Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch97- Join Me!

The shock was palpable, not just for Harribel but for everyone present. Apache, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun were wide-eyed, their jaws dropping at the sight. They had seen Harribel in action numerous times and knew the extent of her power, and to see it so easily halted... It was unnerving, to say the least.

Harribel herself was the most taken aback. She stared at her stationary blade in disbelief, her muscles straining against the immovable object. The shock soon turned into determination as she tried to pull her sword free, her muscles bulging with the effort. Yet, the blade remained still, as if it was bound by an invisible force.

"This... can't be," Harribel murmured, her voice a low whisper. Her grip on the hilt of her sword tightened, her knuckles turning white from the effort.

"I may not have his illusory powers, but Aizen can't just waltz in and kill me like that," Kai's words were casual, spoken as if he was discussing the weather. It was almost eerie, the calmness in his voice, despite the high stakes. He let go of Harribel's sword. The sudden release made her falter, and she took a step forward to balance herself. Her head came level with Kai's chest, and she looked up at him.

Their eyes locked, the sharp contrast of teal and blue creating an intense tableau. There was a silence, filled only by the quiet whisper of the wind. The tension was thick, the air between them laden with unspoken words and silent agreements.

For a moment, they just stared at each other, time seemingly slowing down. Harribel was the first to break the silence. "I accept your proposal," she said, her voice as sharp and unyielding as her sword. "I will withdraw from Aizen's side, but I won't fight for you either."

Kai's smile was slow and easy, a silent acknowledgment of her words. "That's all I ask," he replied, a sense of finality echoing in his voice.

The moment lingered, the tension easing as they reached an understanding. Harribel's gaze didn't waver from Kai's, her teal eyes reflecting a mix of determination and resolve.

Meanwhile, Apache, Mila Rose, and Sung-Sun watched on, a sense of awe mixed with fear etched onto their faces. They had watched the exchange, their eyes wide and their jaws slack. Harribel, their leader, had just agreed to a truce, of sorts. It was a decision that carried a lot of weight, a decision that could change everything.

"I will now send you to the Mirror Dimension. Don't fight back the pull," Kai said casually. He waved his hand, his reiatsu enveloping Harribel and her followers. The women seemed to shimmer for a moment before fading out of existence.

Their departure left an echoing silence in the cave. Kai turned and strolled out of the cave, his hands tucked into his pockets as he moved in the direction of Las Noches.

Leaving the cave, Kai’s thoughts drifted to Las Noches, where his allies awaited. His objectives when he had decided to come to Hueco Mundo were partially met: Nel was in the safety of the Mirror Dimension, Harribel was no longer an enemy, and he had reached an agreement with Gin.

Two more tasks lay ahead, one of which seemed nearly impossible, but he was not one to back down from a challenge. As he traversed the desolate landscape towards the palace, a smirk found its way onto his face.

In the blink of an eye, Kai found himself standing in front of Las Noches, the grand palace under the eternal night sky of Hueco Mundo. He felt a stir of reiatsu, familiar yet strained with exertion. Ichigo and Sado were nearby, their energy signatures a comforting reassurance.

As Kai approached, he spotted Ichigo standing over a matador look-alike Arrancar. The Arrancar was disintegrating, his form crumbling away like sand blown by the wind. Sado was in the vicinity, his burly figure towering over his defeated opponent.

"Ichigo, Sado, you done playing?" Kai called out, his tone was light-hearted. His gaze flickered over to where Ishida was fighting, the Quincy engaged in a fierce battle with another Arrancar.

The air hummed with energy as Kai stepped in, effortlessly sliding past Ishida's opponent and landing a blow. The Arrancar barely had time to react before collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

"Thanks for the assist," Ishida grunted, shooting Kai a disgruntled glance. Kai merely shrugged, his fingers brushing off invisible dust from his sleeve.

"You're welcome," he replied. He turned to look at Ichigo and Sado, his gaze flickering between them. "Are you guys ready to move forward?"

Ichigo nodded, pulling himself upright. "Yeah, let's go," he said, his voice grim. Sado mirrored his sentiment, his expression stern.

Moving together instead of dividing up, Kai led the way through the dim-lit corridors of Las Noches. The walls, vast and featureless, towered over them, giving the labyrinthine structure an eerie, oppressive feeling. Yet Kai moved with an easy grace, his steps light and confident.

His sharp senses picked up a familiar, vile aura, and he veered in that direction, the rest of the group following him without question. They arrived to the heart of Las Noches, in a chamber so vast it could house a small town.

The bewildered expressions on the faces of Ichigo, Sado, and Ishida were hard to miss as they gazed up at the unnaturally blue sky above them. Its surreal beauty was a stark contrast to the gloomy atmosphere of Hueco Mundo. Clouds lazily drifted overhead and rays of sunshine filtered down, all within the confines of a cavernous palace. They were indoors, yet it felt as though they were standing in a field under the open sky.

"It's...a sky?" Ichigo muttered, his voice filled with confusion.

"Yes, Aizen is quite fond of his illusions," Kai stated, his tone holding a hint of mockery. His eyes, however, were not on the sky. They were trained on the lanky man standing across from them.


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