Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch85- Use My Pets

The three Shinigami exchanged glances, the shock giving way to confusion and curiosity. Their gazes shifted back to Kai and Hikari, the silent questions hanging heavy in the air.

With a twinkle in his eye and an ever-present smirk on his face, Kai snorted as he took in the spectacle before him. "Show off," he muttered under his breath.

"I am not a show-off," Hikari retorted, indignant. "I'm just trying to be a nice host." The defensiveness in her tone was palpable, and despite the surreal surroundings and the shock of recent events, the girls couldn't help but find themselves amused by the banter between Kai and his Zanpakuto spirit.

"Sure," Kai replied, the smirk on his face widening. "You're just trying to be the center of attention, as always."

"Why you!" Hikari vanished, reappearing behind Kai in an instant. Before he had a chance to react, he found himself face down on the ground with Hikari on his back, playfully biting his shoulder. "I'm not trying to be the center of attention. I'm trying to be nice."

Kai merely chuckled at her indignation, ignoring the slight sting of the bite. "Sure, sure. Always the nicest," he responded, clearly enjoying the teasing.

"Stop ignoring my punishment!" Hikari bit his neck again, this time with enough force to draw blood. The girls gasped, concerned for Kai.

"Kai, are you okay? Do you need help?" Chizuru asked, taking a step forward. Despite her earlier confusion and slight apprehension, she found herself concerned for Kai. He was, after all, someone very dear to her.

Kai turned his head, flashing a grin at the girls, his eyes alight with amusement. "Well, this is her world, so she can do whatever she wants. No point in fighting."

"Don't ignore me!" Hikari bit his neck once again, prompting Kai to yelp. "Ow, ow. It hurts, you crazy bitch!"

Amidst the unfolding spectacle, Orihime, Tatsuki, Chizuru, and Michiru exchanged glances, a myriad of emotions reflecting in their eyes. Surprise, disbelief, amusement, worry, all intermingling and creating a unique atmosphere that left them feeling oddly warm and connected.

Yoruichi, Rangiku, and Rukia, too, were in a similar state, albeit with an additional layer of confusion. Seeing their Zanpakuto spirits outside their inner world was a novelty they hadn't expected.

Yoruichi was the first to break the silence. "Well, this is...unexpected," she commented, her golden eyes shifting between Hikari and Mugen. There was an unspoken question in her gaze, a need to understand the intricacies of this mirrored world.

Rukia, still with her gaze fixed on Yukihime, nodded in agreement. "Yes, but it seems...right, somehow."

Rangiku, her focus solely on Heineko, hummed in agreement. The usually outspoken and carefree woman was surprisingly quiet, her expression reflective.

The girls continued to watch the interplay between Kai and Hikari, gradually easing into this unexpected situation. Despite the oddity of it all, there was an undeniable sense of warmth and camaraderie that prevailed.

Michiru, always the level-headed one, took the initiative to break the cycle of silence and contemplation. "So, what do we do now?"

At Michiru's question, Hikari finally stopped her playful biting, straightening up from her hunched position over Kai. With an elegant wave of her hand, she smoothened out the creases on her vibrant kimono, her every movement exuding grace and dignity.

"He brought you to a zoo, right? How about we go and see the animals," she suggested, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. There was a playful twist to her words, almost as if she was revealing an amusing secret.

Orihime's face lit up at Hikari's proposition, her confusion momentarily forgotten. "Hikari-san," she began, her voice laced with excitement. Yet, as her words hung in the air, a hint of uncertainty made its way into her tone. "Is there really a zoo in here?"

At her question, Hikari's grin widened, revealing perfect pearly whites. "Weren't you there when Kai captured some strange animals? There was this blue-haired panther... what was his name... oh right, Grimmjow. And those other monkeys with holes in their bodies," she recalled, her tone indicating that this was an inside joke shared between her and Kai.

Listening to Hikari's words, Rangiku's brows furrowed as she was hit by a wave of recollection. She remembered the conversation she had with Kai right after he trapped the Arrancars with his Bankai. At the time, Kai had mentioned how he always wanted a zoo. She had laughed it off then, thinking it was just another one of his playful remarks. But the evidence was clear - Kai was actually serious about his peculiar idea of a zoo.

Rangiku found herself glancing at Kai, who was now up on his feet, dusting himself off. A lazy smirk was playing on his lips, his dark eyes twinkling with mischief.

Meanwhile, the other girls – Yoruichi, Rukia, Chizuru, Tatsuki, and Michiru - had begun whispering among themselves, their expressions ranging from disbelief to amusement to incredulity. As bizarre as the concept was, the idea of a zoo filled with Arrancars was undeniably amusing.

"I brought you here to train. And who better than some arrancars who came to kill us a few weeks back be the best sparring partners? Unwilling, I admit, but hey, when they came to kill us, we were unwilling too. So, it is all fair." Kai chuckled.

The girls looked at him, rolling their eyes at his nonchalant way of addressing such a dangerous prospect. Orihime's brow furrowed as she processed Kai's words. She had always admired his ability to turn even the gravest of situations into a lighthearted moment.

"But, Kai," Orihime began, her eyes darting around the tranquil scene, "this place is so peaceful. It feels...wrong to think about training here."

"Orihime is right," Chizuru chimed in, her brows furrowed. "We've just met Hikari-san and...this is such a strange place. Do we really need to...fight here?"

Michiru, ever the logical one, gave Chizuru a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "It's not about wanting to, Chizuru. We have to. We need to be ready for what's coming."

Tatsuki, the spunky and practical of the lot, nodded, her gaze intense. "Michiru is right. Aizen isn't going to wait for us to be ready. We have to take every chance we get to improve ourselves. Even if it means sparring with Arrancars in a magical zoo."

On the other side of the group, Yoruichi, Rukia, and Rangiku were immersed in their own discussions. They were veterans in battle, after all, and they understood the necessity of training under any circumstances.

Silence fell over the group, the girls each lost in their thoughts. The prospect of training in this strange, serene place was daunting. But they also knew it was necessary. The threat of Aizen loomed large, and they needed to be ready.

Kai, lounging on the grass, chuckled at the serious expressions on their faces. "Don't look so glum, girls. It's not like I'm asking you to fight me. Besides, isn't it better to have familiar faces as opponents?"

His words were met with skeptical glances. Kai was known for his playful demeanor and his ability to turn the tables in his favor without revealing his techniques. He had a knack for making everything seem like a game. Yet, his words made sense. The girls knew that they could trust Kai and his judgment.

"Well, we're here now. We might as well get started," Rangiku finally said, breaking the silence. Her gaze was determined, her stance confident.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Yoruichi added, her eyes glowing with anticipation. She was always up for

With a wild grin, Yoruichi held her hand high and announced, "Dibs on the strongest!" Her words sent a ripple of exclamations and whines through the room.

"We want to battle too!" Orihime pouted, her fists clenched by her sides.

"Dibs isn't fair," Tatsuki added, crossing her arms over her chest and scowling.

"You've always been the strongest," Rangiku chimed in, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a haughty huff.

Amidst the burgeoning chaos, Kai chuckled, throwing an arm around Yoruichi's shoulders. "Calm down, girls," he said, a teasing lilt in his voice. "Hikari can heal them if you hurt them too much. So, go nuts!"

On cue, the spiritual figure of Hikari appeared, materializing on Kai's back and immediately nibbling on his ear. "You too should train," she scolded him, her voice like the whispering wind.

Kai sighed, a soft sound that echoed his understanding. With a gentle hand, he plucked Hikari from his shoulder and placed her on his lap. The spirit melted into him, her form radiating a soothing warmth as she nestled in his embrace.

"I achieved Bankai right," Kai responded, a lazy smirk playing on his lips as he gently stroked Hikari's head. "Why should I train more?"

"But—" Hikari started to protest. Her voice was cut short as Kai patted her head gently, a move that made the spirit completely surrender to his comforting warmth.


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