Konoha: The seal art teacher of the ninja school

Chapter 35 Three Good Teaching Assistants

Chapter 35 Miyoshi Teaching Assistant
Wild Obito Uchiha Appears!
let's go!Kushina!

Kushina stared: "Obito! You didn't hand in your homework today, right?"

The effect is outstanding!Obito's defense has dropped.

Obito used round pupils, blinked and handed over the homework book, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

"No, no, it's just a little late, hehehe."

Unfortunately it didn't work.

Kushina resorted to slapping.

She took over the homework with the soil, rolled it up angrily, and tapped him lightly on the head.

It hit home, and Obito fell.

"It's so late again, next time I don't accept your homework."

Originally, he was covering his head and cosplaying Guo Ruanweng's Obito, but he couldn't help but mutter in a low voice:

"It's not because Teacher Xia Yan assigned too much homework."

"Everyone has done it, why can't you be the only one who can't finish it?" Jiu Xinna couldn't help blurting out.

But as soon as she said this, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Because she found that this sentence pattern is so familiar!
Everyone is AAA, why only you are BBB.

Isn't this what the teachers often said to her when she got into trouble at the ninja school?
Why do I have to be like everyone else? !

She once hated such words, but she never thought that she would say such words to her students one day.

This is just like what Xia Yan said, the allusion that the dragon slaying warrior eventually becomes a dragon.

Thinking of this, Kushina couldn't help but look at Obito who was dejected by her words.

Speaking of which, this child is the same as she was before, and also an outlier.

It's just that she was treated as a different kind because of her status as an outsider, and Obito was because she was a Uchiha who was very unlike Uchiha,
Not only being excluded by the tribe, but also not recognized by others, he is not a human being inside and outside, and gradually becomes a different kind.

Kushina, who saw his previous figure on Obito, took a deep breath, opened Obito's homework, and began to review.

Obito, on the other hand, waited with an uneasy expression on his face, standing like a minion.

Jiu Xinnai's writing on his notebook made him more nervous than using a knife on him.

Whenever he saw Jiu Xinna draw out one of his mistakes, it felt as uncomfortable as being stabbed in the body.

It is not without reason that Obito is so frightened.

He has heard that because there are too many students in the Sealing Technique class, Teacher Xia Yan seems to be planning to streamline it, and the goal is naturally for students like him who don't have satisfactory grades.

If he is kicked out of this course, then he will not only lose the right to play thrilling games in the future, but also lose the opportunity to tell stories to the students who failed to take this course!
Of course, more importantly, this will also reduce the time he and Lin spend in class together.

This kind of result is naturally unacceptable!
I could have endured the darkness if I hadn't seen the light.

After seeing so many novel and interesting things in Mr. Xia Yan's class, Obito doesn't want to go back to the boring campus life before.

Soon, Kushina finished grading Obito's homework.

She pondered for a moment, stopped writing comments on it, turned her head and said to Obito:
"You have improved compared to before, it seems that you have at least worked hard to learn."

When Obito heard this, his face was overjoyed.

But it was too early for him to be happy, and what Jiuxinna said next made his heart heavy again.

"But I still made too many low-level mistakes. For example, here, Chakra actually wrote you 'Chadora'..."

"There is also the question of calculating the Chakra flow here. You are right about the answer, but why is this unit called 'ka'?"

"Which world's chakra unit of measurement is represented by 'ka'?"

Kushina pointed out the mistakes in the Obito operation one by one, which made Obito feel more and more chilled.

It always feels like she is laying the groundwork for something, maybe she really wants to persuade herself to quit?
Kushina didn't notice the strangeness of Obito, and when she finished talking about Obito's mistakes, she paused for a few seconds, and then looked at Obito Road again.

"Sealing is a very comprehensive subject, and you need to apply the knowledge of many other subjects. The fundamental reason why you have such a hard time learning sealing is because you didn't pay attention to the lectures in other subjects, so the foundation is not solid. .”

Obito lowered his head in shame, unable to refute at all.

It was as if she had seen it with her own eyes, exactly.

Because when I first started school, the teacher taught very basic knowledge in order to take care of the students who were born as civilians.

So Obito, who learned these things from the clan when he was a child, was naturally a little lazy and didn't pay attention to the class.

But he didn't expect that the learning tasks of the ninja school turned out to be so heavy.

If one is not paying attention, he can no longer understand what the teacher said in class.

And his only relative, grandma, is just an ordinary person, unable to give him any help in his studies.

If it weren't for Youlin to give him tutoring from time to time, Obito's current grades might be even worse.

Kushina looked downcast, his hands didn't know where to put the soil, and his deliberately stern face couldn't help but soften a little.

In fact, the reason why she is so clear about the problem of Obito is very simple.

Because she had the same situation before.

As a result, when Mito-sama began to teach her the sealing technique, she also suffered a lot because of it.

After all, if you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Jiu Xinnai knew that if he didn't care about it, the child might repeat his own mistakes.

But this time, Obito might not be able to find a knowledgeable old man to complete this knowledge for him.

Recalling Mito's grandmother's teachings to herself, an idea came to Kushina from the bottom of her heart.

So she said in a casual tone:

"Although you have a lot of problems, fortunately, you have only taken classes for one semester, and you still have time to make up for these basics. How about this, when you have time, I will give you some tutoring."

As if it was just a trivial thing.

But as soon as she finished speaking, Obito raised her head in disbelief, her eyes widened.

"Is it really possible? Will this not trouble you?"

In the end, Obito's voice was already a little nasal.

I don't know why, but my nose feels sore.

Probably because apart from grandma and Lin, no one has been so kind to him for a long time.

With soft eyes, Kushina reached out and touched Obito's head and said:

"It doesn't matter. After all, tutoring students is also my job as a teaching assistant."

After speaking, she showed a warm smile.


"Thank you, Teacher Kushina!"

After agreeing on the tutoring time with Kushina, Obito bowed deeply to Kushina, and then happily left with his homework.

He still held a small bag of bone-shaped biscuits that Kushina gave him in his hand.

"Ms. Kushina..."

Kushina looked at Obito bouncing away, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

She thought it was a nice name.

Seeing Obito always made her think back to the time when she was in the ninja school.

Time flies so fast!
In the blink of an eye, she is no longer the mocked "Tomato", nor the feared "Blood Red Pepper", but the assistant teacher of the Ninja School's sealing class, Teacher Kushina.

"Grandma, do I count as 'working hard'?"

Kushina said to herself.

"However, you can't relax yet. Next, you need to 'practice hard'—by the way, you can't forget the point of 'play hard'. I have to find Xia Yan to play a few rounds later!"

"I can't let that scoundrel Xia Yan go without draining him!"

"But now..."

Looking at the hill-like pile of homework, Kushina's face collapsed again.

She patted her face hard.

"How did Xia Yan say that?"

"It seems to be...hard work! Struggle!...Ollie!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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