Legacy of Valyria: Maegor’s Glory

8- End of Harrenhal Tourney

Amory Lorch's death was not the first at the tournament, but certainly one of the most impactful. For about 12-13 years, Amory Lorch had been a somewhat infamous knight in the Riverlands. His demise, cleaved in two by a young lad barely old enough to grow a beard, left the spectators in astonishment.

The warriors in the arena felt the tension of the outcome and began eyeing each other for their next opponents. Ser Barristan Selmy chose Robert Baratheon, while Oberyn Martell selected Lyle Crakehall. Meanwhile, Prince Maegor opted not to join the fights, possibly waiting to face the winner in a three-way bout.

Despite struggling, Robert Baratheon managed to land a heavy blow with his great hammer on Ser Barristan Selmy. Though Barristan could have continued fighting, he recalled his primary duty as a Kingsguard and the joust he was required to attend, thus conceding.

Oberyn Martell circled his slower opponent, Lyle Crakehall, launching a series of swift spear strikes aimed at joints and legs. Despite his slowness, Ser Lyle Crakehall compensated with years of experience and exceptional strength. After a prolonged battle that exceeded expectations, Lyle Crakehall, weary and wounded, threw in the towel, leaving Oberyn Martell to face Robert Baratheon and Prince Maegor in the final, escorted from the field with the help of onlookers.

Maegor addressed Robert Baratheon and Oberyn Martell, saying, "My lords, I would like to give you time to rest. I have enjoyed watching you fight."

Only 19 years old Robert Baratheon laughed heartily and proclaimed, "No need for rest, I'll win the tournament with two swings of my hammer."

Oberyn Martell chuckled and replied, "My first spear will strike true."

Actually, this final was filled with the youngest finalists ever seen in the Riverlands: Prince Maegor at 17, Robert Baratheon at 19, and Oberyn Martell at 24 years old. With so many experienced knights present, it was surprising and unexpected for these young men to contend for victory.

Maegor pondered inwardly and addressed Mera, "Should I kill Robert Baratheon here? If I kill him now, I could cut off the potential threat of future rebellion, but House Baratheon and the Stormlands might rise up because of it."

Mera replied, "From what I recall in your memories, King Aerys's paranoia led him to believe that the Knight of the Laughing Tree was an assassin sent to kill him, resulting in your brother Rhaegar being dispatched to capture and kill him. Considering your father's recovery, this scenario is now unlikely. If you win the joust, you can choose a different Queen of Love and Beauty, and even if your brother Rhaegar were to still run off with Lyanna Stark, suspicions would diminish. If the Starks were to discover it, Aerys could easily resolve matters without burning them alive. Defeat Robert, but do not kill him. However, if you still want to remove a threat for the future, you can disable one of his arms."

Meanwhile, Prince Oberyn Martell surveyed his opponents for the first move, testing Robert Baratheon. As Oberyn thrust his spear towards Robert's feet, he kept a wary eye on Maegor to ensure he wasn't attacked.

Oberyn's action triggered a chain reaction: as Robert dodged the incoming spear, he swung his massive hammer down at Oberyn Martell from above.

Due to both old and new animosities between Dorne and the Stormlands, the pair initially aimed to eliminate each other.

Maegor, not wanting Oberyn to be harmed due to Princess Elia Martell, intervened as they fought each other.

Dodging back a step from Robert Baratheon's horizontally swung hammer, Oberyn leaped and attacked Robert, aiming to overwhelm him from both sides with his swords and incapacitate him if an opportunity presented itself.

Prince Oberyn assessed Maegor's attacks and, seizing a moment when Robert momentarily forgot about him, left a small cut on Robert Baratheon's left leg with the edge of his spear. Though the cut didn't severely hinder Robert, it slowed his movements slightly, putting him at a disadvantage as he evaded Maegor's assaults.

When Robert was injured, Maegor thrust his sword towards Robert's chest with his left hand, but Robert blocked it with a move of his hammer. Maegor then attacked Robert's face with a wide swing of his sword in his right hand, causing Robert to narrowly evade at the last moment, gritting his teeth.

Oberyn, further exhausting Robert with successive attacks, exchanged a glance with Maegor and aimed to incapacitate Robert with their combined effort. Unexpectedly, Maegor approached Oberyn and nodded, indicating for Oberyn to attack Robert.

As Oberyn stepped forward, he suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck and his vision dimmed. Behind him, Maegor chuckled, saying, "Never turn your back on your opponent in a battle, Red Viper, even if they're your kin."

Robert frowned, saying, "That was dishonorable of you, Prince."

Maegor retorted, "I didn't intend to cut him, but I'll cut you, Foolish Stag."

Robert Baratheon swung his hammer crosswise in anger, but Maegor deftly turned on one knee to evade and found an opportune moment to strike. Before Robert could recover, Maegor swung his sword in his right hand towards Robert's strong arm, the source of his hammer's power.

Everyone watching the battle held their breath as they watched Robert Baratheon drop his hammer. Since he first picked up the hammer as a child, Robert had never let go of it in any fight, whether he won or lost, leaving everyone who knew him astonished.

Maegor sealed the fight by placing his sword from his left hand on Robert's neck.

In his final attack, Maegor cut deep into the radial arteries of Robert's right arm, opening a wound that could lead to disability or even death if not properly treated. Masters could save his arm with proper treatment, but he could never swing his hammer as before.


The crowd and lords rose to their feet, applauding. The young prince, who hadn't achieved much in the Riverlands before, had won his first tournament, earning him admiration from ambitious lords and intrigued maidens alike.


For the past four days, the jousting competitions had been ongoing, leading up to the final showdown between the two brothers, Maegor and Rhaegar.

During this time, Maegor had bested a knight from House Frey, a knight from House Whent, the Knight of the Laughing Tree, and Ser Barristan Selmy. Rhaegar, on the other hand, had defeated a knight from House Blount, Yohn Royce, Brandon Stark, and Ser Arthur Dayne.

King Aerys, this time, showed no interest in the Knight of the Laughing Tree and did not send men after him. The King was pleased with the strong performances of his two sons in the tournament.

The night before the tournament's final, Lord Whent hosted a grand feast in the halls of Harrenhal. During this feast, Prince Rhaegar captivated young maidens with his harp, including Lyanna Stark among them. Robert Baratheon sat with Ned Stark and Jon Arryn, his face smiling but his thoughts filled with curses directed at Prince Maegor. Maesters had examined and treated his arm. Since his fight with Maegor, he couldn't feel his right hand, and according to the maesters, with regular treatment, he could regain its use, but he would never swing his hammer the same way again.

"I've guided the future in the direction I wanted for now," Maegor thought. In the event of a rebellion, he and Rhaegar could easily defeat the rebel forces, ensuring the continuation of Targaryen rule.

The next day, at the tournament final, Rhaegar and Maegor faced each other. Maegor rode a jet-black stallion, while Rhaegar chose a milk-white mare. Both bore shields emblazoned with the three-headed dragon. At the referee's signal, the princes began their charge. As Maegor closed in on his opponent, he lifted slightly in the saddle and thrust his lance at Rhaegar, who simultaneously aimed his lance at Maegor. The clash shattered both shields, and they readied for another round. This pattern repeated four times, with lances and shields breaking in each exchange.

In the sixth round, Maegor managed to unhorse Rhaegar with a precise maneuver. As Rhaegar dismounted, he initially considered drawing his sword and continuing, but then thought better of it.

Maegor celebrated his victory by circling the field on his black stallion. Suddenly, he realized he hadn't decided whom to choose as the Queen of Love and Beauty. Then it struck him. He seized the crown that was thrown to him and placed it atop his lance. Riding towards where the king and his retinue sat, Maegor chose to present the crown to his mother, Queen Rhaella.

"Prince Maegor chooses Queen Rhaella as the Queen of Love and Beauty," the referee announced to the crowd.

The tournament concluded without incident, and following a lavish feast prepared by House Whent in honor of House Targaryen, everyone decided to return to King's Landing. Maegor had complicated Rhaegar's affairs and postponed their aspirations for the Iron Throne to a future time.


A week later, all members of House Targaryen returned to King's Landing. Maegor was training with his squire, Jaime Lannister, when Ser Jonothor Darry of the Kingsguard arrived.

"Your Grace, the King awaits you," Ser Jonothor conveyed the message, prompting Maegor to prepare himself and instruct Jaime to continue training until he returned.

Upon entering the Throne Room, Maegor noticed both Tywin Lannister and King Aerys awaiting him.

"Aerys spoke first: "Maegor, when will we open the Portal?"

At the mention of the Portal, Tywin Lannister raised his eyebrows in curiosity. It was clear that this Portal was the surprise the King had been obsessing over.

Maegor replied, "Father, to open the Portal, we need certain materials. Finding most of them is quite straightforward, except for one."

"Which material is difficult to find, Maegor?"

"Black Stone, father. As far as I know, there are currently three places where it exists. The first is the Seastone Chair held by the Greyjoys, entirely made of Black Stone. The second is beneath the Hightower in Oldtown. The third is in the Five Forts north of Yi Ti."

"We need a significant amount of Black Stone, father, as it is the primary material for the Portals."

After a brief silence, Tywin Lannister spoke, "What is the significance of Black Stone, Prince?"

"It is formed by the conjunction of dragons and ancient magic, and it will be used to stabilize the Portal from dispersing," Maegor explained.

Tywin pondered for a moment before suggesting, "They say in Asshai, within the Shadow Lands, all buildings are said to be made of this stone. Would that serve your purpose?"

After consulting with Mera in his mind, Maegor responded, "Yes, Lord Tywin. Can we obtain enough Black Stone from there?"

Tywin Lannister responded reassuringly, "Rest assured, Prince. Though the process may be dangerous, there's no need for us to get our hands dirty. I will contact some mercenaries in Essos, and within a year or a year and a half at most, we will have the Black Stone in our possession."

Maegor added, "Very well. Additionally, we will need to sacrifice at least a few hundred animals and obtain at least three Weirwood Trees, severed from their roots."

Before they could inquire further, Maegor continued, "The Weirwood Trees, though their origins are mysterious, are associated with the Old Gods and contain potent magic. They will be crucial for balancing the magic among the materials to be used."

King Aerys interjected, "You will have the materials you need, my son. We shall see how you will lead us forward."


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