Konoha's Uchiha has a monster in his body

Chapter 191 Ida Jinglong

Chapter 191 Ida Jinglong
Since the appearance of Tiga, abnormal phenomena on the earth have appeared more frequently than usual.

As for the ignorance of monsters and abnormal events, as long as something weird happened, the public would report it, which also caused the intelligence work to make the victory team miserable.

But these things have nothing to do with Yuji Uchiha.

With the winning team's allowance, Yuji Uchiha chose to fish.

Turning off the communication system, punching immersively.

After abducting Dagu and giving him a few lessons in cosmic boxing, he left the TPC garrison without stopping before Commander Zongfang found him.

This was just right, Zong Fang couldn't help trembling with his stern face when he was stuck in time to leave.

In addition to the brilliance of Tiga, which represents miracles, in Tiga's universe, there is also a particularly wonderful existence that Uchiha Yuji is particularly interested in.

That is a human being who has traveled through countless universes and slashed countless monsters.

Its name is: Ida Jinglong.

The location of Suna Mountain is quite remote, comparable to that of Kurara Island, a place where birds don't shit.

The traffic is inconvenient, and the road leading to the ancestral hall for worship has not undergone any construction. Even in the daytime, this trail is still a bit muddy.

It's just that the local area probably has the habit of offering sacrifices, and the trail is still faintly visible, but it's still a bit desolate.

The vegetation in the forest is extremely lush, and the towering trees block the sunlight, making the environment of the entire forest appear gloomy. The only ray of sunlight passes through the branches and leaves, and falls directly on the small shrine. middle.

"Your Excellency is not human?"

"Such a deep darkness, is it a demon that destroys the world?"

Just as his feet entered the area of ​​the shrine, he heard a rather serious voice.

The solemn tone seemed to be about to draw a knife and slash out in the next moment.

However, at the next moment, his voice suddenly became a little dazed, "What's going on? Why is there such a pure light in such a deep evil?"

"It is impossible for a demon to have such a light."

Ida Jinglong, who came from the end of the world to another world, has seen countless monsters and ghosts, but this is the first time he has seen this one.

Among the monsters he cut enough to circle the earth, there is no such thing!
"Don't compare me with the gritty things like demons."

Uchiha Yuji's body slowly floated up, and the scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan revealed the evil spirit unique to Uchiha, and the coldness produced by the cold chakra was worse than the coldness in the forest.

"If I'm evil, then I'm definitely a demon god who has surpassed demons."

As soon as the words fell, the clear sky was suddenly filled with dark gray clouds, and a huge black monster could be seen faintly in the dark clouds.

However, an invisible oppressive force acted on Ida Jinglong's body sword.

The Taidao enshrined in the ancestral hall was trembling rapidly, and Ida Jinglong, who had lost his body long ago, had some soul twitches.

It's not that he has never seen a demon that can change the sky, but how can it affect both the body and the soul as soon as it appears!

"It is more than enough to destroy the world with my strength."

"Whether it's light or dark."

The calm words made Ida Jinglong more silent.

"Darkness and light are one. There is neither eternal darkness nor eternal light. Only by coexisting can we go further. The existence of darkness will make light stronger."

Uchiha Yuji said softly, "You should also understand the truth."

"The darkness that exists promotes your strength, promotes your light."

It sounds like it makes a little sense.

Ida Jinglong pondered for a moment, and his tone was a little emotional, "Every battle with monsters and demons really makes me stronger."

"But the power of darkness can confuse people's minds!"

"The more you use the power of darkness, the more likely you are to fall into the abyss. I'm used to those people who can control the darkness, but are finally thrown into the darkness."

Ida Jinglong's voice was a little sighing. Among the people he knew were those with extremely firm wills. They used darkness to slay demons, but in the end they were still swallowed by darkness and turned into stronger demons.

He endured the pain of his heart and beheaded them.

"Your darkness is something I have never heard of. He must have the same powerful corrosive power. I hope you can always hold on to the light in your heart."

Ida Jinglong said in a deep voice: "If you can't persist, even if you lose your soul, I will kill you."

He would definitely not be able to fight, but if he ran, he would be a sword now, so where would he run?

There is no way, so I can only work hard.

"Don't compare me with me. There is no way to control the darkness. It's just that they are not strong enough and their will is not firm enough."

What kind of grit would also like to compare to my Hypageton larvae?
"It must not be too big"

"Okay, that's the end of this topic. I don't have time to listen to an old antique with only a soul left to give me a thought lesson."

Yuji Uchiha used Interrupt!

"The future of this world will usher in a life-and-death battle. Ida Jinglong, this world still needs you to fight."

It is a miracle that people all over the world turn into light.

And the reason why a miracle is a miracle means that it is difficult to happen.

If the timeline of this world is the destruction of the world, wouldn't the previous efforts be in vain?

Human beings always look forward to and admire the brave. When they know an ancestor who only has a soul left, he would rather stand up and fight for the survival of mankind.

In the midst of tragedy and despair—the possibility of miracles is even greater!
Ida Jinglong, who lived in the sword, was full of doubts, "I still need to fight? My friend, you know my current state."

"I don't have a flesh and blood body, and the long time has caused my soul power to continue to decline. I only have the power of a few swords left."

With me hanging up, you plan to arrange for me to go up and chop a few knives?

"Leave me your fighting method, I just need you to promise me." Uchiha Yuji floated into the shrine, and grasped the long sword placed inside.

"When mankind encounters a crisis of destruction in the future, fight those enemies with a broken fighting spirit."

"The future."

Some people can predict the future, Ida Jinglong has also seen such a person, and even he himself has a little such ability, so he did not doubt Uchiha Yuji's words.

And he spent his whole life fighting monsters and demons, and suppressing evil spirits after his death. It can be said that Ida Jinglong devoted his whole life to the cause of eliminating demons.

"I promise you."

Uchiha Yuji quietly dragged Ida Iryu's soul into his body.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Ida Jinglong looked at the huge sea Pajeton and fell silent.

 The old man's fall turned out to be very fast this time, and he didn't break a bone or anything.

(End of this chapter)

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