Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch130- So It Began

As they continued to share the joy of the new arrivals, the atmosphere in the main hall became one of celebration. Ichigo approached, an amused grin on his face. "You really have your hands full now, don't you?"

Kai smirked, "All part of the plan to keep life interesting."

Urahara laughed, his fan fluttering before his face. "With three daughters, every day will be an adventure."

Tatsuki, moving closer, reached out to gently touch Akari's cheek. "They really are adorable. You're going to be one busy father."

Kai sighed dramatically. "If only there was a way to be a great dad without all the effort."

Orihime giggled, "Maybe you can convince them to be as lazy as their father."

"That's the dream," Kai mused, his playful demeanor evident.

Soon, Yuzu and Karin approached, their steps light yet deliberate, while Renji, Byakuya, and others watched from a distance, their eyes softening at the display. Yuzu, with a gentle motion, carefully took Hana from Kai's arms, her eyes cradling a burning fervor as she met Kai's gaze. At the same time, Karin’s eyes, intense and sparkling, were locked on Yuki, a deep longing reflecting in her gaze as she observed the child and Kai.

"They are so adorable," Yuzu cooed, her voice a gentle whisper as she held Hana close, her eyes filled with unspoken adoration and an underlying yearning.

Karin, moving closer to Unohana, peered down at Yuki, her eyes glowing with an intense desire, "She's got your eyes, Kai," her voice a soft murmur, carrying a note of poignant yearning intermingled with a depth of emotions.

Isshin, in his typical, larger-than-life fashion, stormed into the scene next to Kai, dramatically posing like a superhero, his hand pointing up at an imaginary sky. His eyes, however, told a different story—half of them locked onto Kai with a clear, unspoken warning, "Don't you dare even think about it." The other half melted at the sight of the three newborns.

"Ah, Kai! So these are the new additions to your, ahem, ever-expanding family!" Isshin exclaimed, struggling to contain his overflowing emotions.

Kai chuckled, "Yep, meet the next generation of Kurogamis."

Isshin’s eyes twinkled as he glanced at the babies. "They're as beautiful as cherry blossoms in spring. You're one lucky man."

"Or one who's about to have his hands full," Kai shot back playfully.

"Either way, it's a blessing," Isshin said, taking a moment to glance at his daughters, Yuzu and Karin, who were cooing over the newborns.

The atmosphere around him was so intense that even Kai felt the impulse to step back. But just then, Isshin’s gaze shifted from his new grandchildren to Yuzu and Karin. His eyes narrowed as if he was strategizing a grand plan, one that involved multiple generations.

The sudden intensity of Isshin's look was so overpowering that Yuzu, cradling Hana, almost dropped the baby in shock. Karin, staring down at Yuki, felt an icy shiver go down her spine.

Isshin chuckled to himself, his eyes still locked onto his daughters. "Ah, grandchildren from my own little girls, what a magnificent future that would be!"

Yuzu and Karin exchanged a nervous glance, both well aware of their father's notorious tendency to meddle. His eyes were practically setting them up with Kai, and the two sisters couldn’t help but feel both embarrassed and terrified at the prospect.

Kai, sensing the undercurrents, raised an eyebrow at Isshin. "You’re staring pretty intensely there. Got something on your mind?"

Isshin laughed heartily, waving off Kai's curiosity. "Oh, just envisioning the future! But don’t think this gets you off the hook,” he said, winking but retaining a hint of warning in his eyes.

Kai chuckled nervously, "Ah, the complexities of family dynamics."

Ichigo, watching from the side, couldn’t help but chime in. "You have no idea. Try being in the middle of this drama as a son."

Tatsuki nudged Ichigo, "Ah, quit your whining. Focus on the happy occasion."

Orihime, grinning from ear to ear, joined the conversation. "It's a beautiful day! Let's keep it that way."

As she said this, Kai's eyes wandered back to his newborn daughters and the women who had just given him this incredible gift. He felt a warmth spreading through him, the kind of warmth that comes from deep, contented happiness. It was a perfect, albeit complicated, moment, but it was his perfect moment.

At this time, the door was knocked with a force that suggested neither patience nor pleasantries. Kai gave his daughters and their mothers one last, lingering look before heading toward the door. It was already known to him that Hitsugaya Toshiro had arrived; he had sensed his reiatsu approaching.

As Kai opened the door, the sight that greeted him was that of Hitsugaya and his new lieutenant, Hiyori Sarugaki. Hiyori opened her mouth to shout, "What took you so long?" but found her voice muffled by the reiatsu-constructed bubble that Kai had placed around her head.

Hiyori's eyes bulged, her mouth still moving but no sound coming out. She slapped at the bubble a few times before realizing her shouts were futile.

Kai looked down—way down—at the pair, his eyes locking onto theirs. "Two shorties, what do you want?"

Simultaneously, dark, angular marks appeared on both Toshiro's and Hiyori's foreheads, their expressions souring like they'd both swallowed a lemon.

Toshiro, his teeth visibly grinding, managed to say, "We came to offer our congratulations."

Kai smirked, the bubble around Hiyori's head dissipating. "Well, aren't you two just the picture of happiness? Come in."

As they stepped inside, Hiyori took a deep breath, finally free to speak. "Damn bubble. If you ever do that again—"

"—you'll what?" Kai interrupted, his eyes narrow but amused.

"Kick your ass," Hiyori thought to herself, choosing not to vocalize the sentiment. Kai grinned, as if he'd caught the thought, making her shiver with discomfort.

Toshiro handed Kai a finely wrapped gift, a black box with a red ribbon. "This is from the Gotei 13," he stated.

Kai raised an eyebrow but accepted the gift. "Oh, a peace offering, how quaint," he mused, setting it aside without opening it. The tension between him and the current Captain Commander was an open secret, but this gift suggested a willingness to keep things civil.

Both were led into the living room where several people were engaged in conversation, momentarily pausing to look at the new arrivals. Hitsugaya took a seat while Hiyori stood, refusing to sit down.

"We've selected two new Shinigami to be assigned to Karakura Town," Toshiro began, but Kai waved his hand dismissively.

"No need. You're no longer in charge of Karakura Town," Kai interjected, clearly not interested in what the Captain Commander's representative had to say.

Toshiro clenched his fists but held his tongue. He'd been told by Yamamoto to acquiesce to Kai's wishes unless it was something extreme. Recognizing the triviality of the issue, he chose not to escalate the situation. "Fine," he said tersely.

The room, which had tensed up during the exchange, breathed a collective sigh of relief. Hitsugaya and Hiyori took their leave shortly after, the former shooting Kai a look that blended both frustration and reluctant respect.

As Kai shut the door behind them, he turned around and looked at the faces in the room—each a story, each a connection, each a responsibility. His eyes settled on his newborn daughters, then flitted across the women who had brought them into the world.

"So it has begun," he thought, a chill running down his spine despite himself.


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