Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 70

Chapter 67 : No need to turn the devil into the dev

Is this an illusion?

Zhuo Ge used his own knowledge that the water of night shadow seemed to be a poisonous water that could make people fall into psychedelic.

But even if this real feeling is an illusion, it is also true that the decadent heart is drawing vitality!

In less than ten breaths, Zhuo Ge’s entire arm had aged a lot, and he couldn’t tolerate any more hesitation. He swung the scimitar in his right hand and slashed it against his heart!

At this moment, Haia Puri’s anxious voice came, “Kaoh, if you cut off that heart, your left hand and the lost vitality will be lost forever!”

The wizard stopped chanting the spell, and Zoge’s vitality was no longer drawn by the heart, and even the blue mist began to disperse, but he tried it, and the hand and the heart were still as one body and couldn’t be separated.

He felt that if he didn’t rely on the line of wizards, and wanted to get his palm out of his heart, there was only one way, and that was to slash the knife and cut it off at the wrist!

Without a last resort, it is impossible for Kao to give up his palm!

Even if you want to chop, you must first chop the Haiya Puri and the disgusting things sticking to your hands.

It was all set by the **** wizard. Zogo retracted the scimitar and shouted, “Damn witch, what do you want!?”

If the delay continues, the horse king will become a corpse, and the wizard’s plan will be ruined, so he hastened to tell the truth.

“I am the servant of the immortal, not what I want? It is what the immortal wants. The rotten heart in your hand is the source of vitality for the immortal. The immortal is immortal, but they want to regain their youth. , So we need to absorb huge vitality until the decay is turned into vigorous vitality!”

Zhuo Ge felt that even if his vitality was sucked up by this heart, the appearance of the heart’s decay would not change.

He understands the purpose of Haia Puri’s appointment here, and he understands, “You want me to slaughter the Quills enough to rejuvenate this heart!?”

The great wizard replied excitedly, “It is rumored that Zhuogokao of Dacaohai is brave and intrepid, but it is better to see, you are a smart person I rarely admit, yes, all you need to do is to kill! A demon, the one who slaughtered the entire Quairs!”

Looking at the wizard who lost the thick fog, Zhuo Ge said coldly, “Okay, as your master wished, I, Zhuo Ge, is a demon. I don’t need to be a demon at all, but I never just give or receive any reward .”≪r/>

It is so obvious that Haia Boli naturally knows his desire: “When the immortal’s heart fades away from decay and regaining youthful vitality, you can go to the Immortal Palace to find me, and the young immortal will be very willing to fulfill your request. ”≪r/>

If it was a wizard, Zhuo Ge wouldn’t need his left palm and slashed him with a knife, but even if he didn’t chant the spell, the heart still stuck to his hand. It was obvious that the immortal living in the shadows and dust was leading it.

Since he asked himself to cooperate, Cao had an inseparable guess in his heart, “Presumably the dignitaries of Quills have been killed by you, right?”

The wizard replied slyly, “When the time comes, you can go to the high temple of a thousand seats and you will know it.”


Haia Boli took out a bottle of Night Shadow Water, drank it all, and the magic reappeared. He imagined a string of phantoms floating in the distance, but his voice stayed briefly.

“Kao, you must remember that once I start to recite the spell, the heart of the immortal will draw your life force again. When your dragon steel starts to be bloodied, I will speed up the rate of chanting the spell. I hope you will fight bravely at that time. Enemy, otherwise you will die first! Jie Jie Jie Jie”

Being used for the first time and holding his braids but unable to fight back, Zhuo Ge tickled his teeth with hatred, “Chuck!”

But what else could he do? He could only follow the wizard’s instructions to capture Quells and return to his former coldness and ruthlessness.

Snowball jumped up and opened his mouth to bite off his heart. Zhuo Ge was so frightened that he hurriedly moved away. This kind of intention was not acceptable to him.

After half an hour, Zhuo Ge hurried back to the camp, and dawn was about to break.

There is no need to wait for what false bargaining chips the Quairs dignitaries who have died are expected to use?

Caoto, with his wicking, rotten heart, disregarded the strangeness that everyone saw him, mounted his horse and shouted, “The Golden Group drives the boat to block the waterways of the east, the west and the south! The Unsullied and Karratha will follow me to attack the north gate!” &lt ;r/>

Quairs was covered by water on three sides, but the gold group, which the locals had high hopes for, surrounded them in turn after more than half of the casualties, which made them feel angry and helpless.

Facing the burning stone that fell into the city in a parabola from the sea, the asphalt barrels, the Quells who had been relying on the mercenary group could only stand hard, hoping that the city gate would be strong enough.

Of course, they did not fight back if there were no big powers on the spot.

The spears, stones and arrows of the guards on the double round towers on both sides of each gate of the giant city rained down. When the golden armored soldiers approached the main gate, the people on the walls would pour boiling oil on their heads.

It is unrealistic for the Golden Group to use a crossbow to shoot the claws to fix the top of the towering city wall from the waterway. The crossbow does not have that much power, and the siege hammer is used to hit the thick copper door. Loose.

Zhuo Ge had thought of this a long time ago, so he let the golden group surround the other three sides, attacking if he could attack, but not attacking, just behave as a pinch.

He chose the real main battlefield of the broken city to be the north gate adjacent to the red wasteland.

The officers of Quairs took Zhuoge as the standard, and dispatched the most troops wherever others were.

If it weren’t for Quills to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, that point of strength is tantamount to a praying man’s arm.

With the efforts of the soldiers using siege ladders, catapults, four-claw anchors, etc., someone finally climbed up the city wall, followed by the second and third

The sound of sword-blade strikes quickly sounded from all over the battlements, and the Unsullied continuously emerged from the teeth of the city and ran along the wall, shouting “Father of the dragon! Father of the dragon!”


Under the agile and brave Unsullied killing, the north gate quickly opened to the outside world. Zhuo Ge, who had been holding back his hands, led Karratha into the city as if he was possessed by a **** of death, killing anyone at sight!

The demon in Zhuo Ge’s mouth refers to him who was cold and ruthless before, but now when he kills a person, the corpse that has not yet become cold will be absorbed by the heart with the mysterious power of flesh and blood essence, and finally form a shriveled state. !

This weird way of killing and destroying corpses shocked everyone, even Zhuo Ge’s soldiers.

The Dothraki people most fear ghosts and gods The braided warrior thinks that the blue misty heart in Kaor’s hand is an ominous thing, and persuades him to throw it away or destroy it.

Of course Zhuo Ge wanted to listen to their suggestions, but he couldn’t do it!

In order to get rid of the curse, Zhuo Ge killed the most people among the two warring parties.

The big guy who kills no blood and is covered in blue mist is a demon in everyone’s eyes!

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