Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 12: : Energy Cube

   So far, the four areas where recruits can freely enter and exit, Sato Kaede has been to three, and the rest of the public training ground has now successfully recovered the supersonic bat. This place is where he needs to go most next.

   But Sato Kaede is not in a hurry yet. Before starting to train the supersonic bat, he must also prepare the training props, otherwise the training effect will be half the result.

Generally speaking, training props include training equipment and training supplies. At present, after Sato Kaede obtains a set of second-hand elf training props, he is barely satisfied, but the training supplies, Sato Feng was not ready yet.

   Pokemon will consume a lot of physical energy when training. If the Pokemon can train continuously to improve the efficiency of training, good training supplies are necessary.

  According to Sato Kaede’s own understanding of training supplements, a good training supplement must have the advantages of good taste, rich energy, and quick recovery of the elves’ physical strength.

   After some careful thinking, Sato Kaede, who is a fan of elves, came up with an item that is very suitable for the training of elves. It is an energy cube that appeared in the third generation.

In the game, the energy cube is specially used for the elves participating in the gorgeous contest, which can enhance the charm of a certain aspect of the elves. This kind of thing is made by adding 2 to 4 tree fruits to the tree fruit mixer. Then "manually" make it out.

  The fruit added can be of the same type or different types, and the taste can be determined according to the type of fruit added.

The energy cube is also introduced in the animation. The energy cube contains many nutrients that are very beneficial to the elf, and it is made by condensing different kinds of tree fruits. The energy contained in it is also very high. Rich and very easy to absorb by little elves.

   Therefore, Sato Kaede believes that energy cubes may not only be used as training supplies, but also as daily food for elf is also very suitable.

   It's just that the key prop for making this kind of elf food is the tree fruit mixer. If there is no such thing, even if Sato Kaede has a lot of tree fruit in his hands, he can only sigh with excitement.

What troubles Sato Kaede is that there are indeed such elf items for sale in the internal point redemption system of the Rockets, but the price is far from being able to bear the current Sato Kaede, such a fruit mixer It takes 200,000 points to be able to redeem it.

   So, even though Sato Kaede thought of a good thing like an energy cube at first last night, because of the limited conditions, he could only choose to give up this good thing temporarily.

   Fortunately, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Kaede Sato met a "good guy" today. It's not wrong. This "good guy" was just because he just met the Rockets predecessor: Baron.

It has to be said that the guidance of a senior who has come over can indeed save the newcomer many detours and benefit a lot. In the conversation between Sato Kaede and Baron, he learned a lot of important information from the other person. An important piece of information is about the fruit mixer.

  According to Baron, there are several elf cube suits in this Nibi City Rockets underground base, which are specially used for the members of the Rockets at the bottom.

  Of course, the use of the Fruit Mixer is not free, and the price of using it once requires 10 points.

Everyone knows something like energy cubes. Even with the vital tool of a tree and fruit mixer, this kind of thing needs to be done manually, and usually requires several people to operate it. In general, , The operation difficulty is quite big. (I feel that the operation in the game is also quite difficult.)

  If the operation is improper, the quality of the energy cubes produced by the fruit mixer will be very poor, and the energy cubes of poor quality can naturally not be expected to have much effect.

Generally speaking, if a trainer wants to create a good-quality energy cube, he must train more. If he has a good talent, he may try dozens of times. If he has a poor talent, he can rely on the water milling time. about there.

   Obviously, most people in Kanto know very little about energy cubes, which are native to the Fengyuan area, let alone operating elf cube sets to make energy cubes.

   Therefore, although many people in the Nibi City Rockets know that energy cubes exist and know that it works very well, few people choose to make them.

After all, points are very important within the Rockets. Rocket personnel at the middle and low levels are willing to spend hundreds or even tens of thousands of points to practice hands, and the fruit material used to practice hands is another. Large sums of points.

   High-level Rockets personnel may not matter, but the high-level Rockets personnel obviously won't let the little elves in their hands eat such cheap things, and they don’t bother to spend time making such things.

   Sato Kaede still remembers very clearly that when Baron talked about the elf cube suit, the look on his face was quite annoyed. Obviously he had suffered a lot from creating energy cubes.

Bud also reminded Sato Kaede as a predecessor that it would be better for him to avoid such things. At the same time, he also suggested that Sato Kaede should choose fruit juice milk, which is cheap and nutritious, as a training supplement. .

   It is worth mentioning that Juice Milk is an elf drink that has appeared in elf games, animations and comics.

   Its role in the game is to restore 70 HP of the elf, and its price is 350 yuan. Compared with the good wound medicine that can only restore 60 HP but costs 700 yuan in the game, it is simply the best example of cheap and affordable.

In fact, when things like energy cubes were not available, Sato Kaede’s first training supplement was also an elf drink like fruit juice milk, because in the early stages of playing the game, in order to save money, he always bought this The thing is a recovery product of the elf, so the memory is deep.

   Of course, after the possibility of obtaining the current energy cube appeared, Sato Kaede gave up the choice of juice milk for the first time.

Juice milk is cheaper than other supplies, but the price of points also requires 5 points per bottle, and a long training session also costs at least two or three bottles. Moreover, Sato Kaede currently only has a supersonic bat and an elf. in the case of.

   The energy cube is different. Because it is a super concentrated product, basically two or three can be comparable to a bottle of juice milk. Of course, the two or three energy cubes mentioned here refer to high quality.

   And the material that the energy cube makes at one time is basically 4 tree fruits is the best, UU read www.uukanshu. The com can basically produce about 20 energy cubes at a time, and the most common elf item, the tree fruit, is very cheap, basically you can buy one with one point.

  Assuming that the energy cubes produced are of high quality, the cost of manufacturing an energy cube is only about 14 points.

And these 14 points can be used for 20 energy cubes. According to the ratio of two or three high-quality energy cubes, it is comparable to a bottle of juice milk. The 20 energy cubes produced by these 14 points are enough to be worth at least 35 points. 7 bottles of juice milk.

   In comparison, it is clear who is cheaper and more affordable.

The reason why Sato Kaede chooses energy cubes instead of juice milk is just a small part of the reason why energy cubes are cheaper than juice milk. The most important reason is that Sato Kaede is very good at making energy cubes by herself. confidence.

  There is no other reason. Sato Kaede has discovered that his dynamic vision is very good since he was a child. How good is it? As long as he concentrates, he can clearly see the trajectory of fast-moving objects.

  Excellent dynamic vision, coupled with his previous life also has a wealth of experience in manufacturing energy cubes, Sato Kaede believes that it is not difficult to create high-quality energy cubes.

   "Maybe there are business opportunities in this, you have to try it out." Sato Kaede quietly walked towards the recruit's dormitory and thought secretly.

   In the next second, Sato Kaede's eyebrows were slightly energized, and the energy was concentrated, and his pupils suddenly shrank. For a while, in the world in Sato Kaede's eyes, all nearby moving objects became sluggish.

   to be continued...

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