Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch112- Defeated

Kai, taking a moment from his dance with Aizen, glanced towards the spectacle unfolding. He couldn’t help but smirk. If there was anything he enjoyed more than toying with foes, it was seeing his loved ones stand firm against them.

Chizuru, ever the playful one amidst chaos, brandished her Lens of Reflection with flair. The pulse of Kai's Bankai intertwined with her Fullbring, amplifying its potency. As illusions of Chizuru multiplied, the mirrored labyrinth seemed to vibrate with energy. Her cheeky grin couldn’t be contained as she leaned into Kai, her voice dripping with mock adoration, "You and I, Kai, we're a match made in heaven. Just look at how your Bankai complements my Fullbring."

Yoruichi, her almond eyes flashing with mirth, rolled her eyes. Tatsuki let out a short, exasperated sigh while Orihime chuckled softly. Rangiku shot Chizuru an exaggeratedly hostile glance, as Rukia, still channeling her cold fury, tried to stifle her laughter. Michiru simply shook her head, the slightest hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

Chappy lunged forward, leaving a trail of icy mist, its gigantic, fluffy paw aimed squarely at Aizen's chest. Aizen deftly sidestepped, but as he did, a vortex of spiraling water formed by Michiru attempted to ensnare him. Yoruichi, in a burst of Flash Step, materialized behind him, her blade piercing towards him.

Aizen pivoted, avoiding the thrust. He emanated an aura that defied the combined onslaught. But before he could counter, Rukia unleashed a stream of icy projectiles. They shimmered and sped towards Aizen, each shard carrying a part of Rukia's wrath.

The former captain easily deflected them. However, Orihime, with a motion of her hairpins, launched a barrage of energy projectiles. They weaved through the air, making it difficult for Aizen to predict their trajectory.

As they hit, a massive explosion rocked the mirrored arena, filling it with dust and debris. But when the dust settled, Aizen remained, his reiatsu creating a shield around him. But the hint of a smirk that usually graced his lips was absent.

From the side, Tatsuki launched herself forward, electricity crackling around one fist and flames licking the other. She unleashed a flurry of punches, each infused with raw elemental power. Aizen managed to evade most, but a fiery uppercut grazed his chin, and an electric jab landed on his shoulder, causing him to grimace.

Rangiku's ash cats pounced from behind, distracting Aizen just long enough for Yoruichi to lunge again. Her blade narrowly missed, but the dark tendrils from Yami no Bōken snaked around, trying to ensnare him.

Aizen slashed through them, but Chizuru's illusions swarmed him, each attacking simultaneously. With his superior senses, Aizen managed to distinguish the real from the illusions, but it took precious time, allowing Kai to subtly manipulate the environment.

While Aizen was occupied, Michiru danced gracefully, water tendrils wrapping around her form. With a swift move, they cascaded toward Aizen, trying to drench him and hinder his movements.

Just as he was about to counter Michiru's water assault, Orihime's shield erupted in front of him. He slashed at it, only to find it was a diversion. The real Orihime stood some distance away, her hands moving rapidly, launching another wave of energy blasts.

The sound of clashing energies, the hiss of water, and the crackle of electricity filled the maze. Aizen was undoubtedly powerful, but the combined might and tactics of Kai's group kept him on the defensive.

Kai, observing the dance of battle from a distance, subtly manipulated the reflective surfaces, bending light and creating illusions to further disorient Aizen. Each move was designed to wear Aizen down and exploit any opening.

A brief lull in the battle allowed Aizen to gather his reiatsu and release it in a blinding burst. The maze of mirrors reverberated with the sheer force of it. The combined assault momentarily ceased as everyone was pushed back.

Yet, in the wake of the explosion, Chizuru's illusions multiplied, creating a bewildering array of reflections. Michiru's water, controlled like puppet strings, danced around Aizen, keeping him off balance. Chizuru winked at Kai, receiving an approving nod in return.

Aizen, sensing an incoming attack, suddenly found himself facing Tatsuki. The fiery and electric fury in her fists raged, but instead of attacking directly, she sent arcs of lightning and fireballs around him, entrapping him in an elemental circle.

Rukia, tapping into her bankai's power, unleashed a wave of cold, attempting to freeze Aizen solid. Aizen countered by surrounding himself with his reiatsu. But as he did so, Rangiku's ash cats lunged from all sides. Aizen, his attention split, narrowly missed Yoruichi's blade piercing through the air towards him.

He parried her attack, but the effort saw him pinned against a mirrored wall. He looked up, just in time to see Kai standing before him, his blade shimmering, ready to strike.

As the blade descended, Aizen's reiatsu flared, healing his injuries and creating a shield. But Kai's blade, instead of striking Aizen, touched the mirror behind him, causing the entire maze to vibrate violently.

Aizen was thrown off balance, and the group pounced. The flurry of blades, energy, and elemental attacks made it almost impossible to discern individual movements. The mirrored maze echoed with the sounds of combat, with Aizen at its epicenter.

Ichigo and Isshin, until now silent observers, unleashed their true might. Their form blurred into a series of afterimages, each shadow drawing closer to Aizen. The mirrored expanse rippled with every clash of their blades, reverberating with a sound akin to a stormy night.

The swift undulating pattern of Ichigo's Zanpakuto left trails of black and silver in the air, converging upon Aizen from multiple directions. The onslaught was relentless, the speed unparalleled. The mirrors reflected a dance of black and white, an intricate ballet of attack and defense. Followed by Isshin’s Engetsu.

Yet even as Ichigo's blade sought Aizen's flesh, another force was at play. The pace of Aizen's healing, which was once instantaneous, had begun to lag, every wound mending at a progressively slower rate.

As Aizen maneuvered, trying to find an opening, a sudden illumination caught his attention. Emerging from his chest were glowing red crosses, aligning themselves intricately across his torso. The distinct pattern of Kyūjūrokkei Kakafūmetsu lit up, its seal taking hold.

Urahara's creation was meant for this exact moment, a masterstroke conceived during the times Aizen had previously flaunted his superiority. The bindings of the kido spell, reinforced with Kai's subtle manipulation earlier, aimed to permanently seal Aizen's formidable powers.

Each intersection of the red cross burned brighter, sending searing pain through Aizen. His every attempt to shatter or disrupt the kido was rendered futile. The seal embedded itself deeper, drawing from the very essence of Aizen's spiritual energy, ensnaring him in a web of his own power turned against him.

Without the Hogyoku to amplify and regenerate his strength, Aizen's resistance waned. The once indomitable force was now visibly weakened, the ever-present smirk replaced by a grimace.

Ichigo, seizing the opportunity, landed a decisive blow, further exacerbating Aizen's deteriorating condition. The combined might of the group, along with the tightening grip of Kyūjūrokkei Kakafūmetsu, became an overwhelming force that Aizen couldn't counter.

The mirrored maze, once a theater of deception and combat, bore silent witness to Aizen's sealing. The very reflections that once played tricks on the senses now showed the undeniable reality: Aizen, the manipulator of many, was rendered powerless, ensnared by a kido spell that would hold him in an eternal bind.


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