Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch115- In The Family Way

After ensuring the capsules were secure, Kai made his way to the entertainment arenas where Tatsuki was busy training a group of teenagers.

"New high score, huh?" Kai grinned, looking at the scoreboard above.

Tatsuki paused, wiping sweat from her brow. "Yeah, but they'll need a few more weeks to even come close to beating me."

"That's my Tatsuki," Kai chuckled. "How are the new AR fighting modules coming along?"

"Excellent. You've outdone yourself, lazybones."

His phone buzzed again. It was a message from Michiru and Chizuru: Local school boards are considering integrating our Virtual Learning section into their curriculum.

Kai smiled. "Finally, some good news."

His day still wasn't over. He had one more place to visit—wellness chambers managed by Orihime. As he entered, he was greeted by her beaming face.

"Kai! How's everything?"

"Tiring," he replied, chuckling.

She handed him a file. "These are the testimonials from the holo-therapy room. People are really benefiting from it."

Kai's eyes scanned the words, and for a moment, his usual detached demeanor changed. "This is incredible, Orihime. Keep it up."

Her eyes twinkled. "Will do!"

Back in his office, he found Lisa and Mashiro going over some plans for a themed wedding event. They looked up as he entered.

"We were just discussing the Dragon and Phoenix theme for the Chen-Li wedding next month," Mashiro said, full of energy.

"It's ambitious, but if anyone can pull it off, it's you two," Kai responded.

Lisa looked up, grinning. "You think we've got the realm-building skills to back it up?"

"I wouldn't bet against you," he said, smiling back.

As the evening rolled around, Kai returned to his new mansion with his eclectic group of women. Since Kagami Realms had become a sensation, he'd upgraded not just his lifestyle but that of his family as well. His mother, Emiko, and his sister, Aiko, also lived in the mansion.

As they entered the garden, he saw Emiko seated gracefully in a patio chair, deep in conversation with Aiko. A few maids, who were also Reflection Workers, moved discreetly, attending to them. The atmosphere was serene, almost like a frame from a classical painting.

Kai walked toward them, arms open for a hug. But his mother, with her intuitive grace, sidestepped him and made her way directly to the women at his side.

"Are all of you okay? He didn't wear you out, did he?" Emiko asked, her eyes scanning their faces with genuine concern.

Kai looked slightly deflated but understood his mother's focus of attention. It wasn't just a mother's intuition; his mother had reasons for concern. His gaze shifted to Rangiku, Yoruichi, and Rukia, who had a new, rounded fullness to their bellies—they were pregnant.

As for Orihime, Tatsuki, Michiru, and Chizuru, they were still immersed in their studies, and thus, motherhood wasn't on the table for them yet, at least not according to Emiko's traditional viewpoint.

"Mom, really? Skipping me to go straight to them?" Kai feigned indignation.

"You're a grown man; you can handle a little neglect," Emiko teased, finally giving him a loving hug.

"Wow, even Mom's taking shots at me now," Kai chuckled, embracing her back.

"Because you're an easy target," Aiko said, joining the group. "But really, Kai, you should've given us a heads-up about the upcoming arrivals."

"I was getting to it," Kai said. "It's just been a busy time."

"Busy? You're always busy now," Aiko chided but then softened her gaze. "Just don't forget about us, okay? We're family."

"Wouldn't dream of forgetting," Kai assured her.

Kai looked around the garden, feeling a momentary concern. "Where's Nel?"

Emiko tilted her head, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "Ah, Nel. She's in the library with Hallibel, I think. They're working on creating that history project you tasked them to."

Kai's relationship with Nel was far from conventional. Nel, originally an Arrancar with the ability to shift between her child and adult forms, had found a particular fondness for him. She'd switch forms based on the situation or her mood—childlike and sisterly one moment, mature and flirtatious the next. It wasn't so much a flaw in the healing he'd done; rather, it seemed to stem from Nel's own volition, a coping mechanism of sorts.

Aiko chimed in. "She really took to that Gigai, huh? It's a bit weird to see her go from being like a little sister to you one moment to a girlfriend the next. You sure you didn't mess up some spell?"

Kai shrugged. "Her transformation is more about her mental state, actually. I'm just giving her the freedom to be whoever she wants to be."

Aiko nodded. "Fair enough. But remember, you're the one who introduced us to the whole spirit world thing. We're still getting used to it."

Kai smirked. "Hey, better to know than to be ignorant, right?"

"Sure, as long as you don't get too carried away and forget about your real world," Aiko teased.

Just then, the garden gate opened, and Nel walked in. In her adult form, she looked radiant and confident. "Kai, there you are!" She skipped over, grabbing his arm and nestling her head on his shoulder.

Hallibel was a step behind Nel, her gaze as icy as ever. A nod was all she offered Kai by way of greeting.

"How's the history project going?" Kai asked the two of them.

"Slow but steady," Hallibel answered, her voice soft but authoritative. Nel squeezed Kai's arm and winked at him.

"Speaking of steady," Kai began, looking around at the group, "how about we kick back and enjoy some barbecue tonight?"

Excitement erupted among those gathered. "Barbecue? I'm all in!" Mashiro said, bouncing on her toes.

"I'll get the grill ready," Kai announced, releasing himself from Nel's hold and heading toward the shed where he kept his barbecue equipment.

As Kai ignited the grill and began seasoning the meat, a burst of laughter and chatter emerged from the patio where the others had started setting the table. Orihime and Tatsuki took charge of laying out plates and utensils, while Rangiku and Yoruichi took care of the drinks. Aiko and Lisa worked together to create a playlist of music that would serve as the evening's soundtrack.

Kai looked up to see Nel—in her child form now—scampering toward him. With an agility that seemed almost second nature to her, she climbed up his back and perched herself on his shoulders, her little legs dangling beside his head.

"What's cookin', Kai?" Nel giggled, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Something that's going to make your taste buds dance," Kai grinned, flipping a couple of burgers.

Nel clapped her tiny hands in anticipation and leaned forward to get a closer look. "Ooh, can't wait!"

As he worked, Kai couldn't help but think how warm the scene felt. Here he was, surrounded by people he loved, doing something as normal as cooking a meal. It was the kind of moment he had never realized he wanted until now.

The meat was sizzling to perfection, and Kai decided it was time to get everyone seated. Setting down his grilling utensils, he walked over to the patio, Nel still perched on his shoulders. The table had been set beautifully, adorned with vibrant flowers and intricate place settings. His family and his women had outdone themselves.

He went to Rangiku first, placing a tender kiss on her slightly rounded belly. "For the little one," he said softly.

Then, he moved to Yoruichi, doing the same, and finally, Rukia, who smiled up at him warmly as he bent down to kiss her pregnant belly too. "All of you look radiant tonight," he complimented.

Rangiku blushed. "Must be that pregnancy glow," she joked.

He then moved to Orihime, Tatsuki, Michiru, and Chizuru, kissing each of them lightly on the lips or cheek as the moment seemed to call for. Each kiss seemed to reaffirm a bond, a silent promise that despite his busy life and the complex web of relationships, he would always be there for them.

"Leaving the best for last, huh?" Emiko teased as he approached her.

"Of course," Kai said, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

"And what about me?" Aiko jutted her lip out in a playful pout.

He kissed her cheek too, laughing. "I could never forget about you."

Finally, he felt a tug on his hair. Looking up, he saw Nel, still in her child form, trying to get his attention.

"Don't forget me, Kai!"

With a chuckle, he reached up, gently taking her off his shoulders and setting her down. He bent down to give her a quick peck on the cheek, eliciting a giggle from her.

"Looks like I've got everyone," he grinned.

"Alright, let's eat!" he declared, bringing everyone's focus to the delicious meal before them.


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