Land of Light: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 2

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【Evaluation of this simulation: B】

[This simulation evaluation has reached the B level, obtained the fighting technique solution, and obtained the strength of this simulation result to reach the advanced peak period! 】

[Please choose to inherit a talent, the inherited talent will definitely appear in the next simulation. 】

The emulator turns grey again.

At the same time, a large string of words appeared in front of Sann.

Immediately afterwards, San’s body became hot.

A large stream of warmth flooded his body.


A strong figure appeared in his mind, that was himself!

It’s just a stronger version of me.

It is clear.

It is the self after getting the talent of “The Martial Saint of the World” in the simulator.

The self in my mind is constantly fighting the ghosts of monsters on the ground, which is extremely fierce!

Fighting solution!

In the simulation, I learned all the fighting in the Kingdom of Light by myself and then integrated it!

It fits perfectly with himself.

Saen also quickly mastered the martial arts solution under this mysterious power, no longer a bit jerky!


Under the nourishment of the warm current, San’s body and all aspects of strength are rapidly rising!

Before, it was only a weak and fighting strength that barely reached the intermediate level of San.

In just a few breaths, you have the strength of a high-level peak!

It even feels like one step away from elite class!

(Classification: low-level, intermediate, high-level, elite, quasi-legendary, legendary, legendary – each realm is divided into low-level, intermediate-level, high-level, peak)

(Don’t worry about the first three levels, because they won’t appear in a few chapters)

“High-level peak… This strength is enough to participate in the candidacy of the Space Guard. Even if the Ultra Brothers didn’t go to Earth, it’s just like that, right?”

Shane clenched his fists in surprise.

Feeling the power in the body that is dozens or hundreds of times more tyrannical than before, I was excited and muttered to myself.

High-level peak, even in the Land of Light is enough to be a high-level instructor in Ultra Arena.

You can even join the Space Guard.

In the universe, it is also a good hand!

And this is just part of the power in the simulator!

How strong should I be in the seventh year in the simulator?

It can be seen in a few words that all three talents have played a role.

“The talent of the Martial Saint in the world made me show off my skills in the Ultra Arena, and I was appreciated by Taro, and then I killed a Jayton with Taro, and became famous.”

“The latter made continuous progress. He defeated the ultimate super beast Saurus by himself, and killed the wise general Mephras, the heroic general Grozam, and the conspiracy general Disrem of the Dark Empire in one move. Dark Emperor Amberra!”

“It’s just a pity that after the severe damage to the Ampera star, he still died.”

Shane took a deep breath.

The flow of events in the Ultraman world in reality is naturally not as fast as TV.

One monster a day, or even more monsters a day, almost every year without vacation, every day.

Who can afford this.

Able per capita and Smeru, right?

in tv.

Maybe an Ultra warrior guards the earth for only half a year, a year.

in reality.

Maybe three or five years.

This also explains why Saurus and the Amber star can be a year or two apart from the events.

As for the Martial Saint talent in the world.

It’s so terrifying, it really makes people take a breath of air.

Just a few years.

Just let the intermediate level.

I am afraid that the earth fighters can clean up and become a ruthless man who kills the ultimate super beast Saurus alone and severely damages the Ampera star.

Although I don’t know what the specific strength of the Amber Stars is.

But no matter how bad it is, it will not be lower than the legendary level!

After all, the TV period is over now.

The Ultra brothers who were in the Mobius period were all quasi-legendary players!

The strength of the Amber star.

But compared to the father of the prosperous Ultra, crushing the level of ordinary Ultra brothers!

The self in the simulator can seriously damage the Amber star.

Even if the strength is not comparable to the Amber star, it is definitely in the same realm as him!

In addition to the human martial arts talent, the other two talents also played a role.

“The talent of ocean lovers makes me like training in the ocean. Although I don’t know if there are any bonuses, at least it makes me feel close.”

“This optimist is really giving me a toothache.”

If ocean lovers are barely able to catch the eye.

This optimist is pure genius.

Shane didn’t forget.

In the seventh year of the simulation, I optimistically estimated that after I defeated the Amber Stars, I rushed directly to the headquarters of the Dark Empire.

Then hit GG smoothly.

If you change to a more difficult talent, you will not be able to rush in.

At least he won’t rush in by himself.

“This talent, I won’t choose it again in the future, otherwise I might have an A-level evaluation.”

Shane complained bitterly.

Then he looked at the message he almost ignored.

“Is there any trace of Cailong Lugsett’s life on X35 star? But when I went there for the third year, I found that he had left, and he left soon, that is to say, in the first and second years, Lugsett was Most likely still on this planet.”

“Cosmic white blood cells, Cailong Lugset.”

San rubbed his chin and muttered a few words.

But didn’t think much about it.

Although Rugset is powerful, his combat effectiveness is higher than that of the members of the Space Guard.

The worst estimate is the quasi-legendary peak, or even the legendary level.

But he didn’t provoke himself, and he didn’t need to go to him.

After all, San is not a Pokémon master, so why go to him if he can’t be subdued?

“Simulation for seven years, with a seven-hour cooldown, you can rest for a while during this time.”

“You can choose to inherit a talent, so that this talent will definitely appear in the next simulation. It goes without saying, directly inherit the Martial Saint!”

“I don’t know if I can get an S-rank evaluation of Martial Saint. I don’t want this golden talent to stay in the simulator forever.”

San sorted everything out and turned to leave the laboratory satisfied.

Go for a big meal (referring to the light source) first, then come back to continue the simulation.

Chapter [*] One punch, one kick and one stick, blow up Ampera!

A few hours passed quickly.

Sann returns to the still-empty laboratory and begins to continue the simulation!

【Alt Simulator has been opened!】

【Please choose three talents from the list below for this simulation!】

[Currently selectable talents: “Optimistic”, “Human Martial Saint”, “Money Duoduo”, “Little Fortune Star”, “Ascetic Monk”, “Iron Rooster”……]

Ignoring the frequently-appearing rubbish talent of the optimist, Sann directly locked on the Martial Saint first without thinking.

Then he looked at the other eight talents.

should say.

Sann’s eyes habitually skipped over the white talents that exuded an uncharacteristic white light.

Look directly at the blue talent and purple talent!

White is the second, gold is the highest, followed by green, blue, purple, and finally gold.

The first few simulations.

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