave, so there is no need for his voice!” Shi Lei said worriedly.

The Interpol also hesitated. The above has already explained that the identity of this child is not simple, and he must be taken care of. If something goes wrong, the director and the county magistrate can’t afford it together.

[Big brother don’t go! 】The little dumpling has no expression on her face, but she is crying in her heart.

Han Zhuoyu twisted his eyebrows and briefly confessed to Shi Lei, “You go back and I will stay.”

There is a sick younger brother and an elderly grandfather in the family who need to take care of. Shi Lei doesn’t talk nonsense with his friends, and simply nodded, “Then I’ll go back to cook and deliver it to you on time at 6:30. When Grandpa and Xiaoxin fall asleep, I Come to accompany you in the middle of the night.”

Seeing that the two had already made arrangements and there was nothing to do with them, the detective immediately felt very relaxed, and confessed a few words, “Come over and call me if I have something to do,” and then withdrew.

The little dumpling gathered the blanket on her body, tucked in the corner of the bed and stared at the boy.

[Ding Received 20 points of gratitude from the recipient! 】

[Xiaozheng is really a good comrade! ] 9527 I don’t know how many times he sighed.

‘Xiaozheng? Han Zhuoyu tilted his head and showed doubts in his eyes.

[This child is a positive energy mobile body, so I call him Xiaozheng! ] 9527 feels very talented.

Han Zhuoyu was silent for a few seconds, pressed the forehead of the small dumpling with his fingertips, and commanded coldly, “Keep sleeping.”

The little dumpling lay down, his eyelids drooped, and he was so sleepy that he didn’t sleep.

Han Zhuoyu ignored him, sitting by the bed and playing games by himself.

Ten minutes later, he raised his head again, Xiao Tuanzi’s eyes were already closed, his two faint brows were frowned tightly, and his hands were firmly grasping the blanket.

Han Zhuoyu threw away the hot mobile phone after playing for a day, and slowly and long let out a sigh.

At half past six, Shi Lei’s arrival inevitably alarmed the child who was very upset even if he fell asleep. Han Zhuoyu took the opportunity to pass the porridge bowl with the straw in it, and ate slowly by himself.

As if infected by his big brother’s good appetite, Xiao Tuanzi didn’t resist this time, and drank with relish every mouthful.

[Ding Received 10 points of gratitude from the recipient! 】This time I only received the thank-you value at the first bite, which shows how hungry the child was before.

When the two of them finished their dinner, Shi Lei went back. Han Zhuoyu was half leaning on another hospital bed, seeming to be in a daze, but in fact he completed the learning tasks assigned by 9527 in his head. The mobile phone has automatically shut down because of no electricity, and the ward is quiet, and the endless night is invaded by the window.

[Dididi…] Interrupted several times by the system’s prompt sound, the boy looked at the expressionless little dumpling, and couldn’t guess what help he needed this time.

[He may be afraid of the dark. ] 9527 hesitated.

‘The light is on in the room. Han Zhuoyu’s narrative facts in a flat tone.

[But it’s dark outside. 】

Han Zhuoyu was silent for a moment, got up, walked to the edge of the small dumpling bed and sat down slowly. The little dumpling hurriedly shrank into a ball and rolled towards the corner of the bed, looking very scared, but the system prompt disappeared, and then there was a crisp sound, [ding received 10 points of gratitude from the recipient! Han Zhuoyu’s lips twitched and quickly recovered his expressionless face, continuing to do questions in his mind.

[Really a twisted little comrade! ] 9527 said with a smile.

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