Knight’s Pledge

Chapter 4: Unknowns/Evean Academy

Samuel was standing in the library of the estate holding an ordinary titleless black book. He didn't think he would hold this book again after the emperor entrusted it to his family. But now here he is, in the library, and possibly about to make one of the stupidest decisions of his life because of his love for his sons...

16 years ago

Samuel woke up in a cold sweat. He had a nightmare of seeing his wife's corpse again. He lifted the covers and slinked out of bed walking the dark hallways to clear his head. He still couldn't stop thinking about his dead wife even after 2 years. He tried to move on, but it was hard for him.

As he was walking, Samuel saw two small figures enter his line of sight. It was of his sons, Leon was holding Allen's paw.

"What are you two doing up so late?" Samuel asked the two

"We couldn't sleep...daddy why are you naked?" Leon asked in response

"Where did you hear that word son?"

"They taught me that word."

"The servants?" Leon nodded to Samuel's query

Samuel sighs and walks up to Leon and Allen as he tries to bring them back to their room, "Daddy. When is Mommy coming home?" Samuel froze

"...Mommy is sick so she is staying with Grandma. It might take a couple of years for Mommy to get healthy again so we won't see her for a while." Samuel responds, crouching to his son's level, "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

Leon nods, "Alright let's go to Daddy's room."

Samuel brings his sons to his and lay's them next to each other, Allen fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed and Leon's eyes droop in exhaustion, "Goodnight son." Samuel says as he smiles at his cute sons. His heart broke a little for lying to his sons, but they will know the truth when they are older.

Samuel puts the black book back on the shelf and walks out of the library. His thoughts now turned to how his brothers would react to him loving his sons. Quickly shaking the thoughts out of his head he goes to the private training area and grabs a steel sword. Placing the tip on the ground Samuel closes his eyes and concentrates, lifting the sword into position he swings his sword.

Arriving at the train station Allen gets out of the carriage, "I wish you good luck in your studies young master Allen." The driver said

Allen nods in response as he walks up the steps and vanishes into the crowd.

Walking up to an open ticket counter Allen converses with a young lady, "I'd like to go to Evean Academy."

"Evean Academy hmm? You going there to study?" The woman idly chats with Allen

"I am," Allen responds as the woman gives Allen a ticket to which he paid 5 copper for

Allen, after getting his ticket walks to the train platform. It would be boring just sitting on the train doing nothing and he didn't bring any books with him to read. Allen turns his head and sees a young commoner panther boy selling newspapers to people passing by. Allen went up to the boy and bought a copy to read on the train.

The train arrives a few minutes later, sitting in a random seat Allen puts his bag next to him. Taking out his newspaper Allen reads the title

A revolutionary new mode of transportation

Huh. This was interesting. It was talking about a new vehicle that didn't need horses to pull it. It was in its development phases but it was showing some promise. Mainly the fact that the vehicle was using a smaller version of the engine to pull it. There would be some tweaks to get the prototype out, but if it worked then it would revolutionize the entire world.

Allen continued to read the article after his ticket got punched, soon the door to his room slid open and a red wolf looked around, "Um. Hello. Do you mind if I sit here?"

Allen took a while to study the man before he answered, "Not really."

"Thanks." The man said as he sat opposite Allen.

"..." Allen could have sworn he saw his face somewhere or a face similar to his, "Are you going to Evean Academy as well?"

"Huh? Uh yeah, I am. My name is Petro, no last name, I'm a commoner."

"I can tell. I think I remember meeting your father a couple of months back. He was worried about whether or not you would get in."

"Mmm, thankfully I got in, my dad was proud when I told him the news."

Allen hummed in response as he got back to reading the newspaper in front of him, "I wonder if the rumors are true." Petro muttered offhandedly 

"...what rumors?"

"Well..." Petro started as he tried to find the words, "The Academy. Even though it has a better education standard compared to the military. It's said that you can love there and that there are all sorts of places where you can...for the lack of a better word have sex?"

Allen raised an eyebrow at that statement which made Petro hold his hands up as he made a sheepish smile, "It is not even confirmed if the rumors are true. I heard that they go by a code of secrecy and that those who do tell disappear."

"Maybe they have an underground dungeon where they can punish the rule breakers better." Allen jokingly said with a neutral tone

" with the previous words I can just imagine what the dungeon would look like and hear the moans..." Petro shook his head

"How do you know what sex sounds like?"

"...experience." Petro responded while looking out the window

Allen looked up from the newspaper to stare at Petro for a few moments before going back to reading his newspaper. The conversation grinding to a halt into awkward silence for a few minutes, "So." Allen started as he flipped a page of his newspaper, "What is your reason for attending Evean? Is it the rumors or do you just want to fuck around?"

"Mmm..." Petro thought about it for a few seconds, "The rumors enticed me the most and I heard that the Academy was really hard for commoners to get into so I wanted to challenge myself. You?"

 "...Family drama. That and I wanted to see my older brother again."

"Older brother? That's nice. I wish I had a brother."

"...You have a talent for killing a conversation Petro. Are all commoners like you?" Allen bluntly asked

"Hmm? No. It's just that I've never had the chance to talk to other's my age. I was always shy and liked silence. I'm trying to be more social. Perhaps I can find that at Evean."

"Perhaps you can find that." Allen responded, taking the time to look at Petro once more.

An hour later they arrive at the station that Evean Academy was near. Allen got his briefcase and got off the train with Petro following him, "Hmm...if I remember we were supposed to go." Allen muttered as he looked at the letter in his head that detailed where to go to reach Evean Academy.

Following the letter he and Petro walked out of the station and into the crowd. Weaving through the crowd he saw some glimpses of Evean Academy graduates showing off their new knight uniform and a crowd looking at them proudly. Some of the people were simping for them

"They are so hot and cool. I want to marry one of them." He heard one woman in her 40's say to her friends

'They certainly are handsome I'll give you that.' Allen thought

"You think I will be that cool when I graduate?" Petro asked Allen

" doubt." From what Allen could tell the knight uniform of the Evean graduates was a dark blue fur tight full bodysuit with steel plates on the important parts, heart, neck, elbows, arms, hands, legs/knees. He could've sworn he saw the crotch being covered on one of the graduates.

"..." His knowledge of romance books came to the forefront. He could see himself wearing the suit only to be surprise attacked by a slutty monster as it tears apart his armor and rapes...NO NO NOPE NOPE NOPE. Allen furiously shook his head trying to get those extremely lustful thoughts out of his head. He could feel his cock growing in his pants at the thought of it, 'On second thought. Having dirty thoughts about Dad and my brother doesn't seem so bad after all.'

Allen huffs a sigh, "I hate being a virgin."

"Hey. There is a boat and a sign." Petro pointed out as he dragged Allen towards the crowd of young men

"Can you at least let me go? I'm not so distracted that I can't tell that it leads to Evean Academy." Allen said as he and Petro waited to get on the rather large boat.

 A few minutes go by and Allen and Petro get on the boat. Taking a look around Allen sees the young men taking their first step into Evean Academy, 'Everyone here is handsome...some of them.' Allen's eyes go down to some of the bulges that the men have, 'Are huge like me. Am I misunderstanding something? Is the Academy not to train the next batch of soldiers but a place where we get to play with and potentially have sex with any man we want? I wouldn't mind if that was the case but...' Allen's thoughts once turned lewd as he felt a tent in his pants. Hopefully no one would notice

'Ugh...these types of thoughts are driving me crazy. I really need to get laid someday.' Allen thought as he sat down on an empty seat and watch the land get farther and farther. He then looked towards the sea, 'We must be going quite the distance away from civilization. Wonder how long it will take to get there.' 

Enjoying the sea breeze and the smell of the ocean Allen quickly forgot about the other passengers, 'We will meet soon Leon. I can't wait to play with you again.'

An hour passes when Allen finally sees land. And what he sees is a big island with enough space to house a town or two, "That's really big."

"Yeah. No kidding." Petro said in awe

Soon the boat came to a stop and the arriving students were let off the boat.

The new students were taken to their dorm rooms which were shared dorm rooms.

"Seems like we are room-mates." Petro said as he went over to his side of the room.

Allen went over to his side of the room and place his briefcase on his bed. He then saw a newly pressed dark blue uniform laying on the bed, "So. These are our new uniforms. They are really high class." Petro said as he started to take off his shirt and pants with Allen doing the same.

"I'm a little afraid to wear this." Petro said as he looked at the uniform in front of him, "Nobles really are different from commoners."

"You're just realising it just now?" Allen asked

"Yeah. I've never worn something like this." Petro said turning around, "Wha!" Only to see a naked Allen holding his underwear with a single finger, "You're naked!" He shouted turning away

"Hmm?" Allen looked down and snickered, "What's wrong never seen a naked man before?"

"Of course I have!" Petro said, calming himself down, "Huu huu..."

'Im going to have a lot of fun here. I just know it.' Allen thought while hiding a smile behind his paw

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