Chapter 130: (Part 4)

Cassiel on the other hand with Seraph smacked their foreheads in disbelief while Helios and Xavier stared at Heber speechless.

"You as well hun…" Kenzo asked Heber with veins popping on his forehead as he instantly smacked his head harshly "This is the least foolishness I expected from your side!" he angered in disbelief.

"Ouch!" Heber squealed backing up and rubbing his head. "That hurts, captain!" he cried.

Kenzo cross twitched his brow, "Like I care!"

Xavier walking towards them patted Heber. "Now, now, it's already a part of the past. I don't think there's a need to blame anyone. However, I suggest that we better find a place to spend the night." he advised, "Cassiel is right, in this position none of us can afford to get sick and neither can we get hunted down."

Kenzo hearing him pondered for a while as Helios asked, "How about half of us go and check out somewhere safe to reside there. Whilst, the others stay with the ones who are asleep?" Kenzo hearing him stared at him obviously, remembering what happened before when they were told to check out.

"I am seriously not joking…" Helios smiled back awkwardly.

"Judging our circumstances, if I send sensible ones of you together then this search might turn out be fruitful." Kenzo looked at the boys' altogether. Wondering for a while he spoke up, "Cassiel, Xavier Seraph, and Gabriel…"

"Me! Me!" whispered Heber as Azazel pulled him down shaking his head.

Kenzo glaring threatened, "Sit down!" Hearing his slammed face rejection Heber turned around dejected, "Oh I see…" "Helios and Azazel." he ended, "You all go together."

Azazel hearing his name sprung up, "Me?!"

Kenzo eyeing him repeated, "Yes, you. Or is there someone else with the same name as yours? Don't tell me my knight… is backing up on his words now? Or are you not listening to your king's command?" Azazel blinking his eyes stood up ready, "No way! There's no way I'm not listening!"

Heber who was completely unaware of the following talk stared at Kenzo and Azazel with question marks on his head while Seraph eyeing Poseidon and Cassiel smiled. "The rest of us stays here. And, bring all of them closer." Kenzo said to the others who sat a little away.

Seraph looking at Adam stood up slightly worried. "Don't worry." Poseidon whispered. "'I'll take care of him until you return." he assured. Seraph nodded relived, "Thank you." "Be careful, all of you. And, take the beacon with you." Kenzo cautioned. Cassiel however, coming over to him, handed him the beacon instead, "It's dangerous to take fire beacons into the forest at night. Something might start following us sensing our presence." Heber agreed, "Right."

Azazel nodded at Kenzo, soon grabbing his gear bag alongside Xavier, Helios, Cassiel, Seraph and Gabriel. Suddenly, Ryan blinked his eyes rubbing them. Tracing Xavier who was about to leave, he called out, "Vice-Captain…?"

Hearing his voice the boys along with Xavier halted turning around. "Where are you going?" Ryan asked worriedly, standing up he rushed before Xavier. Xavier sensing his worry patted his arms assuring, "Don't worry, I'll be right back after checking something out with the others. In the meantime stay with Adam and Feng."

Ryan slightly troubled insisted onto leaving with him however, Xavier patted his hairs. "It's alright, I'll be right back. Until then, take care of the others." Ryan exhaling concurred, "Okay, but be careful…" Xavier looked at Kenzo who showed him a thumbs up. Ryan once again sleepy laid down beside Adam and Feng. Xavier along with the others went below the cliff.

"Be careful." Heber cautioned as Poseidon eyed them anxiously. "Don't fret. They'll be fine." Kenzo solaced standing up. As soon as the rest of the boys left, he stood on the same place where Gabriel did. With his queen resting on his shoulder, he looked out for danger.

The six of them, treading lightly walked amid the grassy and perilous path. "Watch out, everyone." Helios warned as Azazel shone his phone's torch over their feet.

"Cassiel, you said that you found a cave nearby here, do you think else than that place, can we find a cave again?" Xavier asked in a whisper. Cassiel nodding replied, "I think we can since, it's a mountainous cliff. However, I'm not quite sure if those caves would be empty or not."

"It would be like digging your own grave just to check those caves out especially at night." Seraph added. Treading carefully, the six of them looked around to finding a place to rest.

"How about the trees?" Azazel suggested looking up at the huge trees. "Trees could be a good choice however, how will so many of us rest on trees moreover, I am more scared of Lion species resting over them." Cassiel responded.

Gabriel looking around pointed towards a spring which caught his sight, "Look, it's a spring." Helios, Seraph, Cassiel and Xavier eyeing it looked at each other thinking hard.

"A spring…?" Seraph pondered.

"Let's check out to see if it's a cold one or not." Xavier said walking towards the path. Crossing the branches, ridges, bushes and twines. The six of them stood before the spring which flowed ceaselessly under the shining moon.

"Wow…" Xavier gasped awed beside Cassiel and Helios. Azazel stepping forward gently touched the water which felt as chilly as snow, "Cold!!"

Swiftly shuddering he stood up shaking his head in rejection. "So it's a cold one…" Seraph said. "But, if a spring rests here, then so will the population of wildlife. And, quite in a large extent too… which means…" Helios pondered as Cassiel continued, "Their might be places like caves and hidings here in numbers."

"Let's look around." Xavier said. "How about we split up?" Helios advised. The five of them agreeing with each other planned, as Gabriel observed far and wide. Suddenly, tracing an opening of rock shelter covered with twines before the opening. As if not used for a long time, it stood giving off a defensive guise. "How about we…" said Seraph as Gabriel interrupted, "Everyone…" The five of them turning around Azazel asked, "What's wrong?"

Gabriel calling the five of them closer with a hand gesture, which they followed one by one. He pointed towards the rock shelter he just traced.

"A cave…?" Helios asked surprised yet alarmed at the same time. "Judging by the condition and the twines covering its entrance, I don't think it's been used at all." whispered Xavier.

"What if it's used for hibernation by an animal? You might not even know." Seraph guessed. "That could be the case." responded Cassiel looking closer. "How about we check it out?" Gabriel asked seriously. Azazel hearing his words gulped, "Huh?!" "But! But! What if we are chased by something again?!" he debated anxious.

"But, in the end we don't even have a choice or do we? The others are depending on us." Helios took Gabriel's side. "But… Azazel's right. It could be very dangerous as well. Just in case we are chased by something, where are we supposed to run then?" Seraph speculated, "We possibly can't put young ones into danger." Azazel nodded.

Xavier thinking hard spoke up, "I think we should still check it out, though." Azazel hearing his words stood up in rejection, "But-!"

"Only two of us." Xavier interrupted seriously.

The rest of them pondered. "Only two?" Helios repeated troubled. "Yes, only two. Xavier's right, two people can cover each other's back easily and won't stir much trouble. One takes care of the outside while the other looks out for the inside. However, trust factor between the two should be a must. In case of unfavorable circumstances, none should be left behind." explained Cassiel.

The six of them looking at each other for a while sighed. "Now... who would be those lucky two?" Seraph asked ironically.

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