Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch123- Kurosaki Clinic

The door to Urahara's shop jingled as Kai and Nel stepped in. Almost instantly, Urahara Kisuke appeared from behind a shelf, wearing his signature striped hat and getup. His fan was absent today, leaving his visage fully open to scrutiny. But as always, his eyes held a twinkle of mischief.

"Kurogami-san," he greeted, putting just the right amount of emphasis on 'san' to make it playful. Behind him, Jinta, Ururu, and Tessai hovered, their expressions a mixed bag of curiosity and amusement.

"Ah, Urahara-san. Still rocking the shady merchant look, I see," Kai shot back, grinning as he released Nel onto the floor.

"Nel, hi!" Ururu waved at the little Arrancar, who immediately dashed over and hugged her.

Tessai moved forward, a dignified look on his face. "Would you like some tea, Kurogami-san?"

"Thanks, but we're short on time. Yoruichi and the others have a doctor's appointment," Kai replied.

Urahara's eyebrows lifted slightly, a nuanced look exchanged between the two men. "Ah, the joys of upcoming parenthood. How's that going?"

Kai chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "It's a rollercoaster, to say the least. Yoruichi claims our kid's got my kicking habit already."

Jinta scoffed, crossing his arms. "Bet they're gonna be a handful."

"Like you?" Kai retorted, earning him a flush from the red-haired boy.

Kai turned to Urahara, his eyes narrowing a fraction as he shifted the mood. "Have you found them?" he asked, his voice no longer playful but edged with a seriousness that instantly changed the atmosphere of the room.

Urahara's fan was absent today, allowing his eyes to lock onto Kai's with an intensity that betrayed the seriousness of the topic. "Yes, I have," he said, removing his hat for a moment to scratch his head, before placing it back on. "Since Aizen was defeated a few months ago, I was able to focus on tracking down Kūgo Ginjō."

Urahara then added, "But that is still odd. It took me some time to chase them down. I wonder how Rukia-san encountered Shūkurō Tsukishima when they were hiding." His eyes narrowed, a glint appearing that signaled he was ready to dig deeper into the mystery.

Kai ignored Urahara's accusatory look. His history with Rukia had already been resolved—she had forgiven him, and in his eyes, that meant he owed no one else an explanation. "Let's focus on the matter at hand," he said, his eyes meeting Urahara's. "Where can we find Ginjō?"

Urahara reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper and handing it to Kai. "Here. His last known adress. In the Human World, no less."

Kai unfolded the paper, quickly scanning the details. "So, he's in Karakura Town? That's—convenient."

"Alright then. Do you got a plan?" Kai asked, his eyes locked onto Urahara's. He knew the man was sharp enough to deduce secrets he'd rather keep hidden. Still, Urahara was the most reliable ally he had in situations like these.

"Of course. This isn't my first rodeo, Kurogami-san," Urahara replied, his voice tinged with that ever-present sly humor. But his eyes betrayed the gravity of the situation. "We'll split into teams. I suggest you lead one, given your—let's say—unique skill set."

Kai smirked, aware that 'unique skill set' was Urahara's diplomatic way of acknowledging his power without asking too many questions. "Sounds less troublesome that way. Who's with me?"

Urahara smirked, his eyes glinting behind his shades. "I'm afraid you're on your own for this one, Kurogami-san. We'll isolate Tsukishima so you can deal with him. Leave the rest to us."

Kai rolled his eyes. "You make it sound like I've drawn the short straw."

Urahara chuckled. "You and I both know you can handle it."

The whole ordeal was not as troublesome as it looked. The foes they were facing couldn't hold a candle to Aizen. In another situation, either Urahara or Kai alone could've easily taken care of them. However, the situation required finesse, not brute force. And so they'd decided to go with this plan.

Taking Nel's hand, Kai left Urahara's shop, his thoughts already turning to another concern. The operation against Ginjō could wait; today was just for reconnaissance. As they ambled through the streets of Karakura Town, a thought struck him. It had been a while since he'd visited a pair of familiar faces.

When they reached the Kurosaki Clinic, Kai found Isshin standing at the door, his posture drooping like a wilting flower.

"What happened?" Kai asked, instantly annoyed by the man's theatrical melancholy.

Isshin's eyes widened at the sight of Kai, and he lunged forward in an awkward, sobbing hug attempt. Kai sidestepped effortlessly, his irritation mounting.

"Kai, my daughters have gone rogue! You've got to help me!" Isshin wailed, turning his attention to Nel for a brief, teary greeting.

"Fine, fine. What's the issue now?" Kai sighed, his expression exasperated.

Isshin's face contorted as if he were about to burst into tears again. "They're growing up so fast, Kai! They're 18 already! And since you awakened their powers, they're out every night, helping pluses and hunting hollows!"

Kai looked unimpressed. "So? Two Captain-level Shinigami watching over them, right? What's the big deal?"

Isshin snorted, a strange mix of pride and indignation coloring his features. "We're not allowed to. They told us to stay out of it!"

Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the irony. The same defiance that made Kurosaki Household exist had clearly been passed down to sisters. "Sounds like you've been outplayed at your own game, old man."

Isshin looked like he was about to cry again but held it back. "So, will you talk to them? Convince them to let us watch over them?"

Kai considered it, then sighed. It would make his life less troublesome if Isshin wasn't always in a panic. "Alright, I'll talk to them. But I can't promise they'll listen."

"Thank you, Kai! You're a lifesaver!" Isshin was suddenly jubilant, his mood swings as erratic as ever.

Kai just shook his head and continued his walk, Nel giggling beside him at the whole exchange.


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