Leaves of Dawn

10: Distinguished Visitors

Astrid couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear, there were puddles! Last night it was pouring—though it did help her sleep—but now? It was as sunny as could be! 

Azure-blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and a radiant golden sun! Birds dove and swooped, their chirping filling the world. Butterflies fluttered around, iridescent as they floated from flower to flower, dancing and giving a kiss to each before continuing on their way. 

Earlier, to mix things up from the day before, Astrid had sat down near the windowsill on her and Valencia’s side of the bar. Opening the window to let a breeze in, Astrid propped her head on her hand and stared out the window. 

Recovering a fair margin from the day before, Astrid was healthy enough to go through her morning routine for the first time in months which allowed her to restore a certain suppleness and degree of color to her face. Yet, as an unintended side-effect, Astrid had seen a few onlookers do a double take as they walked by the store. 

Unhampered, Astrid gave those onlookers a bright smile and a small wave as they continued on with their days. 

Humming along to the spirited chirps of nearby birds as the morning settled down, Astrid felt a morning breeze tousle her hair with gentle brushes. Pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Astrid admired the peach-red flowers growing on the bush just outside the window as Valencia walked over and joined her with a fresh pot of tea. 

With a few butterflies landing on her fingers, Astrid blessed them with a few bits of healing before sending them on their way. Watching them flutter around with faint golden hues emanating off their wings, Astrid let out a quiet, happy half-laugh, half-sigh as she turned to face Valencia. “Morning, Cia~” 

Getting a “good morning” and kiss in return, Astrid giggled, returning a kiss of her own as she pulled herself closer to Valencia. Cuddling up against Valencia, Astrid poured out two cups of tea as she felt Valencia’s arm wrap around her waist. 

Making some light conversation while enjoying each other’s warmth, the two let the morning ease by as they opened just a touch later than usual. 

Now, a few hours past dawn, Astrid was just sitting behind the center part of the counter and sipping some tea while Valencia baked some pastries. 

“My tea really is the best,” Astrid teased, sipping her tea with an overly-exaggerated wistful look into the distance. “Chamomile herbal tea, truly unparalleled among all tea types. Because it's my favorite, I’m going to pretend it's the best for totally, definitely objective reasons~” 

Laughing as Valencia huffed in annoyance, Astrid chirped a “Love you too, Cia~” as a customer walked in. 

“Welcome to Leaves of Dawn,” Astrid greeted with a warm smile and wave. “How can I help you today?” 

Astrid wasn’t sure why, but the customer was wearing a very formal and... pretty revealing evening dress and some matching heels. Maybe she hadn’t slept? Maybe she had just come off a night of heavy partying? Then again, the lady’s eyes were alert like a sailor ready to plunge head on into the maw of a kraken.  

“Ah...” The lady trailed off as she walked up to the counter and took a seat. “Hmm... I don’t drink tea all that often, so I’m not sure, any recommendations?” 

Standing up out of her seat, Astrid tapped her chin while leaning on the counter, “Well, have you had any issues recently? Any burdens?” 

“A little, hard to exactly place as one specific feeling though,” the lady murmured, her voice drifting off as she tapped her chin. 

A little closer, Astrid took a moment to take a better look at the customer. Though with beautiful eyes, she did have some faint crow’s feet and bags under her eyes. “Are you stressed? There are a few types of herbal tea that can help with that... Maybe a lavender?” 

“Sure,” The lady nodded, shrugging without much resistance. “Whatever you decide on, you’re the expert here. I have, indeed, been feeling some stress lately. It’s tough managing all the things I have to manage at work.” 

Laughing as she grabbed a teapot and poured some water into it, Astrid shook her head. “No need to praise me so much, I still have a long way to go. I’ll put the water to boil now, but since it’s an herbal tea, it’s going to take a little longer, forgive me.” 

“No worries! Take your time!” The lady reassured with a wave of the hand. “I’m not in a rush, we can even take some time to chat while we wait.” 

“Of course,” Astrid laughed, sitting back down on the other side of the counter. “Talking is half, well, probably more than half, the fun! How are you? What’s your name?” 

With a hint of a smile pulling at the edge of her crimson-red lips, the lady introduced herself. “I’m Morgana, nice to meet you. Astrid, I presume?” 

Morgana was surprised and almost let it show on her face as Astrid confirmed it was her. She resisted the urge to voice it out loud, but Astrid was much younger than expected. For heaven’s sake, she looked like she had just graduated from high school! 

Even if she was just a mortal, Astrid should’ve been snapped up long ago by the first organization to discover her. 

On the other hand, Astrid—with just a simple curiosity drifting around in her mind—asked, “If you don’t mind, what do you do for a living? Not many people swing by at 9 am in the middle of the week in such formal clothes after all.” 

“A... uh, ah? Ahh, I’m just an executive at a business around here, you know? Nothing super impressive, but, you know, relaxed working hours, that type of stuff,” Morgana stumbled over her words, coughing as she made up an excuse. It was a bit of a jolt hearing Astrid ask who she was. In Marcen’s Cliffs, Morgana had lost track of the times paparazzi had swarmed her—almost everyone, if not everyone, knew her name.  

Even Valencia (famed for her callous disregard of anyone outside the Primordial deities), who was now baking some strawberry pastries in the back after coming back from a two-and-a-half-decade vacation, had perked up, glared, and mouthed “I’m watching you” the moment Morgana had walked in. 

Opening her mouth to reply, Astrid was cut off as the door creaked and the bells twinkled as a business-suited man walked in—his half-gaunt eyes tired but sharp. 

“Welcome, welcome,” Astrid called out, giving an apologetic nod to Morgana. “I’ll be with you in a second! Feel free to take a seat at a table or at the counter though!” 

Turning to see who entered, Morgana froze as her and the man’s eyes met.  

Noticing the two customers flinching as they made eye contact, Astrid hoped nothing bad was festering between the two. Both the customers were dressed well, so Astrid guessed the man was another business executive... 

So many rich people were coming this random morning though... 

Thanks for reading~!!
Take care reader friends...

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