Lady Charm

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Owner of The Tianmo Zither

The Tianmo Zither, which had turned into a cool, powerful treasure in the inheritance space earlier, had now become a black piece of rotten wood again.

Oh, maybe a little bit better than a piece of rotten wood.

The zither body became smooth and even, and the broken strings had been automatically repaired.

What was very unusual was that her name had also been engraved in the far left corner of the zither body—Jun Muyan.

The characters were very small and the engraving wasn’t clear, so you wouldn’t see them if you didn’t look carefully.

Also, it wasn’t garbage now; it was only an ordinary seven-string zither. At least people wouldn’t direct their contempt and disgust towards it.

However, Muyan had seen the true, radiant face of the Tianmo Zither!

So how could she reconcile this with what she had seen? “What’s wrong?” she said, depressed. “It was beautiful earlier, so why does it look like this again?”

Xiaobao breathed a sigh of relief though. With a ruddy complexion, he made sure that his mommy was safe and sound and her spirit was recovering.

He pushed the Tianmo Zither aside with one try before shrinking into Muyan’s arms. He said in a low, muffled voice, “I don’t want the zither. I only want to stay with Mommy.”

Muyan immediately held her baby son and smiled. “En, Mommy doesn’t want the zither either. Mommy only wants to stay with Xiaobao.”

Tianmo Zither, the treasure of heaven and earth: … So this is my new owner!

“Ahem… The Tianmo Zither isn’t restored because it’s been sealed.” When Muyan and Xiaobao were playing out the drama of a deep bond between a mother and son, the gentle female voice finally couldn’t help but speak. “Congratulations, you’ve become the Tianmo Zither’s owner and my God Musical Bureau’s sole inheritor.”

“I want to congratulate myself, too. I’ve been waiting for a thousand years, a whole thousand years. Finally, I got to see this day. The inheritance line to my God Musical Bureau won’t be cut off in the end after all.”

Muyan released Xiaobao before she looked into the void and frowned. “Now can you tell me who you are? You said I’m the inheritor of your God Musical Bureau; shouldn’t you show your face?”

As she just finished speaking, she saw a woman’s shadow slowly appearing not far ahead.

The woman was wearing a white suit. She had an elegant appearance and unworldly temperament. She looked to be in her early twenties, but what appeared in her eyes was experience gained from endless twists and turns of life.

“My name is Baili Yinluo (Hundred-mile-away sound connection). I’m a God-Musician, and I’m also the last head musician of the God Musical Bureau.”

And she continued slowly, “Do you know about God-Musicians?”

Muyan shook her head. “I’ve only heard of Musicians.”

“Alas, how would you know about God-Musicians?!” Baili Yinluo revealed a sad look on her face. “Isn’t that what they’re after? They want to remove God-Musicians from this world, and no one needs to know about the existence of God-Musicians. If those people knew that the inheritance to God-Musicians was still alive, they wouldn’t sleep well at night!”

“Are God-Musicians very strong?”

“Hehehe… Do you realize what you just asked?” Baili Yinluo had a mocking smile on her face. “Are they strong? Let me tell you—God-Musicians used to be the most powerful beings in the world. We were strong enough to cause panic in others. Therefore, those contemptible people ganged up on us and destroyed the entire God Musical Bureau.”

“My father and my husband took great pains to send me to Yanwu Continent, hoping to save the last of the line of the God Musical Bureau. But my enemies refused to show me mercy and chased me for thousands of miles to kill me. In the end, even I died at their hands.”

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