Chapter 147: (Part 10)
"However…" Alan continued grave.
"You are those boys who will take over the world alongside me at all costs and for that I will have to push you forward without fail no matter the cost. The secrets I have within me and the experience I gained. I will inevitably transfer it all into you depending on each of yours area of expertise which you can't neglect. After all, onto facing the highschoolers. I am your greatest asset here. I know every single one of them like the back of my hand. That's why, I am sincerely willing to give you my all, in turn expecting your cooperation. Not as a senior… and neither as someone who orders you around… however as your supporter and your instructor. Will you accept this deal?" he proposed giving his hand.
Cassiel glancing at Seraph wondered, "He indeed isn't wrong. If we are about to face the highschoolers next, he is our greatest asset. Since, he knows every nook and cranny of them and on regard to get his teachings which appears as a sea full of experience… I don't think it's a bad deal at all."
Kenzo smirking headed forward alongside Seraph, Helios, Gabriel and Xavier. "Rascal… just how old are you to tutor us hun?" he asked haughtily.
Xavier hearing him chuckled lightly as Seraph and Helios smiled sighing.
Alan standing with his mouth agape for a second whispered, "I won't be that old… however, I did face the whole world on my own. So, to drag you out of your troubles won't be that much of a problem. Care to trust me?"
"And, what if this is also a disguise of yours? Sovereign of infinite disguises?" Gabriel interrupted seriously folding his arms. "Hm… now that's a tricky question. How about you find it out while we're together." Alan questioned back as Heber exhaled from behind, "Sigh… he is so confusing sometimes."
"Yeah, Even I can't get to understand him." Ryan agreed.
Kenzo grinning grabbed Alan's hand, "Alright. Then, let's discover what you hold brat!"
Shaking Kenzo's hand Alan smiled at the rest, "I'll be in your care then little rascals and of course vice versa too."
"Same here." Xavier and Helios replied together as Seraph nodded beside Gabriel who clicked his tongue annoyed. Nidou eyeing the fourteen of them gulped his sports drink as the helicopter propelled wildly.
"So the deal's set hun. Now get back to work, you devils! Cause if I see you late when I return. Then, you're all done for!! Haha!!!" he laughed crazily climbing on the helicopter himself that instantly flew up.
"Huh?!" Alan uttered baffled, squinting his eyes against the heavy wind.
"What the heck?! Why is he leaving?!" Ezekiel asked baffled as Seraph slammed his forehead in disbelief.
"Go, ahead and kill yourselves you 6 inched brats! Haha!! And, don't get eaten by wild bears on the way!! Haha! So long suckers!!" Nidou mocked as the helicopter flew away while the boys stood stumped with their expression blank.
A long silence falling over them they sat down in disbelief.
"That old hag…!" Alan gritted his teeth pissed while Adam stared at the sky from where the helicopter's sight vanished. "And… he just left…" he said in utter disbelief.
Poseidon smiling nodded, "Now, that solves the rest of the mystery as well. Aren't I right Heli?"
Helios exhaled agreeing as Xavier spoke, "We were taken to this place by helicopters straight to the top. Those men didn't dare to go amid the mountain so they deliberately left us on the upmost top of the area. How cunning."
"But, then what about Alan?" Heber asked confused.
"He was just a single person. No, one would dare hire a helicopter for him." Kenzo told.
"Then how did I come here?" Alan asked confused as well.
"God knows, your father can do anything to you. Don't you get it after staying so long with him? For example like draining you in the river or getting a road bike just to throw you away." Feng assumed exhaling a huge sigh of disbelief as Kenzo chuckled alongside Adam.
Alan clicking his tongue cursed, "I just hope, his helicopter crashes somewhere…"
Ryan instantly chortled beside Heber.
"Moreover, he wasn't even intended to send us back." Seraph dusting his clothes settling down.
"Hun? Why?" Azazel asked.
"He is very cunning. Do you think he would let us go back after taking our responsibility? He knew if we'd go back to our homes, we'd definitely complain to our parents and that would completely sue the base. For being abusive and intolerant towards their students." Helios explained gesturing Poseidon and Ezekiel to sit beside him.
"Tch! What did he thought of us, babies or something who would cry in their mother's arms? Such cowards!" Gabriel growled cross.
"Sigh~ who knows? I bet, now we have to really buck ourselves up and train. Beating those high schoolers sound way out of our leagues to me." Cassiel added.
"But, why this place out of all?!" Adam looked around still quiet flabbergasted and tired at the same time.
The boys looking at the sky above sighed deeply as half of them laid down. "Now what is this?" Azazel asked, eyeing the map in Alan's hands.
"The map to our treasure quest…" Alan replied sitting in between them.
"By the way just theoretically asking. What do you think would be inside the boxes or containers? Or what kind of materials?" Heber asked intrigued.
Alan shrugging his shoulder alongside Seraph replied, "Who knows, I wonder if would be food or something…?" "I suggest we better prepare for the worst, let's assume snakes or stones…" Xavier guessed the worst beaming.
Kenzo smacked his forehead wordless while Cassiel read the map. "This is way too worst, Xavier." Ezekiel gulped.
"He isn't wrong either." Poseidon added.
"Looking at it…" said Kenzo taking the map from Cassiel's hands he continued, "The destination doesn't looks too far from here, and neither do we have to go down the mountain as well…"
"Yeah, I think it's the back side of this mountain." Helios guessed.
"You're right. It wouldn't take us long to cover this distance and come back." Cassiel said.
Heber playing with Azazel ran around as Adam played catch, catch with Ryan throwing the cricket ball.
"Then, why did that old man give us so much time? Tomorrow night until 10…? Isn't that way too grand?" Alan said pondering. "
Who knows if it's trap or something? What if, the path we would go form is perilous? Or if something might be blocking the way…? Or maybe something much worse?" Poseidon guessed the worst of the worst that could happen.
The young ones gulped.
"Yeah, or something bad could also be waiting for us the moment we head to that place to take the materials." Ezekiel assumed.
Seraph on the contrary observing the scroll squinted his eyes. "Wait a minute…" he immediately stood up walking on the same path drawn on the map. Standing on the corner of the mountain top he found a stony path leading down. A sudden shock hitting him, he stood with his mouth agape.