Leaves of Dawn

26: Misty Memories

A silence fell onto the crowd, it seemed everyone was almost waiting for something to happen. 

It was only as one ice-user turned traitor shot the symbol adorned on their undershirt into the sky with blood-red ice did a commotion break out. 

Audience members began looking at each other, murmuring to each other, and pushing each other as everyone began leaving their seats. With some screams beginning to break out from various places in the crowds, more and more bolts of red were fired into the air. 

With some small brawls beginning to break out, the chaos heightened to another level. Half the fights were caused by the traitors themselves as they attacked their previous allies while the other half began from ambitious audience members trying to step in and “help” the situation. 

Of course, wanting to keep the situation under control, each restaurant’s staff bordering this plaza performance area began trying to calm things down. 

Just as a plethora of other audience members—the more... combat-inclined ones—got ready to leap into the fray, plaza guards rushed onto the stage, tackling the traitors and protecting the other academy students and performers. 

With the situation diffusing faster than it started after the appearance of what felt like a small army of guards out of nowhere, Astrid sank back into her seat. “... W... What was that...?” 

Trembling, Astrid took a quiet sip of water as her breathing became shallow. Unable to peel her eyes away from the resistant screaming exploding down below, Astrid just... froze up. 

Putting her cup down with shaky hands, Astrid couldn’t help but feel her eyes mist up a little as similar memories began rushing into her head. With the images of those she used to hold dear to her heart beginning to overlay with the faces down below, Astrid’s breathing began staggering as she opened and closed her mouth a few times in empty horror. 

Forcing herself to tear her eyes away from watching, Astrid pressed her eyes closed before leaning against Valencia. 

Getting a few pats on the back and a hug from Valencia, Astrid just... sat there for a while to calm down. 

T... That was a little too close for comfort. 

Getting reminded a little too much of a certain past situation where she watched those she loved reveal themselves as cultists, Astrid returned the hug and sank into Valencia’s arms for a couple minutes. 

“Everything alright, my dear?” Valencia whispered, patting Astrid as she watched the situation unfold down below with sharp eyes. 

“Yeah, everything’s alright...” Astrid began before a crack slipped into her voice. Breaking into a faint laugh, Astrid squeezed Valencia before sitting back up again. “Okay, it’s passed, I’m fine now. I’m over it.” 

Getting a worried look from Valencia, Astrid smiled and laced her fingers with Valencia’s. “Don’t worry, okay, Cia? I’m not as fragile as I was back then. Gotta be able to move on and not get bogged down.” 

“Hmmkay,” Valencia squinted before shaking her head. “I’ll be here for you if you need anything, alright?” 

“Of course, and I’ll be here for you as well, Cia,” Astrid replied, leaning forward and planting a kiss on Valencia’s lips. “Anyway, do you see anyone hurt down there? We can always go pay them a visit and save them some medical bills...” 

Shaking her head, Valencia gave the plaza below one last visual sweep. “Yeah I don’t see anyone who’s hurt. Well, maybe some of the traitors after they got tackled but I think they’ll be fine. Also, the academy has a free hospital anyway so... you know. No need to worry too much.” 

“Ah... that’s good,” Astrid sighed, “I’m glad the city we were in before had free hospitals as well. I shudder to think how much I would be paying in medical bills these days...” 

With Valencia giving a faint murmur of agreement, Astrid continued the conversation along at a meander of a pace. It wasn’t much, but she and Valencia just sat and enjoyed each other’s company as they waited for the waiter to be freed up so they could pay their bill. 

As for why they were leaving? Well, they were done with their food, and it didn’t seem like the second part of the performance, or any other performance for that matter was going to happen with the situation at hand...

Yet, it seemed everyone had the same idea of paying their bill and getting out of there. Even the people who just ordered! They hadn’t even gotten their food yet!

Waiting for a couple minutes as the waiters made their rounds with machine-like efficiency, Astrid and Valencia paid their bill before thanking the waiter and heading out with the other groups of people. 

Avoiding the crowds with practiced expertise, Astrid and Valencia slipped away and made their way back to a walking pathway. 

Secluded and under a tree-lined paved path, the two walked arm in arm. Astrid, however, thinking back to the situation from before, couldn’t help but tease, “I’m a little surprised you didn’t just rush down there and begin fighting, Cia~” 

Choking on her spit out of surprise and coughing as a grin appeared on her face, Valencia turned back towards Astrid and used a finger to tilt Astrid’s chin up to make eye contact. “Of course I didn’t, dear. I can’t be leaving your side now, can I? My urge to keep you safe overpowers any urge to go join a fight, after all.” 

With a blush climbing her cheeks, Astrid melted into Valencia’s arms. Murmuring a quiet “thank you...” Astrid could only bury her face into Valencia’s neck as the culprit herself began dying from laughter. 

“I didn’t think you’d be affected that much, my dear~” Valencia pat Astrid, hugging her close. “Your cheeks are so warm I can’t believe it. It’s like a hand warmer on my neck!” 

Murmuring a “you’re so mean,” Astrid squeezed Valencia into a hug as she took some deep breaths to calm down. 

“And you love it,” Valencia retorted with a small smile.

“I do,” Astrid admitted, pushing herself back upright, “And that’s the most annoying part!” 

Trading a couple more teases back and forth, Astrid and Valencia put their little banter time aside as the late-night winds began picking back up. 

With Astrid beginning to shiver, Valencia pulled out her phone and checked the directions to the last place on their agenda before taking Astrid’s hand once more. Moving forward and draping her jacket over Astrid, Valencia flashed a smile. “We can continue chatting later, darling, but let’s start moving so you don’t freeze out here.”  

Nodding and deciding to change the topic, Astrid’s mind wandered back to the whole fiasco that occurred during the dinner performance. “They really weren’t prepared huh... I didn’t even hear any of the phrases that those people were shouting. I think they wanted to get the microphone but uh... failed miserably.” 

“Yeah, I saw!” Valencia covered her mouth as laughs slipped out. “The leader of the academy team decided to throw the microphone into the crowd which was, honestly, a really smart move.” 

“That is smart,” Astrid acknowledged with a nod, “I don’t think I would’ve ever thought to do that.” 

Tapping her chin for a moment, Astrid then added, “What was that organization anyway? They had a whole color scheme, symbol, and more. It doesn’t seem like it was some prank... it seemed... more sinister.” 

“Ah.” Valencia wracked her brain, trying to both think of an explanation but also just remember what exactly that was. “Give me a second to think, I remember hearing about them but it was some complicated thing...” 

Getting a “take your time,” from Astrid, Valencia gave her a kiss and a “thank you” before taking a minute to think. 

“So pretty much,” Valencia began, “I’m pretty sure they’d be classified under ‘criminal syndicate’? Remember that one time we were on the couch watching that singing TV show and I mentioned there are three large organizations or businesses you could say in the city? Well there are a couple of large criminal syndicates too. They’re less powerful than the big three for sure, but they’re much larger than anything in our previous city.” 

“And this is one of them?” Astrid drew out the little symbol in the air with her finger. “Sounds awfully cult-like...” 

“I mean... yeah...” Valencia sighed, “They’re all lunatics to be honest.” 

Accidentally scheduled the wrong chapter a couple days ago for Scribblehub and Webnovel... D: sorry about that

Anyhow, uhh... don't got much to say... playing minecraft with friends is funnn, some people really grind super hard which makes it... less fun tbh beyond that, i kinda just like, don't got much, writing's been chill, cooked on my physics quiz, and got my third 100 in a row, sheeeeeesh

Welp, don't got anything else... uhm... D: yeah idk, i'm really sleepy
thanks for readinggg
take care reader friendsss <3<3

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