Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch74- Too Cute!

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

The room was enveloped in silence once more, the occupants all tensing at Kai's statement. Kensei was the first to break the silence. "How do you know that, brat?" he demanded, his tone harsh.

Kai merely shrugged in response, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Easy there, former 9th Division Captain, Kensei Muguruma. I know a lot of things." He said cryptically, refusing to elaborate further.

His vague response was met with narrowed eyes and scowls from the others. But none of them acted upon it. They had seen his strength, and although they too held their own power, there was no need to create unnecessary conflict.

"Why do you care anyway?" Kai changed the topic, his tone taking a bored edge. "You all mastered your Hollow powers."

Shinji sighed heavily, running a hand through his blond hair. "We just want to know so if in the future we encounter something similar, we can deal with it better."

Kai nodded slowly, his gaze softening slightly. "Sorry, I can't be helpful in this endeavor. My powers are different from yours, and my experience would not be helpful to you."

"Can you at least join our group? You're not from the Soul Society, nor are you allied with Aizen. You're alone, and that exposes you to danger. Be one of us, and we can help each other," Shinji proposed passionately, his determined tone resonating in the room and giving a momentary pause to all present. The intensity of his appeal was matched only by the silence that followed.

"No thanks," came Kai's nonchalant dismissal. The stark contrast between their tones caught everyone off guard.

"W-what, why?" Shinji stuttered out, visibly taken aback by the refusal.

"Too troublesome," was Kai's lazy reply, a careless shrug accompanying his words.

"T-too troublesome?" Hachigen repeated in a bewildered whisper, his round eyes blinking in confusion.

"Yup. I don't want to deal with things I don't have to. If there's something you can't handle and I can be of help, let me know and I might help," Kai added, letting out an exaggerated yawn.

A heavy silence loomed over the room once more, the members of the group exchanging glances, their confusion evident. The jovial nature that had colored the room earlier had all but evaporated, replaced with an atmosphere of strained unease.

"Are you really just going to brush off our offer like that?" Lisa finally voiced out, her tone accusing.

Kai simply raised an eyebrow at her, his playful grin not leaving his face. "Seems like it."

Mashiro broke the tense atmosphere, suddenly leaping off the couch and marching towards Kai. "You're being really rude, you know!" she accused, pointing a finger at him.

Kai didn't bother moving his arm from the line of her wrath. Instead, his teeth playfully closed around her finger with a soft but surprising pinch. Mashiro squealed, retracting her hand to cradle the assaulted digit, and her eyes widened in shock. Without missing a beat, Kai's arm whipped out, pulling her off balance and into a gentle hug.

"You are too cute when you pout, you know that?" he cooed, mischief sparkling in his eyes. He patted her head as if pacifying a child, laughter in his voice.

Mashiro gawked, her cheeks flushing a bright crimson as the others stared, their expressions a mix of disbelief and amusement. Even Kensei had to crack a smile, while Lisa rolled her eyes, barely concealing her own grin.

"Hey!" Mashiro squawked, struggling in his grip. "Let me go, you... you big oaf!"

Kai merely chuckled, releasing her reluctantly. "Sure thing, kiddo."

Mashiro pulled herself free of Kai’s grasp, her cheeks still aflame, and shot him a glare. She pointed her finger towards Kai, mustering as much dignity as she could. "I am not a kiddo. I am probably hundreds of years older than you!"

Kai seemed ready to playfully bite her finger again, causing Mashiro to hastily pull her hand back. She hugged her finger protectively against her chest, glaring at him. He chuckled, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Look," he said, leaning back into the couch. He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm not going out of my way to wage war against anyone. If they don't bother me, I won't go and declare wars."

He paused for a moment, considering his next words. "Yamamoto is stronger than you all assume, same goes for Aizen. Since they haven't bothered me yet, I don't intend to go after them either. Sorry, but I'm not a hero." His tone was final, leaving no room for arguments.

A heavy silence descended upon the room. None of them were really heroes either. They were just a group of Shinigami who had been cast out and wanted to find solace in numbers. There was a collective sigh of resignation, their shoulders drooping with the weight of Kai's words. They could only respect his decision. After all, no one was eager to rush headlong into conflict.

"Y'know, you really are a pain," Lisa muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowed in irritation. Yet there was a small smile playing on her lips. She couldn't help but be amused by his nonchalance.

"Instead, let's make an alliance," Kai suggested, shifting his gaze between Mashiro and Lisa. A playful smirk danced on his lips, effectively breaking the somber mood that had settled in the room. "If you cuties get into trouble, I will assist you. And if I get into a trouble I can't solve alone, I will ask you to help me. How is it? Fair, right?"

Shinji rolled his eyes at Kai's proposal, the mere thought of it slightly irking him. The lackadaisical tone in which Kai had presented his offer was hard to swallow for Shinji, who had been a former Captain himself. Yet he could not deny the convenience of having Kai's help when needed.

Hiyori, on the other hand, seemed more irritated by Kai's lack of acknowledgment. She huffed, her eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. "I'm here too, you know," she shot at him, her hands on her hips, radiating a rather bossy vibe.

Kai glanced at Hiyori, a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders signaling his indifference. "I don't like bossy girls," he declared lazily, making no effort to conceal his disinterest. "Too troublesome."

Hiyori was about to respond when Mashiro cut in, her pouting expression switching to one of feigned indignance. "Hey, are you implying we're less troublesome?" she protested, hands akimbo.

Kai, unflustered, simply winked at her. "Well, aren't you, Mashiro?" he asked, his voice teasing.

The room filled with subdued laughter, the earlier tension dissipating. Despite Kai's insouciance, there was something appealing about his candor and bluntness. His attitude was strangely infectious, making it difficult for them to maintain a serious demeanor around him.

"I think it's fair," Lisa finally said, breaking the laughter. She crossed her arms over her chest, her voice cool but not unfriendly. "As long as it doesn't mean we have to constantly bail you out of trouble."

"Oh, I assure you that you don't have to bail me out of trouble, but you can trouble me balls," Kai retorted, his words laced with suggestive humor. A loud chortle bubbled up from his throat as he reveled in the audacious pun he had just made.

The room went silent for a moment before it erupted into a medley of reactions. Hiyori groaned and threw her hands up in the air in exasperation, Shinji shook his head in disbelief, while Kensei merely grumbled, rolling his eyes at Kai's impudence.

Lisa, however, didn't share their sentiments. Her eyebrows furrowed, a fierce scowl replacing the amused grin she had sported moments before. "That's it!" she exclaimed, bounding towards Kai with a purposeful stride.

Kai watched her approach, his amusement not waning in the slightest. As she lunged towards him, her fists poised to strike, he merely leaned back into the couch, his hands thrown up in surrender. "All right, all right! No need to get your panties in a twist!" he teased, his laughter only further fueling her irritation.

She landed on him with a soft thump, her fists rhythmically beating against his chest. Her blows held no real power behind them, their light impact barely eliciting a wince from Kai. He only laughed harder, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he reveled in her flustered state.

His laughter was infectious, causing even Lisa to break into a reluctant smile despite her earlier indignation. His casual demeanor, his mirth-filled eyes, the way he would laugh unabashedly at his own jokes - it was all surprisingly endearing.

"Are you done yet?" Kai asked, his words still tinged with amusement. He gently nudged Lisa off him, who huffed in response and settled back onto the couch, her cheeks slightly flushed from exertion and the proximity.

Their interaction was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Enter," Shinji called out, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

"If that is all," Kai began, pushing himself up from the plush couch. He dusted off his clothes, smoothing out imaginary creases. "I will take my leave." He looked around the room, his gaze falling on each person present, his face still carrying his signature grin. "I am sure you already have my number, so call me when you need me." His eyes flicked over to Lisa and Mashiro, a mischievous wink sent their way. "And you two, call me anytime."

The cheeky comment earned him a series of eye rolls and barely concealed smiles. Even in the face of his audacious nature, they couldn't deny his charm. A strange mix of humor and annoyance filled the room as he sauntered towards the exit, leaving the hideout without so much as a backward glance.

Shinji sighed heavily, rubbing a hand over his face. "That guy is a piece of work," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of exasperation and admiration.

"He's not that bad," Mashiro defended, her cheeks flushed a light pink, whether from the previous interaction or Kai's parting words, it was hard to tell.

"Yea," Lisa added, a faint smile gracing her lips. "At least he's not dull."


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