Legend of the Dragon King of Ice and Fire

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 : The new symbol of the city

overthrew the rule of the benevolent, a huge group of free people have the right to choose, the current Astabo is equivalent to a waste of time.

The next day, when the sun rose, Zhuo Ge ordered the Blood League Guard to visit the city, looking for representatives of the free people who had a good reputation in the city of red bricks.

Since the cabinet meeting is to be held, we must listen to the voice that knows the people best.

His subordinates are basically rashers, and Jora Mormon, who has an unclear orientation, has a richer experience and knowledge. After all, Big Bear was once the lord of an island.

As for the Blood Alliance Guard, the newly promoted Unsullied One leads the Grey Worm and others. They are only suitable for fighting the enemy and know nothing about Anmin’s philosophy.

Astabo is just a small place for the vast and boundless world, but it is still famous, after all, it is one of the three giants in Slave Bay.

So Zhuo Ge felt that even if the official rank ladder and the control system are not yet perfect, the founding convention should be more decent.

However, even if the meeting was funny and no rules, he could only decide in the end. He also refused to participate in the nobles who had lived in the pyramid for a long time. He was not jealous of the rich and close to the poor, but in his heart, those who claimed to be the sons of the harpy The Sri Lankan people may become the perpetrators of resisting reform.

After all, Astabo has been mainly selling slaves since ancient times. After losing this source of money, their vital interests have been devastated. Can they be content?

But for those imaginary enemies, Zhuo Ge has already made a decision. As long as the Gith nobles dare to create chaos and vent their dissatisfaction secretly or overtly, the light ones will leave the house, expel Astapo, and the heavy ones will be directly sentenced to death.

The king’s luxurious palace, located in the center of the giant city, is a gilded pyramid standing on the top floor overlooking the entire Astabo.

This used to be the residence of the Great Lord Krazny Mo Nacroz. He and Dany moved in last night, because only this place fits their identities.

Zhuo Ge stood on the lean on the balcony and was silent for a moment. Dany, who got up with him, washed and dressed for more than an hour, and came along with her new maid, Missandei.

Originally, Dany already had two maids and didn’t want to take in another one, but Zogo told her that Yili and Jiqi would arrange separate duties and introduced the clever Missandei, she quickly I fell in love with the Nas girl who has big golden eyes and is proficient in many languages.

She feels that although the little maid is young, she is very wise and brave. Only in this way can she survive in the harsh environment, which is very similar to her growth process.

Dany was promoted from Karishe of the barbarian tribe to the queen of the trading city. Today, she took off the painted leather vest of Dothrak and the linen trousers of night sweats, and put on popular among the families of the Astabo nobles. Toka robe.

The beaded yellow silk is light and cool, and the charm is looming. It is very suitable for the hot Slave Bay area, and it is also in line with the sojourner’s perception. In addition, a pair of diamond-encrusted silver sandals are worn on the head with emeralds. The crystal crown looked like a young and invincible little princess, and the graceful queen temperament did not stand out much under the cover of her exquisite and delicate body.

She persuaded her husband to go to the countryside and put on a luxurious dress with kingly temperament, but Zhuo Ge refused, but he still added a woolen sweater to the crude and wild painted leather vest in the eyes of the world.

He has always wanted to correct the traditional concept of openness of the people underneath, and advocate the innovative vocabulary of “conservation”, so he must set an example, take the lead in curbing the desire of werewolves who are tempted almost all the time, and reduce unnecessary crime rates.

Although he was still not satisfied with his wife’s fresh and breathable dress today, he only left room for others to think about, and he was barely qualified, so Zhuo Ge didn’t say much.

When Dani changed Kalishi’s daily style, it really made people’s eyes bright, and it gave Zogo the feeling that it was like when Pantos first saw her, but he resisted the restlessness and kept his sight on constantly moving. The three-headed dragon among the pyramids.

The young dragon is far from adult, but now it can forage alone. It is completely fine to swallow a lamb in one bite.

It is said that the dragon represents destruction. This is what Zhuo Ge is worried about. If the enemy is injured, it is enough. If it is a close person, and his people suffering?

He thought about locking up the devil dragons that had turned wild with iron chains, but this would definitely make them disgusted, and at the same time restrict their growth, so this idea can only be vented and cannot be implemented.

After seeing her husband deal with a few sentences, she frowned and said nothing. Dany thought he was worrying about Astabo’s trivial matters, so she quietly accompanied him to watch the young dragon play.

Landing, the husband clapped his hands and gave her a soft drink, which shocked her.

“I can’t bear the children can’t hold the wolves! Sacrifice the ego and become the greater ego!”

Zhuo Ge came to this conclusion based on the vicious circle of Dany’s attitude towards the young dragon in the novel.

The devil dragon is overwhelmingly victorious. It is his greatest reliance on the road to conquer in the future. As long as he obeys his instructions, he can climb on their backs and let them breathe fire. It is enough, no matter what they eat. What?

Besides, I can’t control it at all, and maybe he will also get into it. After all, he is only the second choice of the magic dragon, and those frightening problems make their mothers annoyed.

The clueless words that Danni heard made her feel a little uneasy, and she lightly opened her lips and asked, “My husband, what’s the matter?”

Zhuo Ge said as if nothing had happened, “It’s okay for the time being, let’s talk about it if something happens.”

Dani hesitated to glance at the child who was lying on the top of the pyramid basking in the sun, and tentatively asked: “My sun and stars, are Zhuo Geng, Lei Ge, and Vesselion worry you?”

Zhuo Ge sighed: “They are growing faster and faster, I am afraid they will soon fly out of Astapo and soar farther.”

Only when they really treat them as children, can they express such emotions. The husband’s attitude towards the young dragons made Dany faintly moved, because the young dragons are her pride, and they are also the basis for her to look down upon everything in the future.

Even so, the worry on Dany’s face became even worse, and the language said hopefully: “Even if they fly high and far, they will remember us, because we are the parents of the young dragon.”

Zhuo Ge nodded, and then pointedly said: “They are all your good children, I hope they can be as kind as you and hate the wheels of history.”

These words made Dany understand her husband’s worries. When Yili was serving her in the bath last night, she mentioned what her children had eaten after the riots stopped.

She was shocked. After hearing that it was a corpse, her emotions slowly calmed down.

Danni said sadly: “If you really get to that point, you can only reluctantly imprison them. They are my dearest children, but my people are also my children!”

Her decision was stupid. Zhuo Ge was speechless, but she disagreed very much because he knew many things that his wife did not know.

“Tell her to be reasonable.”

Zhuo Ge thought secretly, seeing that the sun was very close to the sky, it would certainly not be so fast for a few rough men to find representatives of the freedmen, so he told Missandei to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

But before she left, he asked the maid: “You used to be a close-to-body translator of Krazny Mo Nacroz. Is there a butcher named Kleon in the kitchen?”

Mi Sandei was a little surprised: “The king, yes, do you want to summon him?”

Zhuo Ge groaned: “I don’t need it for the time being, you just assume that I haven’t asked, you go.”


The little maid left, and Danni, who was also surprised, asked, “Husband, is Kleon someone you used to know in Astapo?”

“I don’t know him, but I know him. He is the butcher in Grazdan’s kitchen. It is said that he is the leader of Astapo in killing pigs, and he is a small celebrity in Slave Bay.”

Actually, this butcher, Zhuo Ge learned from the novel.

Danni joked, “Hehe, you care about him so much, do you want to learn **** pigs from him?”

Zhuo Ge played the taste: “I can kill even lions. I don’t have to learn from him when I kill pigs. I just think he is a talent. If he keeps killing pigs, he will be too talented. He should be a king.”

Originally Dany thought he was joking too, but when she saw her husband’s cold face became colder, she began to pray for the butcher.

The couple had a rich lunch and took a short break. Ago rushed over to report that they had found a freedman representative, including a doctor, a scholar, and a pastor.

According to him, these three people have high prestige among the freedmen group because the three have been serving the freedmen for free.

After Zhuo Ge heard the introduction, he felt very coincidental. In the novel, Dany left Astapo and went to fight Yuankai, leaving the parliament to rule Astapo. A doctor, a scholar and a priest were left behind. leading.

And it didn’t take long for these three talents to rule, they were killed by Kleon and replaced them, and they were called the Butcher King.

Zhuo Ge has many important things to explain, especially Bono’s threat, so he is ready to rush to the temporary meeting room set up in Pride Plaza immediately.

The gentleman put his left hand behind him, arched his waist to eighty degrees, protruded his right palm, and politely invited: “My queen, lift your skirt with your right hand, and then extend your left hand, follow me To build the foundation of the dream paradise.”

Such a novel etiquette, Danni has never seen but she likes her husband very much, which makes her feel very comfortable, so she followed her husband’s order, lifted her skirt and joined hands, and went with him very romantically. .

When the two walked out of the pyramid, they saw a luxurious carriage covered by curtains and a red horse parked at the door, guarded by horse warriors and gray bugs.

The Grey Worm led a line of unsullied people to raise their fists and beat their chests, bow their waists slightly, and greeted them very lively: “King, Queen.”

Dothraki people are very casual, bowed their heads slightly, and bowed their heads in a jumbled manner: “Kao, Karishi.”

Different names and different customs, but Zhuo Ge and Danni accepted them without asking them to unify their names.

Zhuo Ge did not change the style that the King of Dothraki should have, and climbed up the red steed, while Dany climbed into the car, sat on the cool satin cushion, and carried the queen’s temperament to the end.

The horse king led the way, and a group of people guarded the carriage and set off in a grand manner.

The hesitant businessmen who could not retreat along the way bent their knees and luggage, while the freedmen chased the carriages, some shouted their father, some were grievances, some were hungry…

Zhuo Ge showed an extremely permeating natural smile and kept nodding his head in greeting, but said nothing, because these problems were inevitable at the beginning of the reform, and he would gradually improve. This trip was the beginning of the reform.

When he arrived at Pride Square, he found that this place had changed, because the most conspicuous colossus of Harpy had been removed.

is nothing but a new city symbol, which has been spontaneously shaped by the craftsmen who respect and love him.

Analyzing from the outline of the iron frame being built, Zhuo Ge can already imagine the shape of the new symbol.

is a monster with three heads, a horse body, and dragon wings. The two heads are modeled after the image of a young dragon, and the head in the middle is a horse head!

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