Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 82 - [To be a man in Towel Man! 】

The Lakers preseason game against the Philadelphia 76ers led by Iverson.

Guo Xu’s fighting spirit is so high that he never imagined that his task was to guard the drinking fountains with Medvedenko and Pampeisi.

After the game started, veteran Ron Harper started the No. 2 position of the main defense opponent, and Bryant was responsible for the main defense Iverson. Guo Xu looked at coach Phil Jackson from time to time. The “Zen Master” kept his eyes closed and nostalgic, and had no idea of ​​substitution.

Fisher and Leider partner outside the second quarter, Guo Xu continued to sit on the bench.

Fisher displayed his most familiar style of play, passing the ball after halftime, and then waiting to catch the ball on the periphery.

Leider is responsible for holding the ball to attack, singles can score, and the poor shooting rate is pitiful. He has the skills and the body, but he is not good at cooperating and cannot drive the whole team.

Leider is only 29 years old this year, the rookie season is very powerful. In the 1993-94 season, he was selected to the first team of the NBA Rookie of the Year and also won the title of “Dunk King” in the 1994 All-Star Slam Dunk Contest. He was the first person in NBA history to make a crotch change dunk.

Once he had unlimited potential, his character constrained his development. Now he can still quickly pull up a jumper, hold the ball and break through to perform a dunk, but he is farther and farther on the path of cancer.

At this time, Leder also realized that he played well in the training game, largely because of Guo Xu’s rapid advancement of the pass, which made him rush. Now that Fisher slowly landed on the ground, his physical advantage was not good enough. It’s ridiculous that he was not satisfied with Guo Xu’s control of the ball before.

Guo Xu only got the chance to play in the second half. He only played 6 minutes in total. Still, he played with the OK team. He could only help the star to create opportunities, mainly passing and receiving shots. And he didn’t feel good, he didn’t score a 0-for-3.

Guo Xu had been thinking while sitting on the bench. He didn’t know why Jackson suddenly reused Fisher and Leder, but he didn’t plan to ask. He warned himself to be patient, and when Fisher fell down and no one was available, he would naturally be reused.

With the reservation of the OK combination, the Lakers lost to the 76ers by 8 points.

The second game, the Lakers VS the sun. Sun Rookie center Chakalidis started, and O’Neill could not find North in the first quarter.

Fisher broke out in the second quarter. He scored four three-pointers in a single quarter. He played 18 minutes and four assists in 30 minutes. The star guard Jason Kidd had the upper hand. Kidd made 3 of 13 shots and added 9 free throws and 7 assists.

Due to Fisher’s super level play, the Lakers easily won the sun by 21 points.

In the third battle, the Lakers opponent is still the sun.

Jackson is satisfied with Fisher’s performance and wants to see his stability, let him debut.

Fisher is familiar with the triangle offense. His positional combat rhythm is good. He made a firm shot. In the first quarter, he scored two three-pointers. He once scored an layup after receiving an O’Neal score from the bottom line.

Defensive Fisher also played very well, defensive Kidd made 1 of 4 shots, only two points.

Fisher hit a three-pointer, Guo Xu took the lead in shouting loudly, waving a towel, the Lakers teasing B boss O’Neill also followed along, the big one and two were dancing on the sidelines to grab the mirror, very happy.

“Master Zen” Jackson followed Guo Xu’s every move and was a little confused.

The competitors fought for two consecutive times. This kid was not in a hurry, he even laughed? This is too broad-minded, right? Does he just want to join the Lakers to mix a championship ring? It doesn’t matter if you play or not, is he a man who wants to be a towel man?

Impossible, judging from the Summer League and Drew League, he is clearly a very expressive person …

Jackson has countless people, and now he can’t see Guo Xu’s character. Even if he is smart, he will never think of Guo Xu as a rebirth, knowing that Fisher will be injured.

Jackson believes that there are two possibilities. First, Guo Xuchi is naive, noble, and willing to obey the coaching arrangements unconditionally. He will not be jealous of his teammates and will never become a person who affects the harmony of the locker room.

The second is that his castle is extremely deep, has a maturity beyond his age, knows to be able to retreat, to know what can compete, what can not compete.

Either way, he is a talent.

The Lakers beat the Suns 95-86. Fisher scored 15 points and 3 assists without making a mistake. He made 3 of 5 3-pointers. It looks like he can do the starting job and put veteran Harper into the second line.

Kidd is another iron show, 2 of 11 shots, 4 of 6 free throws, scored 8 points, 8 rebounds and 9 assists.

After the game, the Los Angeles media began to blow Fisher, saying that he was excellent in offense and defense, and compared with last season, there was an obvious improvement, suppressing Kidd in two consecutive games.

Kidd is a good organizer, he can perfectly control the rhythm, not only can launch fast breaks, but also can allocate the ball to a reasonable position in the positional battle, helping teammates to easily score. However, shooting has always been Kidd’s weakness.

In Guo Xu’s previous life, Kidd’s 1391 regular-season field goal percentage was only 40%; in 158 playoffs, the field goal percentage was only 39.1%.

Of the 123 players who played at least 1,000 games in the regular season in NBA history, Kidd’s 40% field goal percentage was the second lowest, only better than the penultimate Fisher; and in the last season of NBA history Of the 23 players with at least 150 games in the playoffs, Kidd had the lowest 39.1% shooting rate!

Frankly, Kidd in this period, many people can prevent it.

Four or five games against the Clippers, the Lakers all lost by a small score.

As everyone knows, the NBA is generally a team in a city ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Some small city NBA teams have become a symbol of the city and a cultural pillar. But there are exceptions. The Clippers and the Lakers are in the same city and share a stadium. There will be various competitions that cannot be avoided.

The “OK combination” only played for 20 minutes, but the Clippers players went all out and put together two preseason games. This can improve the morale of the Clippers, but they want to **** the Lakers fans is a fool’s dream, their goal in the new season is only to reach the playoffs.

The sixth game against the Supersonics, Fisher continued to start, he performed well in the first half, not only made two three-pointers, and two layups succeeded.

Defensively, Fisher did just as well. “Gloves” Gary Payton has excellent height and strength in the point guard. He is good at using his body to eat his opponents. Fisher is best at defending this type. His strength is enough. Resist the striker.

In Guo Xu’s previous life, Fisher was often beaten by speed guards late in his career, but at that time he was still not afraid of star point guard Deron Williams, and each confrontation could reduce Deron’s efficiency through confrontation.

Preseason Fisher is destined to be in the limelight, opponents except Iverson are strong point guards. He already feels that his starting position is stable, and this time he gets more and more excited.

With 8 minutes left in the final quarter, Fisher made his third 3-pointer and scored 15 points and 4 assists, which seemed to be the team’s third scoring point.

The supersonic player missed a shot in the next round. Fisher actively withdrew and grabbed a rebound in the backcourt. When he landed, he suddenly felt a pain in his right foot, something bad.

In the summer, private trainers reminded that Fisher was too heavy and had to put more pressure on his feet. High-intensity training was not suitable for him, but he was too anxious.

Some accidents in life are actually doomed.

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