Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch82- Celebrating Adult Way

As the kiss deepened, Rukia found herself pressing closer to Kai, her arms instinctively winding around his neck. His hands came to rest on her waist, pulling her closer to him, deepening the kiss. She closed her eyes, losing herself in the sensation, in the softness of his lips, in the heat of his body.

When they finally pulled away, it was only out of necessity, their lungs craving for air. Rukia's eyes fluttered open, meeting Kai's once again. His gaze was soft, his eyes reflecting the gentle affection he held for her.

"Well, what now?" Tatsuki asked.

Kai grinned, placing Rukia over one shoulder in one fluid motion, her slight form secure against his lean muscles. "I have two new wives," he declared cheerfully, then, with a speed that made him seem like he had teleported, he was next to Rangiku, lifting her up to his other shoulder. He stood there, two blushing women draped over his broad shoulders, looking decidedly pleased with himself. "It is time to celebrate in an adult way," he announced.

Rangiku and Rukia stared at each other, their faces growing redder by the second. Kai's words had brought back vivid memories of the sight they'd encountered when they had dared to spy on his bedroom. They knew what awaited them, and the mixture of embarrassment, desire, lust, and affection swirling in their eyes was as palpable as it was enticing.

"Kai!" Orihime scolded playfully, smacking his arm lightly, her warm eyes twinkling with mirth. "You can't just say things like that!"

Chizuru leaned in, a teasing smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, I don't know, Orihime," she said, her voice lilting. "I think it sounds rather interesting."

Meanwhile, Michiru watched the exchange with a mixture of amusement and resignation. "Honestly, Kai," she chided. "You always know how to cause a stir."

Kai's grin widened as he felt the squirming on his shoulders and the chiding from his girlfriends. He looked at each of the girls in turn, his eyes warm and full of mischief. "Well, that's why you love me, isn't it?" he asked, his tone full of nonchalant arrogance. The girls could only respond with flustered nods and knowing smiles.

"Tatsuki," he turned towards her, his voice softer. "Could you please get some drinks for the celebration?"

With a nod and a roll of her eyes, Tatsuki departed to do as asked, leaving Kai alone with the girls.

"Let's go," Kai declared, his grip firm yet gentle on Rangiku and Rukia. The other girls, their new Fullbring abilities giving them increased agility, trailed after them. The journey to Orihime's living room was a blur of shared laughter and teasing banter, everyone's hearts light and content.

Tatsuki arrived shortly after, her arms laden with bottles of wine. They got to work setting up a celebration spread, full of various snacks and dishes everyone loved. The sense of camaraderie was intoxicating, even more so than the wine they would later share.

Their conversations were filled with laughter and the recounting of recent experiences, the highs and the lows. The evening was not just a celebration of Rangiku's full recovery and Yoruichi's reunion with her Zanpakuto Spirit, but also a way to revel in their newfound abilities and the strengthening of their bonds.

As the hours passed, the girls gradually eased out of their initial tension, their laughter becoming more genuine, their smiles more relaxed. Kai was acutely aware of the two girls beside him, their bodies pressed into his sides. His heart warmed at the sight of Rukia and Rangiku, their faces flushed from the wine and their eyes gleaming with anticipation and nervousness. He knew what this night meant to them, and he also knew he needed to be gentle.

Excusing themselves, Kai, Rangiku, and Rukia left the room, hands interlaced. The remaining girls shared knowing looks and warm smiles, a silent agreement hanging in the air. Tonight, it was Rukia's and Rangiku's turn. Orihime, Tatsuki, Yoruichi, Michiru, and Chizuru understood and respected this decision.

Inside the bedroom, Kai locked eyes with Rukia and Rangiku. Their blushing faces were absolutely endearing, their bodies taut with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. His heart swelled with affection for them, and he knew he wanted to make this a night they would remember fondly.

He moved closer, one hand caressing Rangiku's cheek while the other held Rukia's hand. Their breathing hitched as he leaned in, his lips capturing Rangiku's in a slow, languid kiss. Rukia's hand tightened in his as he pulled away from Rangiku, only to bestow the same tender treatment on her.

As Kai deepened his kisses, their nervousness gradually melted away, replaced by a sweet, heady desire that had their hearts racing and their bodies tingling. The tension in the room dissipated, giving way to a comforting intimacy. As he continued to lavish his attention on them, they gave themselves over to the pleasure, their inhibitions fading away.

With a soft smile playing on his lips, Kai leaned in to plant another kiss on Rukia's forehead before his hands slid down to the hem of her clothing. His fingers traced a slow, teasing path along her skin, making her shudder with anticipation.

"You're beautiful," he murmured, his voice dropping to a whisper as he helped her out of her clothes. His fingertips brushed against her bare skin, a slow dance of tantalizing touches that had her breath hitching.

"I-I'm not," Rukia stammered, her face flushing a deeper shade of red. But Kai merely shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"You are," he affirmed, his voice firm yet soft, leaving no room for argument.

In the meantime, Rangiku watched the exchange with wide eyes. Kai's attention shifted to her then, his gaze softening. "And you," he began, pulling her close, "are stunning."

He repeated the process, his hands working to gently undress Rangiku, his touches as light as a feather, a stark contrast to the firmness of his hold on her. His words, though few, held a sincere depth that made her blush and smile all at once.

Kai's gaze flitted between Rukia and Rangiku, taking in their flushed faces and the nervous anticipation in their eyes. He offered them a reassuring smile, his fingers interlacing with theirs as he leaned in closer.

Kai continued his slow, deliberate ministrations, undressing them until they were bared before him. A hint of color spread across his cheeks, but he didn't shy away from his appreciative gaze.

He leaned down to capture Rukia's lips in a slow, passionate kiss, his hand cradling the back of her head. The other hand, tangled in Rangiku's hair, pulled her closer to him. He moved his mouth from Rukia's to Rangiku's, equally slow, equally passionate.

Kai continued the slow exploration of their bodies, his touches as light as a feather yet burning like fire. He kissed their necks, their shoulders, his lips trailing downward, leaving marks of his adoration. His touches brought out soft moans and gasps from them, the sounds acting as a catalyst, heightening the charged atmosphere.

Rukia's heart pounded in her chest, her breathing erratic. The sensation of Kai's lips on her skin was nothing short of intoxicating. She felt his hand tracing a path down her body, every touch, every caress making her yearn for more.

She turned to Rangiku, her eyes wide, mirroring the same heated desire she saw in the other woman's gaze. Rangiku gave her a reassuring nod, her hand squeezing Rukia's in a silent show of solidarity.

Kai paused his exploration, pulling back slightly to take in their flushed faces and heaving chests. He was in awe of their trust in him, their willingness to bare themselves before him, both physically and emotionally.

He continued his exploration, his kisses moving further down their bodies, his hands kneading their curves, the intimate actions drawing more moans and gasps from them. Their bodies arched towards him, craving his touch, their hands gripping his hair or his shoulder, their nails digging into his skin.

The blush on their faces and the desperate way they clung to him only fueled his own desire, and he made sure to return their trust and vulnerability with his own.

Despite the heated atmosphere, Kai made sure to take his time, savoring each moment, each reaction from them. He wanted this night to be memorable for them, a night of passion and intimacy they would look back on fondly.

His hands roamed over their bodies, relishing the silky feel of their skin under his fingertips. His lips followed his fingers, placing lingering kisses on their soft curves, making them whimper and squirm.


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