Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 98: : Escape

The phenomenon of    building crumbling is naturally noticed by sharp-eyed people. Some cowardly people suddenly yelled in fear, while some more clever people ran back quickly and quickly moved away from this crumbling building.

   "My God, I just escaped the danger of being killed, and now I'm facing the danger of being crushed to death." Kaede Sato, who escaped the explosion crisis by chance, thought with a pale face when he saw the crumbling building in front of him.

   Although he avoided the danger of being killed, because he was very close to the explosion point, he was also hit by a powerful air wave and flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

   At this time, he suffered a lot of skin and flesh wounds all over his body, and his internal organs should have been hurt. The whole body was in pain now, and several large mouthfuls of blood were still vomiting out of his mouth, and he was unable to perform vigorous exercise.

   And these are the results of the supersonic bat using defensive tricks to block most of the impact behind him. Now he is also not lightly injured, and a pair of wings hangs weakly on the ground, apparently broken.

   But Sato Kaede didn't have much panic in his heart at this time. If he changed to the previous one, he might only be able to watch and wait for death, but now he still has a card in his hand that can come to life.

"Come out, beautiful flower, hurry up and use the grass field to help me and the supersonic bat treat." After Sato Kaede helped the supersonic bat correct his broken wings, he took out the beautiful flower elven ball from his body, and then She was released and quickly commanded her.

   There is nothing wrong. This card that comes to life from a corner is Beautiful Flower. With the healing power of Beautiful Flower, he and the Supersonic Bat still hope to leave here safely.

Meihua knew that the situation was urgent, and hurriedly showed herself in the grass field within two meters of her own. The Sato Kaede and the supersonic bat in the grass field immediately felt like they were soaking in a hot bath. The injuries on his body began to heal quickly.

   In just a few seconds, Sato Kaede and the supersonic bat in the beautiful green grass field felt the pain on their bodies quickly subside, and their bodies could move again.

   Taking advantage of his body is now able to move, Sato Kaede hurriedly collected the supersonic bat and beautiful flowers with a poke ball, and then, like everyone else, quickly retreated to a safe area.

   When Sato Kaede's body improved and was able to move again, the whole building swayed and tilted more and more. It felt like it would fall over soon.

   "Help, help me." As Sato Kaede evacuated, a weak voice of help came from him.

   Hearing this weak voice of help, Sato Kaede couldn't help but stop, and then followed the direction of the voice.

At two o'clock in his direction, a little girl of about seven or eight years old was lying on the ground. A long piece of glass was stuck in her chest, and the ground under her was already covered by her blood. Stain red.

  Save or not? Seeing his head gradually overwhelming the building, Sato Kaede fought fiercely in his heart for a while. In the end, his inner conscience stopped him from continuing to evacuate, and he could not die.

"Beautiful flowers, quickly display the grass field." Sato Kaede quickly walked to the little girl's side, released the beautiful flowers again, and then ordered her to display the grass field, while he quickly took out the disinfectant water from his body and hurriedly Here comes the gauze.

"Hold it, it won't hurt so much soon." Sato Kaede said to the little girl who was ruddy in the green grass field, and then quickly pulled out the sharp piece of glass from her, and then quickly If the wound is covered with disinfectant water and gauze.

   After Sato Kaede finished dressing the little girl's wounds, the tilt of the entire building was imminent. Suddenly, after a violent shaking, the rate of the entire building's dumping suddenly accelerated.

   "Damn it, is this over?" Looking at the high-rise buildings that quickly overwhelmed in front of him, Sato Kaede couldn't help feeling desperate at this time. He knew that it was too late to leave now, and he had to carry a small patient on his back.

   regret it? Sato Kaede asked himself now in his heart, yes, he regrets a little bit now.

However, Sato Kaede asked himself, if he was given another chance to choose, he would still save the little girl, because he knew that if he did not save, then even if he survived, he would live like his previous life. In regret, such a life is not what he hoped for.

   Of course, Sato Kaede will not give up until the last moment. He puts away the beautiful flowers, and then carries the little girl who has lost too much blood and is very weak, and continues to stay away from the dumping area of ​​the building as much as possible.

   Finally, after a minute of hard work, he miraculously successfully took the little girl out of the dumping area of ​​the building.

   However, it is not a miracle that the dumping building did not crush Sato Kaede and the little girl to death. Sato Kaede reached a safe place and looked back and found that his eyes suddenly showed disbelief.

   In the sky above the building, a black-haired girl of his grade is floating on it. At this time, there is a Hu Di and Shanaido with her.

   At this moment, the black-haired girl, Hu Di and Shane Duo on her left and right sides are covered by a layer of blue super powers, and extremely powerful super power fluctuations radiate from their bodies.

   At this time, the building that was leaning down was covered by a layer of superpower.

   Obviously, the high-rise building has not been dumped for a long time. It is the result of this black-haired girl and the two elves around her. They actually rely on their own strength to fix the entire building.

"Guru~, this, this is too powerful." Watching the black-haired girl and the two elves next to her use super powers to fix the entire tilted building and pull it back to the original position at a speed visible to the naked eye, Sato Feng thought very shocked in his heart.

   Not only Sato Kaede, but everyone who saw this scene showed the same shocking expression on their faces.

"Humph, what are you guys doing? Don't hurry up and help fix the building again. My little elves and I can't support it for too long." But soon a cold voice appeared from their hearts, and they Pull back from the shock.

In the next second, a large number of trainers who recovered from their senses showed excitement on their faces. Following the orders of the black-haired girl, they all released their little elves one after another, instructing them to assist the black-haired girl to re-fix the high-rise building. live.

A large number of rock elves work together to use the energy of the rock system to create a large number of solid rock pillars, and some powerful fighting elves use these huge rock pillars a little bit with other elves. The whole high-rise building is fixed.

   Finally, after the concerted efforts of a group of trainers and elves, the whole building was finally temporarily fixed.

   After the high-rise building was temporarily stabilized, a large number of Alliance trainers who had been recruited and rushed over also sent elves into the high-rise building to rescue the people inside.

"Huh~, it's finally over." Seeing that the high-rise buildings were fixed and the people in the alliance began to evacuate the masses and treat the injured, Sato Kaede's tense nerves finally eased, and he would have passed out Xiao Xiao After the girl was sent to the rescuers of the alliance, she also chose to leave quietly.

"Sir, please stay. Although it is a bit rude, please help us. There are too many patients here. Can you let your beautiful flower help us?" However, when Sato Kaede just wanted to leave, Joey stopped him.

   As more and more people are rescued from high-rise buildings, the wounded at the scene are also overwhelmed. Many of them are seriously injured and must be treated immediately. However, it is clear that there are not enough medical staff to take care of them.

And Sato Kaede gave up his life just now, the behavior of the little girl was also seen by many people. Among them, the beautiful flower used the green grass field to rescue the little girl and was also seen by many people. This is named Joey who lives Sato Kaede. Is one of them.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of this Joey, Sato Kaede, a trainer who can save his life, is worthy of trust. Therefore, a trainer with healing powers like Kaede Sato was temporarily taken. Enlisted.


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