Chapter 138: Golden Age 12: ‘You! Me! And our Ever flowing! Sweat! Tears! And Blood! World Kings Training Begins at the Mountain of No Return!!’ (Part 1)

(International Cricket Training Camp of Pakistan for Juveniles)[Main Dorm Building]

Aigou hanging over the staircase rail stared at the dark lounge below where middle schoolers resided. A heavy sigh escaping his lips, Noah beside him, resting on the rail copied the exact same movement. Isa coming out of the kitchen found the two of them sulking, walking over he asked playfully, "What's wrong? Why are you hanging over here like corpses?"

Evan hearing his voice glanced at the three from the table behind, continuing reading his book. "It's not funny Isa… those boys and Alan really left. On the contrary, the others won't even come out of their rooms as if they boycotted against us or something." Noah replied depressed.

Ren coming out of his room scratched his hairs yawning. "Good morning, Ren." Isa greeted.

Ren drowsily nodded, "Mornin…" yawning once again he sat on the couch.

"So, what are you all talking about?" Nagi asked coming out next. "Nothing much, we are just talking about the middle schoolers…" Aigou answered. "Them hun…" Nagi whispered towards looking below the rail too.

"Who knows when they'll come out of their rooms? They didn't ate anything since yesterday morning. The refectory was completely empty during lunch and dinner time as well yesterday." he told as Orion joined them out of the rest room. His long purple hairs all messed up while his face dripped with water.

"Morning everyone…" he greeted, sitting beside Ren who once again fell asleep. Resting on his shoulder he too drowsed once again.

Suddenly Haruf slammed the door coming out alongside Aaron. "Good morning! Everyone!" he greeted all pumped up. Ren and Orion along with the others hearing his greeting blinked startled. "Calm down big guy, don't break the door…" Aaron advised. "Good morning." Evan greeted back.

"Geez that startled me, Haruf. What's with this over enthusiasm straight early in the morning?" Ren complained, immediately glancing at Orion snuggling beside him. "Oh, I am sorry about that. I felt quite good this morning all of a sudden and expressed it out profoundly." Haruf replied sitting beside Evan elated.

Aaron instantly embraced Nagi who stood the closest hugged him from behind. "Ah man, I am really tired… Help me Nagi~ give me one of your infamous tips." he cried. Nagi peeking at him from the corner of his eye sighed. "My infamous tips? Did you pull an all-nighter again just to write a song?" he asked hitting right on the mark.

Aaron nodded, "Yup… moreover, it's a love song's demand this time. Sigh~ I have never even written one before so how do they expect me to write one?! This little brain of mine has no idea at all~ damn those demanders, they should just write one first before forcing others into doing so."

Evan hearing him scolded, "You are seriously going to ruin your health this way Aaron. Do you know out of all of us you are sitting at the last in your training and attendance? If you keep this up, then it won't turn out to be good for you."

Aaron hearing him stood straight scratching his hairs, "Yes, yes vice-captain. I get that… just don't scold me right early in the morning. It was those top liners fault in the first place, even though I told them a million times about my busy schedule. They gave me the melody instead."

"A love song hun… I think you should get married, to write one Aaron." Isa teased.

Hearing his remark Nagi and Noah burst out in laughter, "Pfft! Haha!"

Aaron embarrassed stood stunned, "Wha…?"

"Now that's amusing. Haha!" Haruf chortled while Evan sighed in disbelief.

"Let me be the flower boy on the day you become a groom, my friend!" Haruf teased. Hearing his words even Ren who was half asleep started chuckling alongside Aigou, Isa, Noah and Nagi ceaselessly.

"Haha! My stomach!!" they cried together. Aaron hearing them make fun stood as red as a tomato. "You! Y-ou… Guys are the worst! Just what in the world are you going on and on about!? It's just a love song. How did my wedding come in between?! And big guy! I didn't expected that coming from you out of all!" he asked Haruf speechless heading to the restroom embarrassed, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Haha…" Haruf continued to laugh.

Suddenly a familiar voice came downstairs, "Now, now, who's becoming whose flower boy hun?" Senri asked amused. "Ah! Senri and Kazuna are back." Aigou pointed out standing up from the rail. "Yeah! Were back! Is everyone awake?" Senri asked coming up while Kazuna followed. "Yup, everyone is awake else for Zach and Elias. I'll go and wake them up." Aigou ran back to his room.

Kazuna and Senri who were drenched in sweat sat on the floor resting. "So, what were you talking about?" Senri asked curious. Isa remembering the conversation from before chuckled. "Hehe… It's nothing, we were just teasing Aaron. Here you go." he told handing them each a glass of water.

"All thanks to the love song he was crying over and over since last night." Senri informed others who nodded entertained. "Even you know that hun. Seriously, he got so frustrated a moment ago, I can't help but laugh." Noah chuckled remembering.

Nagi eyed him teasing, "Says who hun… A certain someone who's already wearing an engagement ring in his right hand." The others suddenly realizing eyed Noah. "Yeah! Now that I remember, you were engaged right Noah! Seriously, I totally forgot that!" Isa recalled surprised. Noah tracing his right ring finger sighed, "Not really…" "Then what is that, my dear?" Haruf asked pointing towards him.

"To think that the youngest one amongst us is already engaged. I can't believe it." Ren said as Senri smiled. "It's not really that surprising… usually arranged marriages are like this in a joint family." Noah told, "To tell you the truth, even I don't clearly remember for how long have I been wearing this ring, already."

"Then what about your fiancée?" Senri asked concerned, "Did you even saw her before?" Noah trying to remember turned around, "Hm… she must be one of my cousins or someone. I just saw her once in my 1st year of middle school or something." "Are you kidding me?! It's already been three years since then. Do you even remember her face?" Nagi questioned stunned.

"Nope, I don't think I do. Who knows? Not that I care on my side as well. I bet she would come back asking to break off the engagement since, it usually happens in an arranged relationship like this." Noah replied sighing. "Auh… poor Noah… here, here, let me give you a hug." Isa hugged consoling him. Kazuna stood up, "How harsh hun…"

"But, what if it all goes good, good then?" Ren asked.

"Then what? I'll get married what else. Not that I have a choice in front of the elders. You'll all witness a grand traditional wedding of your brother here." Noah replied in pure agony. "Haha! If that happens, then I'll be the flower boy! How does that sound?" Ren pointed at ruffling Orion's hairs while Noah twitched his brow. "I was betting to make Kazuna one on the contrary though." Noah said.

Kazuna hearing his words stood puzzled, "Huh?!"

All highschoolers including Haruf laughed at his restlessness. "Haha! Just look at you Kazuna. It was just a flower boy not a groom, Haha…" Nagi teased. "No, I thankfully pass the offer." Kazuna rejected slightly embarrassed. "Huh?! Why? You won't be the only one there as flower boy." Noah said.

"What do you mean not the only one?" Senri asked. "In our weddings the groom usually has four flower boys alongside the girls. So, Kazuna will have Ren, Zach and Nagi accompanying him." "Excuse me? From where did I come in from?" Nagi asked abruptly.

"Moreover, if the wedding goes successful. The four flower boys are blessed to have their marriages next without delay! And, you know I am thinking to add Vice-captain Evan also in between for good luck!" Noah uttered blatant. Hearing them the four boys including Evan sat as if hit by truck gasped while the rest chuckled.

"Haha!!" Isa laughed grabbing his stomach beside Senri and Haruf who wiped their tears in disbelief.

"Even Vice-captain Evan is getting wedding blessings now!! Haha!! My stomach!!" Senri teased as Evan clutched his book tightly, veins popping on his forehead.

"Will you all shut up and forget this pointless topic now!" he asked fuming. "Forget it, I am never attending your traditional wedding ever." Nagi declared slightly annoyed. "Oh don't worry, I'll make Orion the flower boy instead. But, don't get jealous then." Noah teased.

Kazuna sighing on the contrary looked at the dark lounge below questioning, "They are still not coming out hun?" "Who knows…? I bet Rauf will slam their doors open after losing his patience and throw them all out. If they keep persisting on boycotting this much." Ren assumed.

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