Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 55 (NSFW – fluff and romance)

Two weeks after the battle, Alryc and Lyn set up a makeshift ceremony, just over the border of the demon kingdom. Arland stood at the front of the crowd, Trinar by his side, as Nury watched them from the crowd, seated on whatever was available - some sat on chairs, others on the ground, and some reclining against their various beasts.

Alryc stood beside Arland, his armor cleaned and beard and hair freshly trimmed. Lyn stepped out of the small tent that had been prepared, her arm looped into Mimi's.

"Wow... She's gorgeous..." Alryc breathed, as his eyes fell on the shortstack goblina, dressed in a flowing sundress, a style of dress popular among the demon civilians. It was made from a white, thin material, with red trim. The straps went up and over the shoulders, then around the back of the neck, holding the dress up. The top was form-fitting and held Lyn's breasts firmly as she walked. The bottom, by contrast, was loose and flowing, ending just above her knees. Alryc couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Yeah, she is," Arland murmured back, his heart soaring as two of his dearest friends - bonds formed through hardship - were marrying.

As Mimi walked Lyn down the aisle, she leaned in, "He's quite the catch, little goblin."

Lyn couldn't hide her beaming grin, "Indeed. He's perfect. Strong, reliable, handsome..."

"Good in bed?"

"The be- hey!" She hissed, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"No need to get flustered, small one. Sexual compatibility is important."

"W-we are quite compatible, thank you, damned flying lizard..."

Mimi smiled but didn't tease her anymore.

As the ceremony reached its height, Lyn and Alryc stood side-by-side in front of Arland.

"Ladies and gents, men, women, demons, and others... We've gathered here today to join these lovebirds in matrimony."

"What makes you worthy to officiate?" A voice rang out from the crowd. Arland glanced up to see his father's beaming smile.

"As a blessed of Seraphina, my word is that of the gods," Arland said with an eye roll at his father's heckling.

Alryc sighed, "We asked him to. And we didn't realize he'd be giving up the crown before reporting back."

Trinar nudged Arland, "As queen of these lands, I appoint Arland as my representative in these proceedings."

Arland cleared his throat, "Back to the task at hand... Arlyc, do you?"


"Lyn, do you?"

The goblina looked up at the man she was dedicating her life to, "I do."

"By the power vested in me by the gods and the demons of this land, I pronounce you, husband and wife. Kiss her already."

Alryc's eyes darted down to Lyn. Their faces drew close.

"Wait," Arland interrupted them, "I forgot the rings. May wanna do that first."

Alryc smirked and reached into his pocket, pulling out a new collar for her. This one is studded with gemstones and emanates a faint magic. "Lyn, with this collar, I claim you as mine, even through death."

He clasped it behind her neck. She pulled out a ring, "Alryc, with this ring, I pledge myself entirely to you, even through death."

She slipped the ring onto his finger.

"Now, can I kiss my wife?"

"Yes, I suppose so."

They leaned in and their lips pressed together. Cheers erupted from the crowd.

When they eventually drew apart, Alryc smirked at her. They both turned to Arland, "Now, get your ass over here. Nury? Duke Norman, won't you both please join us?" The warrior said.

Nury's eyes widened and Harold stood and made his way up. As he passed Nury, he leaned down, "Come on, Nury. You've been requested. It'd be rude to keep them waiting."

The dragoness' wings quivered and she stood and followed, her eyes fixed on Arland's. He looked as confused as she felt. Trinar, on the other hand, was smiling the whole time.

As the pair of called individuals approach the dias, Trinar speaks, "Duke Norman, I also grant you officiating power in my lands. Won't you, please?"

The duke instantly understood as Trinar stepped down, pulling Arland with her to stand by Nury.

"Same as before, we're still here to celebrate marriage. My son, Arland of the Norman duchy-"

"Actually father," Arland said, leaning in, "Could you announce me as Arland of Goddess Seraphina...?"

He nodded, recognizing the title as one that separated Arland from any one nation, and instead as a benefit to the world as a whole, "My son, Arland of Goddess Seraphina. Nury of the Red Dragons. Trinar, queen of the demon lands. These three shall be joined in a unique, albeit, loving union. Nury, do you take Arland as your husband, Trinar as your wife?"

"I do."

"And Queen Trinar, do you take Arland and Nury as your husband and wife respectively?"

"I do."

"And Arland, my dearest son... Do you accept these two as your brides?"

He looked over, glancing between them, finally realizing that Trinar had planned this change to the scheduled ceremony with Alryc and Lyn, while she had been planning to marry him with Nury for a while. She smiled, "I do, father."

Harold nodded, "Then by the power invested in me by Queen Trinar herself, I present to the world: Arland, of Goddess Seraphina and his two brides, Trinar, the Demon Queen, and Nury, of the Red Dragons. Husband and wives, you may now kiss your brides."

Nury's lips crashed against his, followed by Trinar's, as the crowd cheered.

"That's what you meant..." Arland murmured.

"Yes. And I knew, despite not asking, you would be able to say 'I do'," Trinar said, grinning at her husband. "Now, we're always bound to each other, even when you're away. I love you, Arland. Thank you for all you've done for me. For my nation."

Nury wrapped her arms and wings around them both, "Hey, don't forget me!"

Trinar laughs, "I'll never forget you, our beautiful wife!"

"Good," the dragoness said, pressing a kiss to the demon queen's cheek, "Now, we should go find our home. The duke has so graciously granted us a plot of land between our nations."

Alryc and Lyn, who'd been watching the ceremony, turned and embraced each other. "So, my darling, should we head to our honeymoon spot?"

"Mmm... Mimi said she'd be willing to give us a ride."

Alryc nodded and took Lyn's hand in his as they turned to seek out the violet dragoness.


As the dragoness lowered herself, the wyverns carrying Alryc and Lyn followed. They sat down just outside of a small cave. She glanced over, "You're quite certain this is where you want to be...?"

Lyn glanced at Alryc who nodded, "Yeah. I'm a bandit and Lyn is a goblin. A hole in the ground is sufficient for us."

The goblina hopped off the wyvern and walked over to meet her husband, "Aye, but a hole in the ground need not be dank and damp. We plan on fixing it up."

The violet wyvern eyed the hole, "If you say so..."

"Don't you live in a hole with your clan?"

"That's true. Guess I shouldn't be the one to judge you."

"You definitely shouldn't," Lyn replied, "It's gonna take a lot of work, but with a little elbow grease, we'll have ourselves a nice little home."

"Well, good luck. And remember, if you ever need a ride, call me and I'll come," She said, "We're friends now, after all."

Alryc smiled, "Thanks, Mimi. For everything."

The dragoness took off and left them standing in front of their home. Alryc smiled at her, "So...?"

"So? Oh, let me guess. You think that just because this collar around my neck, I'm at your beck and call whenever you get horny?" She asked, feigning annoyance. "Well, it's a good thing I like you, because that's exactly what it means." She said, her face splitting into a wide smile.

He pulled her close, "Is it wrong that I'm excited to get started?"

"Nope," she grinned, her hands finding his belt buckle.

He laughed and swept her off her feet, "Let's go inside, first, my bride."

"Alright, alright."

He carried her over the threshold and set her down.

"Well, this is a shithole..." She said, looking around.

He shrugged, "It's not so bad. I think it's got some serious potential."

"You're just being kind... Maybe we should just move into town..." Lyn said, her gaze dropping as her toe nudged a clump of dirt.

Alryc sighed and looked over at her. As he saw her nudge the dirt, he turned and grabbed her, pinning her to the wall and lifting her until she was face-to-face with him.

"Hey, wha-"

"Stop. Lyn, you're my wife. I don't care, okay? We could live in the deepest, darkest pit. In the middle of a volcano, or a swamp. I don't care. As long as I have you by my side, the worst abode would be the richest palace in my eyes."

Lyn's green cheeks darkened and she kissed him, "You're such a fucking romantic. It's sickening."

He laughed, "It's the truth. I'd do anything for you. You've done so much for me. You saved my life. More than once, mind you. I owe you everything. And I love you, too."

Lyn's eyes were brimming with tears, "Damn you, Alryc... That's so sweet."

She wrapped her legs around his hips, "Then why don't we get started on building our life before we get started building our home."

He growled playfully as he freed his manhood. When the hot length flopped up and hit her butt, she groaned, "You fucking tease..."

Alryc chuckled and adjusted his hands so they were on her ass, under her dress. He went to move her panties aside and found just smooth, moist skin.

He looked into her eyes, as she explained, "I wanted as few obstructions as possible to having you inside me..."

Alryc nodded and lined up, sliding her down as he entered her, drawing a long, low groan from her. Her insides were warm and wet, and the ridges of her vagina were rubbing deliciously along his shaft. He groaned as he felt himself being pulled into her, deeper, and deeper.

"Holy fuck, that feels good..." She breathed.

He grunted as he finally hilted himself. "Fuck, you feel incredible, Lyn..."

She giggled and leaned against him, her arms around him, "I love you, Alryc. I'm so glad to have you in my life. I... I really don't want to think about where I'd be if I hadn't..."

"Sssh, baby," he murmured, kissing her gently. "You're here with me now. We're married. We're going to have the best lives imaginable. I love you."

Her eyes glistened and she kissed him again. "You're amazing, Alryc."

"You are too, Lyn. And you're all mine," he growled playfully.

"That I am, babe," she replied, a mischievous smirk crossing her lips.

He groaned and lifted her slowly, then dropped her back down. Lyn let out a short lust-filled cry, "Ah!"

She began rocking her hips as he held her, riding him. Alryc grunted and moaned as he helped her bounce, his hips and her thighs coming together. Their lips met in a passionate kiss.

Alryc's mind was in heaven as the tight, wet goblina pussy caressed his cock. Her walls milked him, coaxing his semen to the tip. Her fingers and nails dug into his back as they kissed.

As she reached her peak, she pressed back against the wall, a soft, keening moan echoing around the cave.

He pulled her back from the wall and knelt, before laying her on the soft dirt floor. Alryc lifted her legs, hooking them on his thighs as he pounded down into her, while Lyn's nails clawed at his back, raking down and leaving fiery red marks in their wake.

"A-Alryc, fuck!" Lyn moaned, her walls clamping down around him.

"Cumming, babe," he grunted, thrusting into her a few more times.

His cock pulsed, sending his seed deep into her. Her orgasm intensified and she clung to him as he collapsed onto her, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Oh, Gods, Alryc, that was good," Lyn gasped.

"Fuck yes, it was," he murmured.

He pulled back and caressed her cheek as their eyes met, hers filled with tears from the sheer intensity of their joining, "I love you, Lyn."

"I love you too, Alryc. Let's make a good life together."

"The perfect life," She replied.

"Your perfect wife."

"And your perfect husband."

They shared one final kiss before the pull of sleep drew them in, the weight of their ceremony, the travel, and the adrenaline of their love-making all began to ween down, lulling them into a deep, peaceful slumber, curled together on the cool floor of their cave-home.


Well, my friends, that's it. Arland, Nury, and Trinar are married. I may do a couple one shots that show how things work with Arland/Nury being long-distance married to Trinar. Alryc and Lyn are settling into their new home. As for why I had them move into a cave, I do have plan for a one shot that'll show it a bit more in-depth later on. But this story, as a whole, is ended. The one shots later will simply be expanding on the world. Let me know what you thought down below. I know there were some let-downs, such as when Leera died. That said, I hope it was, overall, a fun and pleasing ride. I'll see you all next week with a new world and a new story. But Mysthavia will return in Book 3 at a later date, I promise!
Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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