Kyouhana: Transmigrated into the Worst Book and Became the Dark Lord’s Bride

Misprision World – 12

Miss Mathile’s son was Dion, that sneaky brat of thief! I thought she was looking for a kid the same age as Marina. The one she was looking had self-consciousness all along.

But I could agree with her hearing the same sound that’s calling her. Was it really Dion? Ever since the time he stole Elara’s purse from us.

I’m once poor, so I could tell what he was thinking. The moment my mom was in the same case as Miss Mathilde, in critical condition, I couldn’t help but think of a hastier way that would resolve the financial problem from the hospital.

But my Mom always reminded me that I should never resort in doing bad deeds. In the end, I used my hard-earned money to pay the hospital bills. With her around, I was always disciplined.

For some reason, I saw my real Mom to Miss Mathilde. She also never forgot to remind her son not to do bad deeds. But since their environment was far more toxic, it would be hard for her to do it alone.

We explained to Miss Mathilde on what happened seven days ago, the last time Dion ran away from us. She continued the story on how Dion searched for an underground doctor to cure her.

The moment we grasped the whole situation, we quickly left the tavern and went to our first stop. It was a shop where the owner knew me well… from gossips.

“Welcome!” Miss Laurine, the owner of the tailor shop, greeted as soon as we entered her shop. She stood in the counter, averted her eyes from watching her precious customers. “Oh, my! Aren’t you Miss Jenny’s daughter?”

“…… She wasn’t my mother,” I replied, pouting my face away from her.

“In rebellious phase, aren’t we? Don’t worry, I won’t tell my benefactor that you’re here. So, what are you here for?”

“Comfortable clothes.”

I couldn’t run freely while stepping at my gown for every second. I couldn’t tell if Elara was also uncomfortable, but a pair of flexible clothes would fit her better. Who knows we might encounter bandits along the way.

We walked into the store with a confident stride, scanning the racks for something that would suit our style and needs. I was looking for casual clothes that were flexible enough for fighting, in case we ran into trouble on our mission.

For Elara, I picked out a pair of stretchable jeans, a black tank top that hugged her curves, and a leather jacket that added some edge to her look. She tried them on in the fitting room, admiring how they fit her perfectly.

While on my case, I picked out a pair of the same jeans but smaller and a loose-fitting t-shirt that wouldn't restrict my movements.

For the start of our conquest, we asked the main gate guard, Connor. Even from the distance, his alcoholic smell invades our noses even as we pinched it.

“Wat’r ya here?” He asked, and after noticing, he gazed at me. I’ve became resistant after he knew that he was like this. “Ooh, prinshesh! Wha’comes for ya here?”

“Don’t talk to milady like that, Connor,” Elara warned with lines compiling in her forehead. “Do you want to get arrested for your disrespectful behavior?”

“Calm down, Elara,” I said. “Sorry, guard captain. I’m no royal princess. I’m here to ask if you saw a boy from the slums who had the same height as mine?”

“Huh? I did shee many… I can tell ya if thzey’re chircumshized or nah.”

“Do you really want to lick metal bars, huh?” Elara argued with a hiss.

“Elara!” I shouted, pulling her back away from Connor. “Guard captain, you should have noticed his face seven days ago. I’m with him when we took the Entero Doflain commission.”

“Hmm…” Connor pinched his chin as he looked up, recalling his memory. The moment he smiled, we’re overjoyed, but… “I can’t recall him.”

“You’re useless,” I muttered with lowered shoulders after our expectations were broken.

Suddenly, another younger guard approached us. “Are you looking for the slum kid who has a bunch of gold coins in his pocket?” He asked.

“Yes, that’s him! Do you know where he might be?”

“He came out yesterday, carrying a wrapped thing behind him. He’s too depressed to be talked to. The thing behind him was the same size as an adult woman.”

“An underling is always useful than its superior,” I commented. “The boy didn’t come back?”

“I didn’t see him come back until now.”

“Maybe he’sh burying da bodee shomewhere,” Connor said, inserting himself from our conversation. “Washn’t it a bodee’f a woman? F’so, she’sh important to him, ishn’t she?”

“Sheesh?” I asked “He only had a single family with him, and she’s—AAAAAAAAAAAH!” A light bulb lit in my head after the dots automatically connected itself.

I stood still with my mouth hanging open, freezing after shouting like I’m electrically shocked. My breathing suddenly stopped as I gazed from imagination and reality back and forth. I realized that…

A simple misunderstanding became a whole lot of mess.


A giant green insect dominated the forests. It had six sharp legs like a chainsaw and an oval body surrounded by dark lines, standing tall the same height as a three-story compound.

It had a pure-black eyes the same size as an eight-ball and a sharp mouthparts that was used for piercing. That same mouth was used to cut trees in the forest the moment it swings its head.

From the Western part of the Harswell Forest, it continuously walks towards the city. Like mosquitoes, the hired adventurers gathered before it with a plan to stall it.

“It’s coming again! Back off!” The adventurers shouted, running away from the mouth swing the monster does. They rushed away so that their bodies won’t end up getting sliced.

“How is there a Gaswing as big as the guild?” A female adventurer complained. “We’re not an ounce informed about any useful information about that monster!”

“Don’t complain!” A male adventurer shouted. “We can’t let this run to the city! It’s our job to stall it until help comes!”

“When will help come!? No A-ranked adventurers are present! We would be dead before they come! WE’LL END UP AS SACRIFICES!”

“SHUT UP! Don’t demoralize the people here! You can run away if you want to, but don’t involve us! We have families to protect!”

“Fine! I will really run away and marry a handsome man while you guys die here!” After stomping her feet, the girl ran away the forest.

Since she lost her cover, the Gaswing noticed her running away. Its head turned towards her direction, pointing its mouth at her body. It spitted a huge goo, covering the woman’s body.

“KYAAAAAA!!!!” The woman screamed in pain that ended her life. Her skin and flesh evaporated in an accelerated speed, leaving only her bones intact.

The monster’s eye could only see green, leaves and trees. If it detected something different, red on the case of humans, it would be treated as prey.

With fright in their faces, the adventurers muttered. “Damn it! That’s the eighth casualty. How are we supposed to stall this thing!?”

“D—Don’t worry, Bjorn the Shield is here! A B-rank monster is equivalent to a B-rank adventurer. We just need to believe in him.”

“You’re right! With him, victory has a chance! He’ll lead us in defeating the monster. I’m sure of it!”

After talking, they looked at Bjorn, the sturdy man who is in front the monster. He had broad shoulders and a muscular build. His brown hair was cropped short, and his face bore the scars of many battles.

He wore a leather armor that was reinforced with metal plates, and a large shield strapped to his left arm. It was made of steel, with intricate patterns engraved on its surface.

He faced the monster with high chin and shoulders out. He stood diligently as the adventurer’s role model without fear… But that wasn’t what his mind speaks.

Why am I the only B-rank adventurer available!? Not only that, I’m facing a giant type of homonculus that was never recorded in books. How would I defeat it with a shield!?

I never led people before. I’m only a follower from my adventurer’s party. The only thing I’m good at was positioning. I’m not even strong enough to counter fatal blows. I just joined in the party and ranked up with ease.

But now, these low-ranked adventurers are looking up at me. They’re expecting me to lead them. Even if I gave them a command, I couldn’t guarantee their safety.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

After a moment of thinking, Bjorn the Shield coughed. “Ehem! Whoever cares about plans!? Fight at your own will! EVEN MINIMAL, BRING HARM TO THAT MONSTER!” He shouted with a warrior’s voice, far different from the voice in his head.

The adventurers tilted their heads and looked at each other, decoding what Bjorn meant to say. But after they saw Bjorn recklessly rushing towards it, they drawn their swords and followed him.

The adventurers surrounded the Gaswing as they hit its limbs with their swords, but no one marked a wound against it. Their sharp blades flung and swung away from its slippery limbs.

Even though Bjorn taunted the monster with his shield, the monster didn’t take long to wipe out the entire adventurer’s group just by raising and stomping its foot.

Bjorn withstood the shock wave, but cold sweats started flowing down his helmet. His shield he buried in the ground shook together with his clammy hands.

Can I really do this? He thought, pressing his lips against each other while freezing in fear. He didn’t notice that the Gaswing prepared its mouth to swing across his body.

Looking at the state of the cut trees, his sturdy shield might not be able to handle the force. For worse, it might divide into two together with his body. But his fear kept him rooted in place.

The monster left no time in attacking him, not doubting to swing its sharp blade towards Bjorn. Bjorn loosen the grip from his shield unconsciously, accepting the dark fate that awaits him.

Suddenly, a crimson-haired girl with a loose shirt appeared before him. She unsheathed her light and bright crimson sword from her dimensional storage and swung it together with the monster’s attack.

The moment the two attacks collided, bending the trees from the aftershock of the impact. The monster flinched back, nearly losing its balance.

The girl stood still and breathless. When Bjorn witnessed the miracle of someone younger but stronger than him, he hanged his mouth open. The girl exhaled and wiped her sweat.

“Whew… I made it in time.”

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