Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 76: : The 4th companion

Get up on time at 7 o'clock every day. This is the biological clock that Sato Kaede has formed a long time ago, and it is not 7 o'clock today. He was awakened by outside sounds, but he was not angry, but felt abnormal. joy.

Hearing the familiar dog barking from outside, Sato Kaede, who had been thinking about the Katy dog ​​last night, fired like a nerve. Before the supersonic bat on the roof of the tree house reminded him, he opened his eyes and opened the door quickly. Look down the tree.

   The familiar figure of the little Katie dog was impressively under the tree. Now when he saw Kaede Sato, the barking in his mouth became even louder, his forelimbs lying on the tree trunk, looking at him with excitement.

"Why did you come by yourself? Your father? You are not injured." After seeing the little Katy dog ​​under the tree, Sato Kaede immediately climbed down from the tree, and then faced the little girl who plunged into her arms. Katie asked with concern.

   Sato Kaede asked about the supersonic bat, he did not find the little Katy dog ​​father nearby, that is to say, the little Katy dog ​​found this place by himself.

Now the little Katy dog ​​is only level 10. Although it is said to be a fire elf, it is still very dangerous to come to him from a small forest by himself. If he accidentally encounters some powerful elf, he may be dead. One.

   Fortunately, the little Katy dog ​​did not encounter any danger, and there was no harm on his body. It was just a few skin injuries. A little ointment was applied. With the elf's strong physical fitness, he would soon be able to recover.

Hearing Sato Kaede's words, the little Katie dog looked dark, but quickly recovered, and after biting a poke ball on Sato Kaede's belt in his mouth, he withdrew to the side, and then put the poke ball in his mouth on the ground. , And then pushed the poke ball back in front of Sato Kaede with his head

   "Do you want to go with me, do you mean this? Katy dog." Seeing the little Katy dog ​​behaving like this, Sato Kaede smiled and asked.

   "Wow~" Katie Dog nodded in response, then sat down on the floor, looking expectantly at Sato Kaede.

   For the outside world that Sato Kaede said, the little Katy dog ​​is still very yearning for his family, but he is reluctant to part with his family. Between his family and the yearning for time outside, he finally chose to live with his family.

But I never expected that my father actually knew about this, and he was furious with him afterwards, and he expelled himself from the grove not long ago, and he was not allowed to go home. In a sad and depressed situation, Xiaoka Tego thought of Sato Kaede who was kind to him, so he went to look for him.

At the beginning, the little Katy dog ​​was very scared, because he had never been to other places except for activities in the small woods before, but to his surprise, he was looking for the smell left by Sato Kaede and followed it here. The journey here went smoothly without any special danger.

"Since it is your choice, then I respect your decision. I am very happy to join, so you are welcome to join, Katy Dog." After hearing Katy Dog's exact answer, his face was also happy. With a smile, he bent down and picked up the Rockets senior ball under his feet, and then gently touched the little Katy Dog who had come in front of him with the Elf Ball.

The poke ball in Sato Kaede's hand opened immediately after touching the little Katy dog, and then turned the little Katy dog ​​into a red light into it. Then, the button in the center of the poke ball was turned off after a few red lights. Up.

"I've subdued Katie Dog." Seeing that the button in the center of the poke ball in his hand went out, a kind of impulse for middle two suddenly emerged from Sato Kaede's heart, so he raised the poke ball in his hand and made a Quite the second posture. (No one sees it nearby anyway.)

   Of course, after Xiaoxiao satisfies some of her own childish fun, Sato Kaede also immediately recovered her usual calmness and sanity, pressing the button of the poke ball to release the Katy dog ​​inside.

  At the same time, Sato Kaede also released all the other elves on him, telling them about the Caty Dog becoming a companion.

For Caty Dogs, Supersonic Bat, Nitoran and Smelly Flower are no strangers. They have also had good communication with each other. Now Caty Dogs have truly become companions, and the relationship between them has further increased. , The three little elves welcomed the addition of Katy Dog.

And when Sato Kaede and the others are very happy now that the new companion of Katy Dog has joined, at a distance of four to five hundred meters from them, the male Katy Dog stopped moving forward, and then slightly turned his head towards Sato. Feng glanced in the direction of where he lived, then raised his hair and let out a loud howl.

After the male Caty dog ​​made such a howl, he was communicating with his new companion. Caty's ears trembling slightly, his face immediately showed a trace of firmness, and then he turned his body to the direction of his father and made a similar sound. Immature and loud howl.

"Come on, Katie Dog, it seems that your father is watching you silently, and he will definitely see you again in the future. At that time, let your father see how great you will be. I will definitely help you surpass. His father's, and then became a powerful fire elf." Kaede Sato also heard the howling of the male Katy dog. Seeing the firm look of the little Katy dog ​​now, he touched his head with his hand. , Said with a smile.

   Obviously, the little Katy dog ​​can come to Sato Kaede without any problems. His father, the male Katy dog, is definitely indispensable behind him. The howling just now is the male Katy dog’s farewell to the little Katy dog.

As a fire elf, Katie dog naturally has the dignity of fire elf, and the desire for power is also very strong. Hearing Sato Kaede's words, the fighting spirit in his eyes has become more vigorous, and he said The howl became louder.

On the other hand, after hearing the familiar and determined voice of the little Katy dog, the worry in the eyes of the male Katy dog ​​faded a lot, and then he continued to walk in the direction of the small forest in his own territory without looking back. go with.

   After a while, the little Caty dog ​​stopped howling, and Sato Kaede also began to wash, and then set about preparing the elf and his own morning meal.

Because of the addition of Katy Dog, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Therefore Sato Kaede prepared a very rich breakfast this time, especially for Katy Dogs. He specially roasted a fragrant roasted wild deer leg as a pair of Katy Dogs. Welcome gift.

Unlike usual, this time Sato Kaede did not continue with morning exercises after the elves had eaten breakfast. Instead, he directly took out a map to walk out of Tokiwa Forest, and then followed the route provided on the map to the direction of Tokiwa City. Go.

  According to the map, Sato Kaede is now located in the west of the unsafe area of ​​Tokiwa Forest, at least ten kilometers away from Tokiwa City, which is close to the southern part of Tokiwa Forest.

Moreover, the route mentioned on the map is not really safe. It also includes the territory of several powerful wild elf races. Therefore, along the way, Sato Kaede and the others have also encountered many wild animals above level 30. The elf attacks.

However, after a week of field experience, Sato Kaede’s current strength has also been greatly improved. In his hand, he has the supersonic bat and the smelly flower, which have reached the level of protection of the elf 24 or higher. If he couldn't fight, there was no big problem to escape, and all the dangers were passed away without any risk.

   Finally, after more than 8 hours, going round and round, Sato Kaede and the others finally successfully entered the safe area of ​​Tokiwa Forest under the guidance of the map.

   Finally, after more than 2 hours, the figure of Tokiwa City finally appeared in front of Sato Kaede and the others not far away.

"I have finally returned to human society. This week of wild survival trials has been really long, Tokiwa City, I am here." Looking at the human buildings that are clearly visible ahead, Sato Kaede's face finally appeared. Smiling, thought secretly.


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